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Being On An Even Keel If Things Go Great,. Or Terrible..

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Will someone please make this madness stop???

This has truly descended into the abyss!!!!

I bailed out of this thread yesterday in order to avoid what has managed to happen anyway so I might as well jump back in. I'd love to say my words would bring back sanity but I'm almost certain they're going to fall on deaf ears!

Michell, you are OVER forty years old and you've been horribly disrespectful to two twentysomethings that have done NOTHING but try to help you since you opened this miserable thread!! You should be ashamed of yourself at your latest postings.

Don't get me wrong, I've had "incidents" with both of them at one time or another, but we've grown up and kept it moving. No one's having a kumbayah moment, but we've all learned to be either respectful or just stay out of each other's way. Now they've grown quite a bit over the years (not that they need any approval or recognition from me-just stating the obvious). But you are going backwards and I simply can't understand why.

You keep saying you're not going to make these threads again......24 hours later this thread has all but completely imploded and it's of your own doing! You're one of the first to complain to the mods because someone attacked you but look at what you've done here! If you're looking for anyone to sympathize or empathize with you from this point, you're going to be turning over a lot of rocks!

You should've unsubscribed from your own thread and let the damn thing die instead of what you've chosen to do instead. I just can't make any excuses for your behavior at this point so I won't.

Bottom line; stop making excuses for poor behavior and poor choices. Either eat Barney's crap or kick him out of your life! As far as your father is concerned, if you hate him as much as you've been posting lately, don't take his money! I didn't take a dime of my father's money from the time I was 16 years old until he died when I was 39! And I won't begin to tell you what pain I endured at his hands and his mouth; he was physically, mentally, verbally, and emotionally abusive----I had enough and he couldn't dump a truckload of money at my feet! So don't give me that nonsense about being in so much pain from him yet you're still cashing the checks! Pick a side of the fence and stay on it for a change! I've never seen anyone vacillate from one sentence to the next in the manner that you have.

No more excuses Mitch, simply put either shit or get the hell off the friggin' pot for the love of Pete!!!! You can't have it both ways and that's what EVERYONE'S been trying to tell you!! The only person that can't see the glaringly obvious is YOU! And that's a pathetic shame.....it really is.

I wish the mods would just close this and let it die..........
kis, one reply to you, and then I'm going to drop this.

As for Barney: I ironed it out, and saw him today. We had a good day. He knows I was upset, and we talked about it. Henceforth, if theres an issue, I'll deal with it.

As for my father: The thread got completely off topic when it descended into the same old "Lets razz Mitch because he has a different life than some of us".

I'm being disrespectful to Annie? Uh.. have to disagree with you there. Shes been mega respectful to me, hasnt she?

As for my father: When I moved to NY, considering the cost of living here, I made a choice to take a certain path, where it just isnt easy to say "Okay, done". Bottom line, I have issues with him. I dont want him out of my life, really, and until I'm settled, I cant have him out of my life. Had I stayed in Lancaster, things would have been different. I could have had a low wage job and a roommate or two in my much larger, less expensive apartment. That isnt an option here. I live in a small, astronomically expensive place.

Henceforth, I shouldnt read this thread, but I expect it will be on the first page for another 2 weeks anyway.
You're talking to a hen that's been around for awhile; I'm not old but older than you,and I know better.

You can make all the excuses you want, but you are without excuse here, plain and simple.

I haven't seen either Annie or Leo be disrespectful towards you; but they've gotten tired of the excuses and really we're supposed to the examples for their age group to follow. So either get out of this funk or stop complaining about it in the public because it makes you look badly. A man your age should have some control and sense of direction in his life and you have yet to show that you do. I think that's all they're getting tired of. This has been going on for years and your situation has NOT improved but has gotten worse.

Now you're complaining about Barney? Maybe he is bipolar, but at least he hasn't all but secluded himself from life. He is trying to find some sense of normalcy; getting a girlfriend, getting a job, and spending less time with people that aren't doing the same. Maybe you should focus on what Mitchell can do for himself and let Barney and your other friend (Adam I think) work on their lives........I know it'll be new territory for you to conquer, but I bet if you gave it a serious effort you'll see what you've been missing pretty much your entire life.

