Leo, again, your points are valid.. but.. ah.. you're also not considering what I've been through in the past three years. In case you've forgotten.. I'll give you a recap.
Mom diagnosed with cancer. Sucks.
Father dumps me when mom diagnosed with cancer. Right.
We find a Dr in NJ who says mom's situation is treatable, and make weekly drives 300 miles a week for her to get chemo. Sucks.
Relationship with other best friend of 29 years, troublesome for many years, ends when he doesnt visit in the hospital when mom is sick for three weeks, because he found a girl 2 weeks earlier. Sucks but happens.
We live in NJ for 3 months for my mom to get daily radiation, and weekly chemo, during which we get a vicious letter from my father, I watch my mom suffer, I suffer a seizure and almost die. Sucks.
My mom is declared "cancer free"
We find out my mom has brain cancer. I'm forced to call my father when she's diagnosed with brain cancer. Sucks.
Mom dies six weeks later, less than a year ago. Sucks.
I dealt with her illness ALL ALONE for over two years, with NO HELP from my family. I am alone with her in NJ for three months, for all hospital visits, and as she has her terminal illness. She dies in my arms, and I dont even have a family member to hug or cry to, until 36 hours after that. At that point, the family member I have is my father, who was probably joyful and counting dollar signs, as the person he despised most in the world has suffered terribly and died, and he profited financially from it. He took care of planning her funeral, which was undoubtedly the happiest event in his life. Sucks, but stop depending on people to deal with things.
Iam forced by circumstance to acknowledge my father's family. All of whom, including his brother and his cousins, are abusive to me, while hes constantly taking their sides. Yeah, shoulda made your life earlier, eh?
I am forced to move to NY, into unfamiliar surroundings. No you weren't. You could have flipped burgers and afforded your, as you say, cheaper apartment.
ALL THIS HAPPENED TO ME, WITHIN LESS THAN 3 YEARS! And I still have you beat but you don't see me crying about it. We're not special, buddy. Bad shit happens to people all the time. They deal with it.
I suppose, that during this terrible transition, I had wanted to have someone familiar to be with, as I was trying to build a life. Had all this.. or even some of it.. NOT happened to me, I know I would have been pulling the trigger on this years ago. Years ago none of this was happening and you've known Barney for how long did you say? 20+ years? So you've had about 18 to do the "plug pulling". You haven't done it.
Unless someone is standing in my shoes, they cant understand it. Right. But when all you present is poor me poor me, people eventually start examining why. Then you present the why, and people tell you to fix it. Then you don't, people get mad, you call them assholes.
I WANT to untie from Barney, but I have to do so in the way thats most comfortable for me. The comfortable way is to get mistreated by him and then come to talk about it on a tickle porn board? Strange, but okay.
I'm sorry if people cant understand this. It's cool. There's only 1 person on earth who understands me, besides me that is.
I know you've scoffed at what I'm about to say, Leo, but, all this is not to mention that my father holds everyone else in his life as priority over me, and justifies everyone who does and says evil things to me. (My uncle, his cousins). Boo hoo. My mom doesn't even know I exist and I live with her. At least he somehow knows about you... oh wait, isn't he the one helping you with your new job venture? Yeah, that's right, he is. Barney only considers himself. Your dad is helping you start something job related, and oh shit, that's not enough. Are you Barney?
Read what I've just wrote and see if you can understand. I did get it, those are my replies. See if you can get those.
Tell you what.. if.. in a year from now, my business works, and I was in a position to deal with both Barney, AND my father, then I would really be in good shape.