Then I'm sure you'll agree that Jeff owes me an apology for saying......knowing full well that he banned me for thirty seven days earlier this year.
By the way. I've taken screen shots of this entire thread, so when it does get deleted, I'll post the entire conversation in my blog.
I don't apologize for that. I was specifically talking about you, you irredeemable, unrelenting, asshole. You've been trouble on this forum since the first day you joined it, and the fact that you don't want this to be about your behavior doesn't make it so.
Your method since day one has been to stalk anyone you don't like from thread to thread, harassing them with line-walking behavior, and you've been warned about it dozens of times, which has had zero result. Your banning this year was because nothing anyone says can stop you from being a troll online. When you disagree with someone, or dislike their presence, you follow them around the forum, walking the fine line of our rules to make their experience here as miserable as possible, and I've let you get away with it because of your long history in our community, and my respect for your contributions
There have been many calls to have you permanently banned from the forum, from moderators and members alike, and it's been me, over and over again, who has stuck up for you. There are MANY people who can attest to that fact, I am literally the only reason you haven't already been banned for your behavior here.
And the really despicable thing is that I know for a fact that you know that, and you still stab me in the back, insult me to my face, and go out of your way to make things here as difficult as possible at every turn.
THAT is why this thread has provoked me. Because I know that the real reason you started it isn't that you care about that picture. It's because you love to find opportunities like this, to bust balls and make things as difficult as possible. You love to find seeming contradictions like this and make huge deals out of them.
On any other forum on the Internet you'd have been banned a long time ago, and the proof of what a miraculous exception to that sort of thing the TMF is that despite the fact that I feel this way, you're still here running your fucking mouth, deliberately trying to ruin things, and I'm letting you get away with it.