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Asking permission... (all artists please read)


3rd Level Violet Feather
Oct 6, 2002
i've been trying to post pics for newer people to see, but i've hit a snag.

i've recently offended Vladislav Dracula, by not asking permission to post his pics.

so i'm asking all artists permission to post thier pics for the newer members. i just wanted to give my 2 cents to the forum and not just suck from everyone who posted like a leech, so i decided to post pics, i didn't want it to get this complicated.

anyways, also might need you to tell me what your signature looks like, since most of the pics i have, it's too small and unclear to read, that's how i accidently made dracula angry, i couldn't read his sig, thus i couldn't ask his permission since i know he asks of it.

sorry for the incovienience.
Technically speaking, if you couldn't recognize an artist's drawing, then fault is not yours: if you didn't know who made the pic, you couldn't ask permission to post it either. 😉

You either had to question EVERY artist who posts pics here - or on the web. Or you could post the pic and wait for reactions.

Usually an artist gets angry not just because you posted a pic without permission, but because you couldn't recognize the personal style. 😉
I know I'd react this way. About others, I don't care: I don't usually post art from other persons, unless I know the artist OR someone posted other pics first. 🙂

As a rule of the thumb you could assume most people who have a personal gallery here don't need you to repost their works: link the original gallery without double posting their pics. 🙂

If they have none - such as Tukano - you could either *bump* an older thread up, or ask by PM if they agree to have pics from other sources posted here.

Right now, I can't think of other artists who routinely post art here - I haven't checked yet, but you should probably ask on TMF too. Some artists are more active there than here.

Finally, since I don't post art anymore, well, of course you can post NONE from me.
It's mine, my preciousss...

[Joking. 😉 ]

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No inconvenience, this is actually quite good. It will prevent some future conflicts if we are all lucky. Oh, and what he ^ said.
leonard crabs junior the attorney at law here at your service

i'm here on account of my dad

since you did violate the treaty of the zimmerman note with posting of another's artwork using illegal immigrant means to espionage the funds of embezzlement i highly encourage perusing the website of copyright.gov ! and you will see that fan arts are not fair use and are not constituted as parody when you consult the freudian glossary of jungian terminology where the anima = x^2+10 divided by zero into 8 radians per circle subtracted from the circumscribed fees that is owed to the lawyer for consultation time and that is how much is tax deductable to the power of attorney

not to say that the fan arts are hereby granted public domain due to that concept BUT even if you did have permission from the author you too are violating the licensee's rights whether or not you are benefitting through financial means and a parody was never arguable in fan art medium and you should read up on copyright myths before you enter the dragon at all costs

i must warn that nintendo hereby orders a hereby cease and desist order, hereby granting you no privileges legally to post relevant information pertaining to the declaration of independence, the proclamation declaration, and any award winning books by michael crichton that use the word declaration in them

but if outlaws carry guns, only outlaw star can show you how they work if guns are shot at outlaws
I'm glad you are being responsible Big Norm, and I hope other contributors will follow in your footsteps.

You seem to be mistaken about my signatures. When I said that I'm not sure if you misunderstood me as meaning my signature in my posts or my initials in my pictures. I'm guessing you mean the pictures, whereas I meant the signatures.

In the case of signatures (initials), we shouldn't have to change them just to make your assumed job easier. First off, you should be paying attention to where you are getting the art from. I can understand how being a member of so many groups can lead to miscaluations and the mixing up of art, but now theres no excuse as you don't have to download it all, or at all. And before you start posting more work, I heavily suggest you ask the artist before you go ahead and do it.

That brings us to this thread-

First, Kalamos seems to be suggesting I'm angry that you don't know who I am or could not recognize my style. Thats not true. While it is curious, especially with Slaanesh's work and you still can't identify it or see the resemblance his pieces have with eachother, and after having posted it several times now. This showed me that you weren't making any kind of effort to know the artist or where the art is from. And its this that irritated me a bit, but not too much.