Be angry with me if you want.......I'm not going to lose one second of sleep over it and neither should you.
kis, I have to disagree with you there. Annie has only joined threads of mine where she can rip me. I think we have different views of what disrespectful is.

When did I say I'm not getting out in the world as you say? I'm not going to post my plans here, so as to get ripped again.

Maybe no one can understand this, but.. I'm physically and emotionally exhausted from dealing with everything this year. I needed this time. In one year, I have.. found out my mom was going to die, reconciled with my father, met his wife, seen cousins I havent in 25 years, lost my mom, moved, had altercations with family, ran a business and am now starting a new one. My mom wasnt even working when my grandmother died, and it took my mom a year to get over it.

My bar for myself will be where I am at the end of 2013. My biggest mistake was not learning my lesson from past threads here like this one.
kis, one prediction, guaranteed.

If.. in 30 days from now.. I was to make the following post.

Good news for Mitch: On the one year anniversary of the death of my mom.. I have incorporated my business, XYZ company, and.. will be starting my part time job this week. The following would be the replies.

coldneck: "Its only a matter of time before you get fired, your business goes bankrupt, and you are homeless".

Annie: Before you make any money, your father is going to take your apartment from you.

Leo: You better be careful, your product is going to fail.

I have no doubt this would happen.
Mitch, have you considered talking with a therapist? I think talking with someone totally neutral would be a great way to sort out your feelings, and they may have some better insight/suggestions about your situations than here on the forum. I've found personally that having a professional to talk to takes a huge weight of my shoulders and it's relieving to hear someone with expert opinions, to help you along your way when you're seeking advice. There are a lot of factors with it though, like finding someone you're comfortable with, the price, and finding the time. But I think it'd be really helpful, if you were open to it. Regardless, I hope your situation with Barney improves!
kis, one prediction, guaranteed.

If.. in 30 days from now.. I was to make the following post.

Good news for Mitch: On the one year anniversary of the death of my mom.. I have incorporated my business, XYZ company, and.. will be starting my part time job this week. The following would be the replies.

coldneck: "Its only a matter of time before you get fired, your business goes bankrupt, and you are homeless".

Annie: Before you make any money, your father is going to take your apartment from you.

Leo: You better be careful, your product is going to fail.

I have no doubt this would happen.

All you've pointed out was what you saw as negative.

I've read the responses from all three of them and I didn't see it as you saw. They aren't wishing you the worst, they're pointing out the glaringly obvious outcomes if you don't make a 180 from where you are now with your attitude. Stop being stuck in the past and stop giving a damn what anyone else thinks (including me).

Go launch your business; hopefully you'll be spending so much time getting it off the ground that you won't be here creating threads like this. Hopefully you'll spend so much time getting your life in order that you won't have time to concern yourself with Barney, or anyone else.

Don't want to hear about your father anymore; at least he's writing the checks that keep you alive and from being homeless. If you can't appreciate ANYTHING ELSE, at the very least appreciate that. You are way over 18 and he has NO LEGAL OBLIGATION to you. He's doing it out of love even if he can't formulate the words, he's paying the bills. Cut the man a friggin' break.

And let's just say all the above mentioned people put a bullseye on your back and prayed for your failure. Are you going to lay in the fetal position and give them what they want? Or are you going to come out swinging and give it your best effort? Why should you care what they think anyway?? They're going to eat their dinner, watch tv, and go forward with their everyday lives. And they're not going to care about your outcome one way or the other........

You should be doing the same; no more excuses and no more temper tantrums. Just do the damn thing already and see where it leads you. Stop worrying about dumb shit and do your best.......that's all that should matter, not what you think other people think about you.

You're way too old for that.
Brandi, thank you for your sincere advice and kind delivery.

To answer your question: Yes, I have considered therapy, and I'm going to go. i've been to therapists in the past, and it does help.

An additional point:

My dad, of all people, has been biting his tounge about me not having a job all these months. He said he realizes I was crushed by what happened to my mom. Additionally, hes been busy with the sale of his company, and is going into semi retirement. Now that he has more time, we are going to sit with the lawyer to do my new business, and then a job will follow.

