I'm amazed... You two demonstrated considerable rhino knowledge, and that makes me happy on the inside.
Don't get it twisted, though: You're both still pretty much toast.
Anyways, I figured it would only be polite to go through and satisfy everyone's rhinoceros curiosity, and so...
Has the Rhino ever had an imaginary friend?
No, no he has not... Manny is NOT imaginary. And he only eats corn because, as an urban rhino, my frequent bathing keeps me free of parasites.
What does the Rhino eat? 😀
Skippy totally nailed this one: Lean Cuisines, yogurt, and Diet Pepsi. I prefer Greek yogurt nowadays, though, and I also put down an awful lot of low-fat cottage cheese.
Does the Rhino consort with female rhinos? 😀
Skippy got this one right too. I wonder why?
Does the Rhino like to watch baseball games? 😀
Since the sisterhood of evil rudely skipped this one, I shall answer: Not really. Rhinos like to watch football and sometimes boxing. I used to love playing baseball, but watching it isn't really my thing.
Does the Rhino charge and destroy poets because if he does I need to run for my very life???????????
No he does not... But he may challenge you to a rap battle. And he's better at it than you might think.
Dear Mr. Rhino,
I am very sad to see that you are once again being picked on by those mean girls. Ergo my question: How do you think Skippy and B. Lily intend to survive their next encounter with you, given the heinous nature of this latest transgression?
A Concerned Citizen
Thank YOU, my kind conservationist friend. Please rest assured that, as an endangered species, I take any act of poaching very seriously. Since the women in question have attempted to poach my very dignity, their comeuppance shall be severe in scope and long in duration.
I have a question, Exactly how massively huge is the pwnage of these two purple traders going to be?
Roughly 5AU^3. Possibly a bit huge-er than that, we'll see how mad I am at the time.
Can we still ask questions about the Rhino?
Yes, and don't worry about pissing me off or anything... My speed-dating wife and wife-in-law are picking up the tab in full.
Who does the Rhino think is more crazy out of the two of you?? 😀
Honestly, it just depends on the day. Or the time of day. They build on one another's craziness through long, extended sessions of hyperventilation punctuated by brief, staccato exclamations of "Wife! WIFE! OMIGOD!! WIFE!!!" The crazy pool has no bottom, and as they race ever deeper into its depths it becomes too murky to determine who's winning.
If I run like super fast, could the Rhino catch me?
Probably, yes. I'm surprisingly quick on my feet for a two-ton herbivore.
Regular or double stuffed?
Do they even still MAKE the regular ones? Who buys that crap? Rhinos turn up their noses at insufficiently iced cookies.
What's the Rhino's favourite cartoon??
Skippy got this one.