In this case, you shouldn't be looking for his initials, because like most artists' it may not be easy to intreprete, and sometimes can look like a scribble. Again, its more important to keep track of where you are getting the material in the first place. Thats the first base to cover. Because once you have that down, you're more likely to remember whose art is whose and where it is from.

As for the giving of credit, I don't think you'll find anyone in the community, including myself, who wouldn't let you do this if you did go to them and ask permission. The problem with this thread is you are assuming or expecting them to be here and for them to come to you. Its a fact that about a quarter of them don't even post on this site, so theres no way they could give you an answer. Personally, if you want to make a good impression, I'd suggest e-mailing them personally. Trust me, it looks better and they're more likely to allow it if you tell them why you want the work and what you intend to do with it.

On a personal note, I'm trying to understand something, something I pointed out earlier but didn't go into detail about-

Why do you feel the need to distribute our work for us? Its not a crime, but it is like stepping on our toes and doing our tasks for us. Why do people do this? Why do people assume to do this?

Some of the tickling video companies don't allow their material to be uploaded here for example, and that wish is respected by the administration here, and yet this fluke seems like water under the bridge ever time, its never solved and no resolution is ever made. I hope this thread is the spearhead which will invoke some kind of future action not only on our parts but on the administration's part as well when the agreement (which already exists) is breached.

Our work is no less valuable than the video company's, so it should be treated in the same way and with the same respect. If your want their videos, you pay for them. If you want our art, you give us credit and linkage, or money, for those that are charging. Just because we haven't entered a legal contract with ourselves and the community doesn't mean a verbal agreement on our part does not exist or is not enough, it does, and its constantly being ignored by several people who do this.

Again, and this question doesn't just go to you, but everyone that feels they have a right to distribute our work-

Why do you feel the need to do it? We are perfectly capable of doing it ourselves and people doing it for us can complicate things in ways you may not initially think. It can end up on the wrong sites, with no name, no credit, it can be mixed in with unrelated crap, etc, and the more its passed around, the more it is cheapened.

We already have our work out, on our groups, on our sites, and other sites like these. Our work is not only out there, but its practically everywhere. What we have done is often enough. And in the case of new members, which you bring up, thats what actually LOOKING at these sites is for. If they genuinely seek this type of art, then they will find it. Seek, and ye shall find. If you are intending your threads with our work in them to be some sort of 'street light' guiding them in the right direction, it doesn't accomplish that.

Look, you aren't the first and you aren't the last person whose going to want to share their collection with the communities. But lets get one thing straight first, and I don't mean this in a bad way- its not YOUR collection to begin with because you didn't pay 'royalties' (which are credit, linkage, etc.). You don't own the material, and so have no say in what to do with it. No one does but us. Thats why its best for people to just look at the art and not download it, though realistically no one would do that, and if they are, its very rare. A good thing, but very rare.

The only 'right off the bat' exceptions I would make to re-distribution are these things:

1.) The artist is literally unknown.

2.) The artist has left no means of contacting them.

3.) The artist has no site to go to for info.

4.) The artist has never put forth any rules concerning their art. (Though efforts should be made to learn how they feel rather than assuming.)

5.) The artist does not speak sufficient ammounts of needed language (though efforts can still be made and should be made to ask by a translator on behalf of the community.)

6.) They are inactive for long periods of time.

7.) They have completely left the community.

Epspecially in the case of #s 4 and 7, the art is then free pickings, since they left without caring or saying what is to be done with their art or what is allowed. But if you do know who the artist is, the honorable thing to do would be to give credit as best you can, if possible, whether they are here or are long gone.

In a way, its all part of the legecy and impression we have in this community. And when we leave someday, it would be good to be remembered. If our art is just being passed around with no regard to anyone, theres no rememberance in that. And while we're still here, we have full say in what is to be done with it.

This is not yours or anyone else's contribution to give. This is uniquely for us, its what we're doing for the community. So hijacking our work and doing it for us utlimately doesn't help us. All it does it give you credit for something you didn't do, a contribution that was never yours to give.