I probably shouldnt post this on the forum so as not to get ripped again, but, after I moved here he confessed to me that he was scared during the two months between the time my mom died and I moved here, that I was going to conmmit suicide. While I appreciate his concern. No I'd never do that. For several reasons. One, to do so would be trashing my mom's memory, and all she put into me. Two, as heartsick as I am.. I'm aware that the natural order is for parents to pre decease children. Three, I know I'm not that old, and still have things to live for. Four, to do that would be hurting my dad, and what hes tried to do for me. Five, and last, there would be many people who would love to see me do that, including my uncle. Er no.. Not going to give them the satisfaction,.
Mitch, have you considered talking with a therapist? I think talking with someone totally neutral would be a great way to sort out your feelings, and they may have some better insight/suggestions about your situations than here on the forum. I've found personally that having a professional to talk to takes a huge weight of my shoulders and it's relieving to hear someone with expert opinions, to help you along your way when you're seeking advice. There are a lot of factors with it though, like finding someone you're comfortable with, the price, and finding the time. But I think it'd be really helpful, if you were open to it. Regardless, I hope your situation with Barney improves!

And I hope he takes your wisdom under consideration.....I really do.

Anything's better than this.
kis, I do see their response as I do.. sorry.

As for my dad: I have said many times.,. I will type in caps if you need to see it.


I have thanked him, many times, in emails, letters, calls, etc. He tells me i dont need to thank him.

I still feel that personal issues are seperate from money.

Let me ask you: My ex best friend once loaned me money to get me out of a problem. (Yes, I paid him back long ago). Does that mean hes still not an asshole for trashing his 30 year friendship with me at the time my mom had cancer, for a girl he met a week before?

Money and personal issues, two seperate things, in my view.
kis, I do see their response as I do.. sorry.

As for my dad: I have said many times.,. I will type in caps if you need to see it.


I have thanked him, many times, in emails, letters, calls, etc. He tells me i dont need to thank him.

I still feel that personal issues are seperate from money.

Let me ask you: My ex best friend once loaned me money to get me out of a problem. (Yes, I paid him back long ago). Does that mean hes still not an asshole for trashing his 30 year friendship with me at the time my mom had cancer, for a girl he met a week before?

Money and personal issues, two seperate things, in my view.

Your view is myopic at best........

No one said Barney wasn't wrong; everyone said that at the end of the day it does not matter more than you taking responsibility for YOUR OWN LIFE!!

You can't control how Barney lives his life, but you damn sure can control how you live your life. And to date, you simply have not been doing a good job of it at all; but you've done a lot of ranting, raging, complaining, and excuse making. You are wasting your energy by the minute! Find something else to invest your time and energy in other than what you've been doing.......how many times and many ways do I and others have to tell you that? You are stuck in your own head and can't see past you.......there's a name for that, but my goal is not to insult you but to help you see the error in your thinking.

Again, I don't want to hear about your father anymore; you have this love-hate thing going on and you can't control your emotions when it comes to him. It's none of our fault and although I can't speak for others, I will say that I no longer desire you taking out your frustrations with him not being the perfect dad you picked for yourself out on the rest of us here in the forum.

He's a flawed man, but at least he has your back when you need it the most. He could've been a SOB like my father and I had to sink or swim with a handicapped child in tow. I didn't let that stop me from making a life for myself and that child (eventually two children) and you have no reason on the planet to let this stop you other than your getting in your own way.

YOU are the only factor that separates you from success or failure; not your father, Barney, Adam, the homeless guy panhandling on the corner, etc. As soon as you look at the man in the mirror and make him completely responsible for your future outcomes, you will continue to create these threads looking for answers that have been given to you ad nauseaum.

You choose your destiny, but if you stay where you are mentally and emotionally don't expect to get much farther than you presently are. You can say I'm predicting your failure if your want but at the end of the day I don't control your outcomes.......you do.
Nah, I wouldn't say to watch it because it'll fail. I'd probably reply with something along the lines of go tell somebody that cares, no a bunch of people on a board that you constantly disrespect with your blatant ignorance and/or (probably and) inability to run your own God damn life.

I'm gonna fill you in on a little secret. The only people that care about you are... your dad and your one and a half friend. Barney, while an asshole, is at least attempting to fix his life while you wallow in misery that YOU cause YOU. My dad beat my ass for about 15 years and I got my shit together. Maybe all of that verbal abuse was the wrong approach, or maybe he didn't do it enough, but you are a failure. You have failed at obtaining a job. You have failed to be what you were expected to be. You have failed to grow up. You have failed to be a person. You're a parasite, and when all of those people realize that spoiled little Mitch isn't getting what he wants and crapping his pants on purpose (verbally, as you always do), they'll drop your ass.

