This right here is one of the many roots of your frustration, Mitchell. You post your dramatic threads, clearly looking for sympathy and support. Anything other than support and sympathy you automatically categorize as a "personal attack." That line you quoted Coldneck saying, "You live off daddy, you're going to end up homeless." Perfect example. That is not a personal attack. It's a warning of the eventual result of living off parents. They eventually die, and if you can't support yourself, you'll end up homeless.
Normally, I'd say that's none of Coldneck's business.
Except you've MADE it his business, and everybody else's by starting this thread and countless others like it. You seem to have this sense of entitlement that says, "I should be able to post a thread and expect nothing other than sympathy and support." That's not how the forum works and it's not how real life works either. If you're going to post personal and emotional issues like this, you better damn well be prepared to hear answers and responses other than those for which you are soliciting.
And really, what is so horrible about that? So Coldneck disapproves of your financial situation. What do you care? There are so many ways you could respond to his comments, not to mention ignoring them altogether. And yet what do we see time after time after time? Whining, whimpering, and mewling. "Coldneck is mean to me!....Coldneck said mean things to me!...Why don't you tell Coldneck instead of me to let the thread die?!"
That is the exactly the kind of thing to which people refer when they talk about first grade behavior.
Who do you think you're kidding Mitchell? You haven't learned a damn thing, and nothing will change. You'll go right on posting emo threads that air your personal business. Coldneck and others will tell you what you need to hear instead of what you want to hear, and you'll respond by wailing about the "unfair treatment" and "personal attacks" etc.
Until you stop blaming your problems on other people and take ownership of them, you'll never conquer them.
Tell you what.. no matter what else is said.. no matter how bad.., by cold, DAJT.. whoever.. I wont say a word. Its now.. Wed at 350pm as I post this..
Like 4 hours later and you're back.
I just bought a new keyboard today. It's like... split in half and I think its for people who type the "correct" way.
Just thought I'd throw that out there before exchanging it.
EDIT: I guess I should answer but really, what's the point?
The reason that I haven't said anything to coldneck is that 1, he isn't wrong for sharing his opinion. That is, after all, the point of posting something to a public forum, no? Just because he isn't saying what you want to hear doesn't make him a troll. He's saying what everybody else is, in his own way.
And 2, it isn't my day to watch you. And what I mean by that is I'm not going to babysit a 40 something year old on a forum. If I was sitting next to you and you choked, I'd save you. If you needed immediate evacuation from your house and I was able to, I'd provide a temporary retreat. But yelling at cold, or anybody, on a forum, because they said something bad in your honor? Especially when they aren't doing anything wrong? Fuck no.
Further more, you put me on ignore and then ask me questions, take me off to get an answer, then put me on ignore again if I say something you don't like. Then you say you won't post anymore about 10 times, and then you come back to post.
What is it that you want from us? Answer that question and put cold and me and everybody else aside. What do you want from us? What do you want to take away from posting your life on a fetish community full of people who have their own shit to do?
And better yet, why the fuck should any of us care? Especially since you refuse to do what you need to do to improve the situation that's been so horrible for the last number of years?
Speaking for myself, I do not 'hate' Mitch. I see him for what he is unto himself. And while my opinion about his personal matters are irrelevant, I do see a fellow soul just trying to find his way, as best he is able, with what he has to work with... like all of us, he is flawed. And if perfection were sold in a bottle, I'd buy a case of it for everyone here.Mitchell. WoW!!!
You've really earned the "Most Hated" title on the TMF.
Congrats. Your new roommate is Casey Anthony.
Coldneck speaks of our reality. It's nothing personal to you. If anyone on this forum were to live and think like you, we'd be in your same boat! The forum would react to us the same way that they do to you to anyone else that refuses to take responsibility for your life.
When your mother passed...there's nothing you can do. We sympathized and extended our empathy. But now and everything else you complain can change it, we've changed it in our own lives but you refuse to. Then you double/triple/quadruple down when we all know you're in the wrong.
If you listened to one of us that told you the truth in a more gentle way and coldneck came in with his brutal truth, we'd stop him and say "hey bro, he's got it". But you still don't get it. Maybe Cold with his cold water will wake you up.
That's why.
I just bought a new keyboard today. It's like... split in half and I think its for people who type the "correct" way.
Just thought I'd throw that out there before exchanging it.
EDIT: I guess I should answer but really, what's the point?
The reason that I haven't said anything to coldneck is that 1, he isn't wrong for sharing his opinion. That is, after all, the point of posting something to a public forum, no? Just because he isn't saying what you want to hear doesn't make him a troll. He's saying what everybody else is, in his own way.
And 2, it isn't my day to watch you. And what I mean by that is I'm not going to babysit a 40 something year old on a forum. If I was sitting next to you and you choked, I'd save you. If you needed immediate evacuation from your house and I was able to, I'd provide a temporary retreat. But yelling at cold, or anybody, on a forum, because they said something bad in your honor? Especially when they aren't doing anything wrong? Fuck no.
Further more, you put me on ignore and then ask me questions, take me off to get an answer, then put me on ignore again if I say something you don't like. Then you say you won't post anymore about 10 times, and then you come back to post.
What is it that you want from us? Answer that question and put cold and me and everybody else aside. What do you want from us? What do you want to take away from posting your life on a fetish community full of people who have their own shit to do?
And better yet, why the fuck should any of us care? Especially since you refuse to do what you need to do to improve the situation that's been so horrible for the last number of years?