If you want to contribute so badly, perhaps you might learn to draw, or write, or find unclaimed material to pass around. You'd probably get more satisfaction out of that, as it is uniquely your gift, not our sloppy seconds.
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Yeah whatever.

I am suggesting *I* would be angry if somebody posted my pics without recognizing MY style.

About you I care not. Barking at the wrong tree, man. 😉
Also, Kalamos, I'm not sure if you're trying to make the point that its my own fault for changing my name and thats why people can't identify my art. Well, IF, and I say if because I could be wrong, but if thats what you meant to imply, I want to state to everyone that my initials on my art have never changed and never will. The design may someday, but it will always be "DJ" my real life initials. Cool for me, that those are my initials.

Anyways, screen names aside, if this is part of what you were getting at as an identifier, I'm just saying it doesn't matter, as my initials and the intials of others on the pictures, rarely change, and mine never have.

I'd also encourage more artists to start putting their web address on the pictures somewhere. But I don't know that that would do any good.

Because with the second to last update, the one with all Slaanesh's work, someone asked for his web address, and the address was right on one of the pictures, in plain view. So they obviously were not paying attention, so that makes me wary in thinking if putting it on the pictures even helps sometimes. It can be an unnecessary distraction, and if no one is going to pay enough attention, then it will still be frustrating.


Kalamos, that last post had little to do with you so why do you keep bringing that point up? It was well taken and understood the first time. I'm not barking up anything.

EDIT: Also, I'm refering to the part in the other thread, not this one. Of course you didn't say anything here in this one.
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Mmm... feeling like being a troll, DJ? 😉

Primo: Please avoid putting "Kalamos" and "suggested, said, implied" - and synonyms - in the same sentence. I do not like it. 😉
If I want to say something ad personam, I say it square and fair.

Secondo: I don't care why you changed your screen-name; your business. If you think it was dentrimental to you, get back to your older nickname.
Or work to make your new name more popular.

Terzo: think - alone, to yourself - why Big Norm couldn't recognize your art among Sl44n3sh's pics. Maybe you should make your style more unique. People forget names, but remember style.

Quarto: meow.

Ti saluto.
Troll? Sorry, I'm not understanding what you mean.

Theres no problems with my name, I'm fine.

Again, its not about not being able to recognize me, but attempting to give credit, which is something every contributor has the chance to do. My style is fine, arguably more effect that some, so thats not the problem either, friend.

Yes, meow.

EDIT: Oh, wait, I know what troll means, I think. Isn't it a term used to discribe someone who is leeching off of a topic or something? Or someone who is a spammer? If thats what you meant, I don't see how I've done that as I'm merely providing actual substance to the topic, as some people, anyone that reads this in fact, won't completely understand why this is the way it is, but you can think whatever you want. Its a free country here and there where you live, I gather. 😀

If you literally meant I should become a troll, nah, no thanks. Trolls are stupid, big, ugly creatures. I'd be better as an elf. I'm elegant, smart, and refined. ^__^

I'm also handsome, have long hair, and am thin. So no trolls, no, no. LOL

EDIT: If you mention trolls because I mentioned water under the bridge, then thats a good one. Joke I mean. ^^
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Left alone you could speak for hours, days if given a mirror. 😉
Well... 30 mins, I hope this is your final version.

The weak point in your "argument" is credit. Either you ask money for your pictures, or if you post them for free, some are bound to pop up unexpectedly.

You have no means to enforce credit: you can only make up a readily recognizable signature or logo, or watermark every picture you post - and hope none will crop or edit them out.

You rely on respect and trust when posting a picture on a free medium, like this open forum: you can ask people to respect your name and work, and maybe inform you when they are about to post a picture of yours.

Otherwise, there's no way to stop them. I think it is ultimately detrimental to stress that point: if people have to think about contacting you when they are posting pics, then they might think twice and stop altogether.