And because you failed to establish any real relationships aside from Adam, if he exists, you will be alone with no porn forum to bitch to.

I'll be sitting here with everything I've learned while you'll be telling people that walk by stories of how your life sucked.

You've failed yourself. And you keep doing it. So keep throwing insults my way. I'm CONTENT with life. You? You don't even have one unless somebody is funding it.

Good game, no rematch.
One other thing:

For everyone who thinks they fucking know:

About parents not helping children:

Stop Right There!!!

Here is the root of your problem: You still see yourself as a child... who needs help and support.
A dependent, as you probably show up on your Dad's IRS Tax Return.
You're a write off.

I can only imagine your father at his board meetings ... while his colleagues talk about their sons/daughters/grandchildren and their accomplishments.

Do you know what the word "empathize" means?

Imagine his shame. What does he have to brag about, Mitch?
What have YOU done for HIM?!? To make him proud of you?

Think about it! Seriously.

The reality is you are a mid 40's adult, who should be taking care of himself for the last 25 years or so.
I dont have to answer to you or anyone. I seriously want to know where the GR is here.,

Quote "Attack one member on a regular basis".

You've done this for YEARS.

It has NOTHING to do with a job or business that hasnt launched yet. Read my profile. Sales. I'm a jewelry and antiques sales person. Not that its any of your fucking business, troll, but, I have made as much money doing that this year, as I would have at any office job. I have other deals in the works, as well as the business.

I seriously wish someone in power would tell you to get the fuck out of this thread.

Fine, I'll give you an answer, k, and then I want you to give me an answer.

FIRST, my father invited me to come back to NY to live here, and offered to pay for this for a time. When I thanked him, he said it isnt necessary.

Was he not paying for it, I'd still be in PA, in my old apt, at a job down there, with people I know, with a roommate in my apartment!

There. I answered your question. Now, I want you to answer mine, okay.

Why have you engaged in nothing but vicious troll slander attacks for years, clearly against forum rules?

Answer me THAT!

GR: "Attack one member on a regular basis".

Its not only me. I've seen many of your other posts, all attacks.

Mitch, you'll have to ask the Mods that question.
I don't set the rules around here, ummkay?

I'm sure they're tired of your constant complaints of GR violations, when I've done nothing more than anyone else, as your friend, or ex-friend (now on ignore) Leo has stated.
You've become the angry old man who constantly complains about stepping on his lawn.
It's old. It's tired. It's repetitive.

As usual, you're trying to create a diversion.

So... what's your favorite flavor of Doritos?
I'm partial to the classic "Taco", but was really upset when they discontinued the "Sweet Chili" in the purple bag.
Mitch, have you considered talking with a therapist? I think talking with someone totally neutral would be a great way to sort out your feelings, and they may have some better insight/suggestions about your situations than here on the forum. I've found personally that having a professional to talk to takes a huge weight of my shoulders and it's relieving to hear someone with expert opinions, to help you along your way when you're seeking advice. There are a lot of factors with it though, like finding someone you're comfortable with, the price, and finding the time. But I think it'd be really helpful, if you were open to it. Regardless, I hope your situation with Barney improves!

This is a great idea for Mitchell!
A professional therapist.

I really hope they can help him ... if he's willing to to accept their advise.
Maybe he should show them this thread as an example of his issues.

Then we will get the professional help he needs, and then he'll be able to continue his career and life goals.
cold, I'm going to give you ONE more reply, and then unsubscribe from this shit. I seriously dont give a fuck.

First, you can feel secure. You can probably do anything short of threaten to kill me, and get away with it. I've been informed the thread isnt going to be locked, so you can go on bashing me until the cows come home.

Second, Yes, Adam DOES exist. He is a good friend from camp who I found on Facebook, his parents and him came to my mom's funeral, and in fact his father is going to be doing the prayer service at my mom's unveiling.

