Will someone please make this madness stop???
This has truly descended into the abyss!!!!
I bailed out of this thread yesterday in order to avoid what has managed to happen anyway so I might as well jump back in. I'd love to say my words would bring back sanity but I'm almost certain they're going to fall on deaf ears!
Michell, you are OVER forty years old and you've been horribly disrespectful to two twentysomethings that have done NOTHING but try to help you since you opened this miserable thread!! You should be ashamed of yourself at your latest postings.
Don't get me wrong, I've had "incidents" with both of them at one time or another, but we've grown up and kept it moving. No one's having a kumbayah moment, but we've all learned to be either respectful or just stay out of each other's way. Now they've grown quite a bit over the years (not that they need any approval or recognition from me-just stating the obvious). But you are going backwards and I simply can't understand why.
You keep saying you're not going to make these threads again......24 hours later this thread has all but completely imploded and it's of your own doing! You're one of the first to complain to the mods because someone attacked you but look at what you've done here! If you're looking for anyone to sympathize or empathize with you from this point, you're going to be turning over a lot of rocks!
You should've unsubscribed from your own thread and let the damn thing die instead of what you've chosen to do instead. I just can't make any excuses for your behavior at this point so I won't.
Bottom line; stop making excuses for poor behavior and poor choices. Either eat Barney's crap or kick him out of your life! As far as your father is concerned, if you hate him as much as you've been posting lately, don't take his money! I didn't take a dime of my father's money from the time I was 16 years old until he died when I was 39! And I won't begin to tell you what pain I endured at his hands and his mouth; he was physically, mentally, verbally, and emotionally abusive----I had enough and he couldn't dump a truckload of money at my feet! So don't give me that nonsense about being in so much pain from him yet you're still cashing the checks! Pick a side of the fence and stay on it for a change! I've never seen anyone vacillate from one sentence to the next in the manner that you have.
No more excuses Mitch, simply put either shit or get the hell off the friggin' pot for the love of Pete!!!! You can't have it both ways and that's what EVERYONE'S been trying to tell you!! The only person that can't see the glaringly obvious is YOU! And that's a pathetic shame.....it really is.
I wish the mods would just close this and let it die..........
Will someone please make this madness stop???
This has truly descended into the abyss!!!!
I bailed out of this thread yesterday in order to avoid what has managed to happen anyway so I might as well jump back in. I'd love to say my words would bring back sanity but I'm almost certain they're going to fall on deaf ears!
Michell, you are OVER forty years old and you've been horribly disrespectful to two twentysomethings that have done NOTHING but try to help you since you opened this miserable thread!! You should be ashamed of yourself at your latest postings.
Don't get me wrong, I've had "incidents" with both of them at one time or another, but we've grown up and kept it moving. No one's having a kumbayah moment, but we've all learned to be either respectful or just stay out of each other's way. Now they've grown quite a bit over the years (not that they need any approval or recognition from me-just stating the obvious). But you are going backwards and I simply can't understand why.
You keep saying you're not going to make these threads again......24 hours later this thread has all but completely imploded and it's of your own doing! You're one of the first to complain to the mods because someone attacked you but look at what you've done here! If you're looking for anyone to sympathize or empathize with you from this point, you're going to be turning over a lot of rocks!
You should've unsubscribed from your own thread and let the damn thing die instead of what you've chosen to do instead. I just can't make any excuses for your behavior at this point so I won't.
Bottom line; stop making excuses for poor behavior and poor choices. Either eat Barney's crap or kick him out of your life! As far as your father is concerned, if you hate him as much as you've been posting lately, don't take his money! I didn't take a dime of my father's money from the time I was 16 years old until he died when I was 39! And I won't begin to tell you what pain I endured at his hands and his mouth; he was physically, mentally, verbally, and emotionally abusive----I had enough and he couldn't dump a truckload of money at my feet! So don't give me that nonsense about being in so much pain from him yet you're still cashing the checks! Pick a side of the fence and stay on it for a change! I've never seen anyone vacillate from one sentence to the next in the manner that you have.
No more excuses Mitch, simply put either shit or get the hell off the friggin' pot for the love of Pete!!!! You can't have it both ways and that's what EVERYONE'S been trying to tell you!! The only person that can't see the glaringly obvious is YOU! And that's a pathetic shame.....it really is.
I wish the mods would just close this and let it die..........