When people post a pic of yours here it is clear they are not challenging your "copyright" to the picture: they are just showing their appreciation.
And besides - I don't know if you care 😉 - it is free exposure.

Now, I made my opinion clear: I think the whole "credit" thing doesn't work; try hard to make your pictures and style so widely known that credit is useless. Be known by your art, not by your name.

Asking for "credit" just means you need it.
My *free* advice.


And, if everything else fails, start charging a fee for your pictures, so you know when and where people got them. 😉
Here is an excerpt regarding the legal protection of fanart from the Lion King fan art archive...

Fan-art of copyrighted characters has no legal protection. If you draw Simba or Nala or Kovu, you are creating a derivative work-- something that U.S. law explicitly defines as being owned by the creator of the original work. Without Disney's permission, all fan-art and fan-fiction using their characters is in fact illegal. Now, don't panic-- most entertainment companies (like Disney, Paramount, Dreamworks, etc.) tend to overlook these kinds of copyright violations. (That's how lionking.org has continued to exist all these years.) They realize that fan creativity is worth more to them in having good relations with their fans than they would gain by aggressively pursuing each and every violation, because usually nobody makes any money off fan-based creations. But that doesn't mean that it's not illegal. The Lion King fan-art and fan-fiction community exists solely because Disney allows it to.

Read item #6 at the "10 Big Myths" site listed below; it specifically addresses this point.

Now, fan-art that doesn't contain copyrighted Lion King characters-- well, that's fully protected under copyright law. Even when placed vaguely within the Lion King universe, it's still original work. But when you start using names and terms from Disney's work, yours becomes a derivative work and loses its protection.

So if someone steals your picture of Simba or Nala, you're pretty much out of luck-- because it wasn't really legal in the first place.

Technically, under the law, you still retain the sole copyright over your work, but because it's a derivative work, even the copyright holder can't copy it. So neither you nor Disney has the right to copy or redistribute it. Similarly, if someone copies your picture of Simba or Nala, you have the legal power to stop them from posting or redistributing it-- but you don't own that picture either. Derivative works are non-distributable under the law by either the original copyright holder or the creator of the derivative work, unless permission is given.

Don't let this scare you off from drawing Lion King characters! As long as the characters aren't portrayed in any way that Disney would object to (e.g. pornographic, overly violent, defamatory to Disney, etc.), they don't pursue these kinds of copyright violations. True Lion King fan-art is the core of this Archive, so please keep doing it!

The site itself has some great information on protecting your copyright along with links to various articles and web resources on the subject..


This is another great source of information..
-> DJ

Quinto: parodies fall under the "fan-art" law, so tickling fan-pics are - strictly speaking - illegal too.

Evenmoreso, since tickling art is sometimes considered "objectionable material".

-> MTJ

Thanks for posting: I had completely forgotten about those laws. 🙂

As you posted, a sometimes viable work-around is to leave copyrighted names out: this way, when doing fan-art on commission, an artist can charge a fee without challenging the original copyright.

Of course they have no way to stop private agreements, but they could track down and sue artists who sold derivative art online.

Back to topic: this doesn't stop artists from requiring people to ask permission prior to posting fan-art, but they must be aware rightful copyright holders might ask them to stop drawing that art, too.

And this applies to anime, manga, toon, videogames characters and [probably] real actors/actresses.

[That's why I stopped drawing fan-art... 😉 ]
I'm not arguing with anything you just said, so why is this an issue? Point for point, you basically agree with me with you realize it or not, you're just relating this opinion in a different point of view. We're on the same page.

When I mentioned monotary compensation, it was only for those that do that. Recognition and praise is it's own reward. Any artist that denies a part of them wants the attention lavished upon them is a liar. Yes, we do it for ourselves first, and anyone else second, but a part of the satisfaction for any artist is in knowing their art is accepted and that they themselves are as well.

I know people cannot be controlled, and I'm not looking to make some sort of a dicatorship which will work toward making sure it doesn't happen. We're all aware that its a given that its going to happen no matter what. But as I mentioned, this particular fanbase is small, for us all. So its easier for the word to get around and intentions to be known.