Third: While I dont deny that I need to talk to someone, I honestly think you do too,. I've looked over many of your comments in this forum, to not only me, but others, and most of them are mean spirited, in my mind, uncivilized posts that are not well meaning. I hold to my assertion that if in.. six months from now, I posted "Have started a new company, started dating a very nice girl, have a good temp job to see me through". Your reply, instead of something like "Good to see things are going well for you", would be something along the lines of "Wait until she hears your history, its a matter of time before you fuck it up", and it would be judged "Not a violation".

I'm going to tell all of you something that maybe no one can understand.

I grew up affluent. Until I was almost 20, I lived on Sutton Place, in a 5000 foot house with a pool, and with limo drivers. THAT is what I was accustomed to. When I was 20, it was all taken away. I went to school, worked hard, and got good grades. I could not get loans for grad school, because our house had been foreclosed on, my mom could not sign, and I couldnt get them due to my taxes. For twelve years, my father went on with his life, and never inquired about my future. Legally, he didnt have to.. but where is the moral side. He didnt tell anyone. Know why? His business partners dont like him, they are all family men, and I'll bet he would have been let go from his position,. The taxes were not the 1040 short form, each year oil and gas, 200 pages long.

My realm: Parents ante up to make their children's dreams come true, at any age. my friend Barney'/s sister wanted to go on a world trip after college.. soo. for 2 years, her mom paid for it, until the girl got mugged, in the far east, and the mother ordered her home.

Ex Best friend's parents, as I've posted before, sent their daughter to a top college, let her live rent free at home when she was making 40 K a year on Wall St. (Mid 80s dollars), then loaned her 250K for a biz. The girl becomes a millionaire, and she shuns them.

I have many times said I appreciate what my father does for me, and I've told him TO HIS FACE many times that I feel uncomfortable, and hope to pay for this place ASAP.

My mom and I, for years, gave THOUSANDS to my grandparents and aunt, to live in places they couldnt afford to live.

I dont come from a world where.,. people say "You're 18,. get out on your ass" In fact, my dad once threatened to kick me out when I was 18, during a fight I had with him. My mom told him that either she was going with me, or she was going to tell him to get out., He later said he was only angry, and kidding.

kis, you have a history of being supportive. I know your comments are out of frustration, and well meaning. I'm sorry if I sniped at you.

I'm mixed on Maireads comments. I'm not going to comment on them.

Leo, same thing for you. There are times you have been supportive, so I'm not going to put the hammer down.

coldneck, bottom line, there is not ONE comment you made that is well meaning.

"Adam doesnt exist"

"You live off daddy"

"One day youre going to be homeless".

Etc, etc etc,.

I personally think your comments should be removed, and you should be sanctioned by the mods. However, I've been told thats not going to happen, so.. I have no choice but to accept it.

Now, I'm going to post this, and unsubscribe from this thread.

One day, in a while from now, out of curiousity, I'm going to click it on, and see how much longer it went on.

The joke of it all:

Barney knows I talked about the situation to the forum. When I told him how the thread went haywire with the usual suspect (s) bashing, his reply was "Mitch, why are you still there". You're not like that. You wouldnt react that way if one of them posted.

My answer: I've had good times with the forum over the last 10 years, and many of them were supportive when my mom died. I made a mistake, will not post things like this again, and have the offenders on ignore.

Thats all. This gets posted, and then I unsubscribe.

cold, one last comment to you. If there is a greater force, everything you wished for/predicted for me should come back to you.

End of story.
Last edited:
Not in the mood to have a standoff with you tonight ... maybe some other time, cowboy.

I'll answer you later, but I didn't imply Adam wasn't real. That would be your frenemy Leo.
I look forward to it. "Rolls eyes".

As long as the thread is continuing, on the subject of Barney.

This is someone who asked me tio cancel plans and change my whole night on the 30th anniversary of his dad's death, this past Jan 6th. I wanted to accomadate him, and changed calls with both Adam, and other family, to be with Barney.

This Tuesday will be one year since I put my mom in the nursing home to die, and went home myself. I dont anticipate feeling as badly as I probably will on April 4th, but it will be a difficult day nonetheless.

I had asked Barney if he could please call or just drop by even for a couple of minutes, so I could talk to him that night. He balked, saying he has "plans" with other friends,. Sharon, and etc.

