I've been trying to keep a very low profile on here for quite a while, but I want to chime in here.
Through my years at TMF, there have been times when I have gotten into some heated debates with people on the board, and been taken to task about certain things, particularly in regard to my stories. On a few occasions, I have complained, and, while on some occasions, the judgement was that the comment posted on the story actually was a flame, and was removed, there also have been some other occasions when I questioned something, was told a comment was not a flame, and had to say "Okay, whatever mod or admin told me this". and move on. Not too many months ago, I received a rather rude PM from someone asking me how long I was going to keep writing. This ticked me off to no end. I forwarded it on to a mod, questioned whether it was a flame, was informed that what goes on in pm is not always subject to the same guidelines as other places in the forum. I didnt like it, but had to accept it. I said "Okay", put the original person who sent me the rude pm on ignore, and moved on.
I view mod judgement calls as the same thing as an umpire or referree making a call in a baseball or basketball game. Sometimes, in those sports, it is clear whether a pitched ball is a ball or strike, or whether a foul committed is definitely a foul. Other times, it isnt as clear, and a judgement has to be made. I see the same correlation here.
More than likely, had this happened to me, I would have pmed or emailed Jeff, or whoever the mod was who made the judgement, asked him, or her, politely, why they judged it the way they did, and once I received their answer, like it or not, I would have said: "Okay, Jeff, or whichever mod made the decision, thats your call", and moved on. To me, being here is the thing, and I have refused throughout the years to allow any one person, or judgement by the mods, to make me angry enough to cross the line, and get banned. It isnt worth it. The ignore button is the way to deal with rude people, and a polite discussion, and acceptance, is the wisest way to deal with a call that a mod or admin makes that we dont like. What's the purpose in continuing it? More than likely, the call isnt going to be changed, and it's going to serve to make me upset, and the mod upset.
To me, the thread itself, and the length and discussion in this thread, is far, far, worse than the original thing. Jeff made a judgement call about allowing one post to stand. What's the big deal? Mimi said a long time ago: This is Jeff's forum, privately moderated, and run by him, he has the right to judge what posts are allowed, and what posts aren't.
So, that's it. I've said my piece, and will now go back into the more feasible lurk mode that I've been trying to stay in for a long time. I've come to learn that doing that, is far more feasible than involving myself in discussions such as this one.