This is much more passive and less defensive than it seems. The only reason its really a problem is because of what CAN happen and does when re-distribution gets out of hand.

The only thing I'm trying to do is help people become more responsible when they handle our work. You say I shouldn't care because its free exsposure, well its not free and we get no recognition. He gets a thank you, we get nothing.

Thats why its better for the artist to just deliver their own work, and we do. It should stay that way. Contributing our art is our right alone. Its not as if we're dead or are not around, and can no longer do it ourselves. Most of these updates we see everywhere aren't tributes. They are nameless updates with the only person getting credit for them being the person who collected the pictures.

Indeed, its about the art, but the art cannot be what it is without the artist. The artist therefore supercedes what he or she creates, as without him or her, its not possible.

I don't mind free exposure, but this is not the right kind of exposure. As for not being able to enforce credit, I'm doing it now, and anytime it happens when credit is not given. On a universal level, I'm only one person, but fortunately this community is small enough for me to notice when things happen and they shouldn't.

This isn't about stopping them Kalamos. Its about making sure they are doing it the right way- with our consent, our knowledge, and our approval. If you don't have it, which none of these people do, then you shouldn't do it until you do have that blessing.

Again, this would not be an issue if people didn't take it upon themselves to take our work and share it. Thats our job, if we choose to do so which all of us do. We don't need them doing it for us. Not unless you take the 7 reasons I gave. Those are obvious exceptions.

And no, I'm not so vain I'd need a mirror. And I cannot talk to myself, so I don't know where thats coming from. Just because I don't talk like you doesn't mean anything. Your way isn't any better than mine, not that you're saying it is. At least I can say I'm being thorough. And theres hardly any chance of someone not understanding what I'm saying. I'm being as direct as possible. So someone not being able to understand what I'm saying is very unlikely unless they have short attention spans or don't understand english. That is of course, unless they are intentionally acting stupid or ignorant.

Don't let my self-confidence paint a wrong picture for you.

People like to dodge the issues as best they can, and I'm sure people think this thread will just die down and we'll never here of this again. You will, again and again if need be until I can count on the member's support in distributing the right way. This isn't some fantasy that cannot happen. Its just a matter of more people practicing good habits.

Honesty, courtesy, and respect are not lost in this community. I see people all the time showing support. But when it comes to this one aspect, the community falls short. There aren't any exceptions here for underage material or video producer material thats not supposed to be here, and that is quickly acted upon. So why not this? Its just as important, just as valuable, and just as much of a keepsake as any other sense of value and rightiousness we may have here.

I therefore propose a system, which I wil talk to TT and perhaps even Myriads about. I'm almost sure my proposal will be both fair and well-rounded. Its merely a matter of making it an official rule.

And since you basically agree with me, I would hope you'd give support to this rule. And before you say "but that will discourage people from ever posting stuff", thats not true. They can still do it, and if they want to do it its just going to take a little more effort on their part. If they really care about the art at all, or how we feel, as Big Norm seems to, then they won't mind having to go the extra mile of asking before the upload.

Since we cannot immediately know which artists are ok with it and which are not, thats why it has to be a case by case basis. No two artists feel exactly the same, or all the time. This is all designed to help the artist get what they deserve. So any opponents of such a rule obviously don't care what the artist thinks. Who is who and who the fans are will be decided as this process continues.

People that want to just post random stuff to get some thanks or attention for it will clearly be seen in a different light than genuine fans who give us credit and all that entails.

The posture of re-distribution needs to change. I know its hard to accept at first, but once you get used to it, its not bad at all. Its really just a matter of asking the artist, which isn't hard. And provided its ok, which I'm almost sure it would be, its just a matter of giving credit in the posts, providing linkage, keeping the pictures with their original names, if possible, and everything that can be done to ensure the artists are getting their fair share of this distribution.
Note to all:

I'm not calling into question copyright issues. I'm well aware of what they are and what the limitations are stipulations are.