I certainly dont want to disrupt his life, and I dont ever hold him back, but, for someone who wanted to hang onto me about something that happened 30 years ago, I think hes being a bit cavalier.

My aunt the artist, who is a very objective person, didnt think he was right, and called him a "flake", and niot a real friend. If hes not in touch with me both this Tuesday, and April 4th, I will remember it, and will not be supportive to him should he have a professional or personal setback.,

This is what I mean about being on an even keel, and treating people differently, just because one happened to be in a good period in their life.
Thanks for breaking the ice, GQ. :laughhard:

I was doing my damndest to stay out of this.....I actually unsubscribed but must have forgotten the last time I chimed in.

It's a really sad tribute to my generation that all of you younger set have contributed and poor Mitch hasn't gotten the revelation just quite yet........after years of the drama.........

Now I'll unsubscribe yet again and hope this thread will eventually die in obscurity.......
kis, what havent I gotten the revelation about yet? I posted something that is relevant to the topic of this thread.. about my friend Barney's attitude, etc. All the rest of the stuff that I started about my father is wayyy off topic, but I'm sure this thread will go on for another month. From reading his reply last night, my buddy coldneck is just waiting in the wings to say his usual junk, and whatever he says will all be allowed.

Whatever. If I can deal with what I have the last three years, I can deal with this too.
Your threads go on forever because you refuse to understand what the world is telling you.

Go ahead, say something to the tune of " I've taken responsibility for my own life. All success and failures are owned by me. Barney, is out. I'm actually making new friends in my building. As far as work, the market is tough! But I'll take a job and start saving so I can contribute to society and gain the respect of my friends. I spoke with the business down the road the other day and have an interview. Not enough to pay the bills, but a first step toward being independent. Who knows, I might even meet a girl this year!"

If you said something like this....what could anyone else say but congrats! You finally get it! But there is no growth in your threads. No evolution of understanding. Well meaners start polite but in their frustration become more terse and direct in what rhey're trying to say. We may be younger but we also feel the pressure of time in your situation adding to the urgency in our words.

That's the recipe man...for these long threads.

If you respond with something that shows you still don't get it someone else will try and explain it to you. Hence making the thread even longer.

Just saying "you're right" isn't enough. Follow through is paramount. Know what an "askhole" is? Someone that asks for advice or opinions but always does the opposite.

Take responsibility for your life. Stop being the victim. Rely on yourself more.
kis, what havent I gotten the revelation about yet? I posted something that is relevant to the topic of this thread.. about my friend Barney's attitude, etc. All the rest of the stuff that I started about my father is wayyy off topic, but I'm sure this thread will go on for another month. From reading his reply last night, my buddy coldneck is just waiting in the wings to say his usual junk, and whatever he says will all be allowed.

Whatever. If I can deal with what I have the last three years, I can deal with this too.

You said you were going to unsubscribe.......so why haven't you?

This thread dies as soon as you stop contributing to it.....or is that the point Mitch? You're getting some benefit from it or you would no longer contribute to it and it would simply die.

And this question apparently bears repeating......why do you even care what coldneck or anyone else thinks at this point?? Why does it matter what a bunch of people in cyberspace who you will probably never meet in person think about you? This is worse than Facebook; hundreds (if not thousands) of strangers in your life and your personal business. At least at facebook you get a picture........:sarcasm:

I guess to some, negative attention is better than none at all. You're in one of the largest populated cities in the nation and you're arguing with screennames and cyber personalities. Millions of people in NYC and you only have two friends? And one of them allegedly treats you poorly? That's really sad Mitch....really sad. But keep the posts coming because this is really solving your problems right? Keep arguing yourself in a deeper hole, vow to unsubscribe yet keep responding to your "enemies" that keep attacking you.........yeah, sounds like a viable plan to me.

You haven't gotten the revelation and I don't think you even want to. Here's a newsflash; your situation is NOT exclusive to you. Many on this board have gone through what you have and even worse. You know what is exclusive to you? How you are handling your issues......you simply aren't and instead of making the man in the mirror responsible, you just pile on the excuses then throw a fit when someone calls you on it.

There really is nowhere else to go with this Mitch.....my 13 year old grandnephew can see the glaringly obvious from a distance. It's sitting right in your face and you seem oblivious to it.
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