I wanted to post this in the main forum to discuss something that's happening in my life. Its about myself, but also is a general topic.
Am I correct to feel that its socially graceful to behave humbly if things are going well, and not to rub things in others faces, and also, not to expect sympathy, if you arent sympathetic?
Let me explain: My friend Barney has been unemployed for a long time. (I am NOT making fun of him, just stating a fact) This week, he supposedly found employment, and told me he has a new girlfriend.
His history is that he will cry to me about his tales of woe if things are not going his way, and will act smug, arrogant, and like hes better than everyone else, if he suddenly gets a job or gf. I'm one who hates when people do this, because, it's my motto never to act arrogant, no matter how well things go.
While I dont like to count my chickens until they hatch, I'm now in the process of finalizing plans for my business, a process that has been delayed by my attorney's busy schedule, the death of my dad's father in law, and now a vacation my dad is planning.
Today I found out I'm going to be getting a job/consulting position. The details have to be finalized.
I feel happy and very thankful for the developments, and plan to make the most and best of the opportunity I'm going to have. When I thanked my dad for his assistance, his response was "By the end of this year, your life is going to be markedly better".
The only "Touche" in this whole situation, if it works out, will be to my uncle, and my cousins, who, as I've posted before, have geninuely behaved in a cruel manner, and wished me to be on disability, destitute, and homeless. It will be nice to have success, both for myself, and to spite them.
I have never been anything but supportive to my friend Barney. It angers me that suddenly he thinks hes better than me, simply because he got a job and gf at a time when I dont have a significant other.
Even if I make a million dollars with my business, I will still be the same Mitch. I'm not better than anyone, even if I would happen to have more money. I would never act arrogant if I was well off, and someone did love me. My thought would be "I'm very lucky to have this, and I need to make sure I behave in a manner where I keep it".
Do people understand what I'm saying? Am I justified in being angry because my friend, who himself has a very checkered job and romance history, and has been fired from many jobs, and let go by many girls, suddenly thinks hes hot shit just because he happened to get a job and a gf?
Am I correct to feel that its socially graceful to behave humbly if things are going well, and not to rub things in others faces, and also, not to expect sympathy, if you arent sympathetic?
Let me explain: My friend Barney has been unemployed for a long time. (I am NOT making fun of him, just stating a fact) This week, he supposedly found employment, and told me he has a new girlfriend.
His history is that he will cry to me about his tales of woe if things are not going his way, and will act smug, arrogant, and like hes better than everyone else, if he suddenly gets a job or gf. I'm one who hates when people do this, because, it's my motto never to act arrogant, no matter how well things go.
While I dont like to count my chickens until they hatch, I'm now in the process of finalizing plans for my business, a process that has been delayed by my attorney's busy schedule, the death of my dad's father in law, and now a vacation my dad is planning.
Today I found out I'm going to be getting a job/consulting position. The details have to be finalized.
I feel happy and very thankful for the developments, and plan to make the most and best of the opportunity I'm going to have. When I thanked my dad for his assistance, his response was "By the end of this year, your life is going to be markedly better".
The only "Touche" in this whole situation, if it works out, will be to my uncle, and my cousins, who, as I've posted before, have geninuely behaved in a cruel manner, and wished me to be on disability, destitute, and homeless. It will be nice to have success, both for myself, and to spite them.
I have never been anything but supportive to my friend Barney. It angers me that suddenly he thinks hes better than me, simply because he got a job and gf at a time when I dont have a significant other.
Even if I make a million dollars with my business, I will still be the same Mitch. I'm not better than anyone, even if I would happen to have more money. I would never act arrogant if I was well off, and someone did love me. My thought would be "I'm very lucky to have this, and I need to make sure I behave in a manner where I keep it".
Do people understand what I'm saying? Am I justified in being angry because my friend, who himself has a very checkered job and romance history, and has been fired from many jobs, and let go by many girls, suddenly thinks hes hot shit just because he happened to get a job and a gf?