I'm not refering to copyrights at all, or infringement upon them. Thats not whats happening here.

Whats happening here is posting without credit. Theres nothing wrong with the posting, but credit is only proper. Is that so hard to understand? In the cases where people do not know the artist or where the art is from, they shouldn't post it until they know more about it or come across similar pictures which will lead them to the artist. This is very likely since anime tickling pictures specfically are the smallest branch of tickling art we have in this tickling and fetish community, though it is growing and will eventually overrun traditional western-style art.

Part of the exchange that would be made between an artist and his community would be the art for the recognition. These updates almost always are never about recognition. They don't sponser the artist, they don't help the artist, and they do is pass the same work around and basically commandeer the artist's role in this whole circle.

What the artist does on his or her site is his or her business. This right goes into any place they feature their art. When cases like this pop up which they always will, efforts should be made to ensure that even when the artist is not aware of it, they are being given the credit.

If people really love us and our work, they ought to be paying more attention. I'm not saying this just for myself, because personally its not a problem alot of people know who I am. But it sure is a disservice to the obscured artist or beginner.

This is a sensitive issue that needs to be resolved with compassion and understanding, not breaching and contempt and annoyance for whats only fair.
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I won't mince words: I don't agree with you. 🙂

I'll be fair, though: I too recognize that re-posters sometimes get more credit than the original artist.

My point is: I don't think your way of "regulating" distribution is effective.
If you fear people won't know your name as an artist, place it in BOLD letters, watermark the picture if need be. But you are only slowing down an otherwise smooth sharing. My opinion, of course. 😉

Besides, you can't keep track of what people do to your pictures once you post them online. Maybe they share them, maybe they colour them [it has just happened]. Maybe they EDIT them and take undue credit [just happened to Mandell's art with that Esmerald pic].

So, maybe you feel right, but your effort is - my opinion again - ultimately futile.
Future might prove me wrong.

But for now, wrong you are: your fan art, by the rules MTJ just posted, is technically speaking, illegal.
So you can enforce credit only as far as nobody will notify rightful copyright holders you did it.

And that is not just my opinion: it is the way copyright works.

Hope you haven't edited your original post; I replied to its first version and I'll add "supplements" should need arise. 😉
Captain's log, supplement...


My previous post replied to your 02:40 hours message.

Ok, it is not a copyright issue. It is not anymore. Maybe it never has been. Never was.

So, it is a matter of... respect? I still can't agree on that.

People *do* share copyrighted material from artists and companies they *love* [I doubt people download mp3s from, say, Madonna's hits just out of spite] - even if it is considered a *crime*.

And you want to regulate sharing for something you *freely* posted online to begin with?
Feeling like stopping a hole in a dam with your fingers?

[And please, DO split your replies into several posts! The server cannot simply cope with messages that long...]
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I agree with those things that one could do to further protect the art. But again, I'm not refering to it as if its being stolen, editted, or manipulated. These are given things that are bad and should not be done to anyone.

Again, I'm not claiming copyrights on fanart. I know I cannot do that, so I'm not wrong. You are just misunderstand what I mean by "credit".

Credit simply is acknowledging the person who drew the pictures. Its not slapping on legal stuff because theres no grounds for it.

I'm not wrong and neither are you. Theres nothing futile in creating a system which will have contributions go through the motions of accreditting the pictures to someone. If its my work, they will address it as my work, if its yours, then it will be address as yours.

You two are taking this out of context. I'm not talking about legalities or loopholes. I'm talking about the decency of accrediting the production of any material to someone.

If its my picture, someone should say so, and this someone should be the original poster. If they don't know its mine, someone is likely to know. So it will take care of itself. The reason I bring this up, is because Big Norm had planned to continue doing this in this way, and it wasn't until he created this thread that things changed.

Things are going to improve, and you will be proven wrong, as you mention. I don't mean to say that to spite you or anything, because I like you Kalamos. But I'm confident that sooner or later the right things are going to happen, and its just a matter of more people engaging the concept of whats proper and how things should be handled.

This community is small enough to see such changes immediately, though it may not happen that way. 🙂
Your edit is acknowledged. I guess I'm posting faster than you can keep up, huh old man? 😛
I see what you mean, and it was clear with me the meaning of "credit" to begin with.
But I don't think the way you are asking people to credit you is good.

Plain and simple.

First, I suspect Big Norm hadn't liked the way you asked him to quote your name.
Can't be sure: I can only judge from his reactions.

Second, a good share of material is shared on this forum *without* prior consent from the original producer.

What about the Saudelli pics? What about the BAC comics? And Mandell?
It has been posted before, and some of that stuff wasn't really meant to be shared *freely*.

Mind you: I am not stating your idea is wrong - but I don't think it is effective, especially the way you've applied it so far.

Again: if this is all about an artist's name, place a BOLDER signature. That way, even if somebody reposted your art without your consent, people will know who did it, and praise you accordingly.

Scolding a fan in the public is a good way to lose him.
My opinion.

Now ask Big Norm how he felt about it.
Also, this simple rule would only have to be enforced until more people started doing it. If enough people got into the idea, there would be no more need for it to be official and we will have instilled a good distribution habit.

And really Kalamos, thats all I want. I want this to be done with dignity, for all the artist's sakes. We deserve at least that.


In the cases of BAC and such, let me suggest there are two levels of artists:

Legends and icons.

You, and I, and the others are icons. We are the standard bearers. We carry along this aspect of the community. The responsibility has fallen on us, because we have the gift- the gift of being able to draw, the gift of art.

BAC and co. are legends. They are untouchable, and no matter what happens, people will know who they are. Its all part of the mark they've left. They will be forever remembered.

Still though, theres a chance some people don't know them, and in those instances it would be appropriate for someone to say who they are, so they aren't forgotten at any point and time.
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Distribution habits?

Nah. That's not the way I *produce* my pics.

I draw on a whim. I do not distribute art. I am no wholesale market.

Inspiration strikes, I commit my idea to paper [or to screen], and I sometimes colour or modify it over a length of time [even months] until I'm reasonably satisfied.

Since it is illogical to double-post art from resident artists, there is little risk of people posting or linking it *on purpose*.

Most issues would then rise from dubious art that fans cannot correctly place.
And if they cannot recognize an artist by his/her/its pics, then you can only blame the artist.
Fans are not expected to be THAT fond. 😉

So, my answer to the original question is: sure, if you like my pics, just bump the original thread - less hd space wasted in double posting, more exposure to me with less hassles for everybody.
As for Big Norm, I'll apologize if need be. I did get a little snappy, but you must understand this is an issue I have dealt with time and time again, personally speaking. So many things have happened to me, and I've had to deal with some very rude people and devote precious time just to make sure that justice was done. I'm talking about extreme circumstances in which I was the victim. And its really just taken its toll on me. So much so that I don't want it to happen to other people, ever. Though I'm just one person and I can't do it all. Thats why I want other people to help. We can elimate this spawned menace if we help eachother and protect eachother, as artists and fans.

However, theres no excuse for that kind of behavior now. I'm a strong willed person whose direct. You know that. Its almost always mistaken for arrogance, but its just my way and I don't mean harm. I use "big words", and I seem pretty mature for some people, perhaps too mature, to the point of being an old prune. I'm only 22! LOL

I won't apologize for my character though, just like I wouldn't expect you to apologize for being sarcastic and such. Its you, its part of your trademark, its what makes you you.

You all just need to understand that I feel as strongly as I do about this for many reasons all justified, one of which is what I've been through at the hands of people who just don't give a damn. I sure get my dues at the end though, oh hell yeah.


Again, I feel the same way, so theres no issue here. I draw for the same reasons you do. The only thing seperating us is our choice of words. If I was really that tormented about it, I wouldn't draw at all. 😛
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Icons or legends, copyright and respect work the same way.
BAC & Co. deserve at least the same respect you requested.

They don't know their art is being shared, or they turn a blind eye just because they get free exposure for their commercial art.

Making too big a fuss about uncontrolled sharing risks harbouring unforeseen consequences: either fans become disaffected to the artist, or they start sharing the art out of spite.

Let's not forget this argument all started from *this* thread:
-> http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?t=12275

And can't help but notice Big Norm made the mistake of posting your art as part of a larger batch.

And he's explained his mistake by saying he had no way to tell you pics from the others.
Your signature is evident only to those familiar with your art.

Why don't you ask WHERE he found that pic?
It looks manipulated to me. You don't post pics THAT grainy as far as I know.
I'm not saying they don't. I'm all for BAC and other greats getting due credit. I wouldn't have mentioned them or said that if I felt it wasn't necessary or right to say.

I'm well aware of what fans could do in rebellion, and I've seen it before with other artists. The key then is to approach them in earnest and just explain the situation rather than force it on them. Thats all this discussion has been. I explained myself and the distribution topic so it would be more fleshed out and understandable.

As for my pictures with a batch, enough of that. I'm not concerned with whether it would have been a stand alone picture or one of many, credit is credit, credit was possible to attain, and it was not.

As far as where he found it, it doesn't matter. And yes, they are all grainy. And if foul-play is involved this further supplements what I'm talking about as the "darker side" of distribution, wherein people distribution a picture so much it ends up in the wrong hands, the hands of malicious people.

In this case though, all of the pictures he's added are like that. I'm inclined to believe that he's enlarging them and its causing pixilization. It is suspicious though, and wouldn't that be more of a reason to be wary of this? Yes, it would.

Finally, I don't call these things arguments. I see it as a conversation. It only ever becomes an argument for me when there are jabs and low-blows. People here are calm, and where there is disagreement, its peaceful. We are not in eachother faces. So that, for me, changes the dynamic of this topic.
Vladislav Dracula said:
I'm not saying they don't. I'm all for BAC and other greats getting due credit. I wouldn't have mentioned them or said that if I felt it wasn't necessary or right to say.

I'm well aware of what fans could do in rebellion, and I've seen it before with other artists. The key then is to approach them in earnest and just explain the situation rather than force it on them. Thats all this discussion has been. I explained myself and the distribution topic so it would be more fleshed out and understandable.

As for my pictures with a batch, enough of that. I'm not concerned with whether it would have been a stand alone picture or one of many, credit is credit, credit was possible to attain, and it was not.

As far as where he found it, it doesn't matter. And yes, they are all grainy. And if foul-play is involved this further supplements what I'm talking about as the "darker side" of distribution, wherein people distribution a picture so much it ends up in the wrong hands, the hands of malicious people.

In this case though, all of the pictures he's added are like that. I'm inclined to believe that he's enlarging them and its causing pixilization. It is suspicious though, and wouldn't that be more of a reason to be wary of this? Yes, it would.

Finally, I don't call these things arguments. I see it as a conversation. It only ever becomes an argument for me when there are jabs and low-blows. People here are calm, and where there is disagreement, its peaceful. We are not in eachother faces. So that, for me, changes the dynamic of this topic.

Our different background is quite evident here: you speak of "rebellion", of "distribution", of "malicious" people.

I don't.

I see people saving and sharing pics with whatever means they have: maybe somebody ENLARGED that pic just to get a better view to it.

If they had known you probably posted a larger version on your Yahoo group [have you?] they wouldn't have lost time juggling with programs, printers, scanners, whatever.

If they actually were MALICIOUS, they would have edited your signature out - since a pre-requisite to being malicious is knowing the person you want to hurt.

Then, they'd have modified the pic somehow: by colouring it, cropping it, pasting a different head or something.
*THAT* would be malicious...

If you were really generous, you'd be sending Big Norm a larger version NOW, with your personal autograph, just to show you cared for him as a fan, and you appreciated him for posting you pic *first* in the batch.

*THAT* would be style.
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