GQ, once youre agreeing with cold, I cant listen to anything you have to say.
'cold with his brutal truth will wake me up" (Your words)
Reality.. cold is.. DOWNRIGHT VICIOUS.
Did he EVER express sympathy, condolence, or decency, when my mom was sick with brain cancer, and dying? NEVER, NOT ONCE. Let's say he had said something like "Mitch, sorry your mom died, if you need to vent, vent to me.
His posts are all PATTERN OF BEHAVIOR. They arent "Brutal truth" as you say, and it is allowed because as I said before, the mods have different rules for Mitch than they do for everyone else.
I also dont think any of you are in a position to judge me. You didnt deal with your mother's death all alone, and lose.,. your mom.. and your relationship with your best friend of 30 years, all in one year.
As I said before.. cold's pattern of behavior is exactly what I defined. It is Mitch's personal attack dog/troll, and it is allowed.
None of you are standing in my shoes. Let';s say I was suffering from depression. Oh, horrors?
What is it that I want.. one thing..
SOMEONE to say to HIM STOP IT ALREADY. He's made his point. I';ve admitted that I was wrong for posting this thread. I've apologized here, and in the blog., NO ONE has said "Okay, he gets it, lay off of him".
I'm nearly banned because of ladders, but this is allowed to go on? Makes a lot of sense.
kis, I just saw your post.
I know you dont hate me. Such is why you were very kind when my mom died. I appreciate that.
I absolutely disagree with you about cold. Hes still in this thread because he knows he can continue to attack.
Tell you what, Leo, no matter what you say henceforth, I';m going to take your off iggy,. The only person I will keep on ignore is cold. I'm going to see what happens when I do that.
Done.. Anyone but cold taken off ignore. (I have Brighteyes on ignore too, since before this).
No matter what any of you say, I wont put you on ignore. I will not say the same for cold, until he changes his pattern of behavior to show me something that is even remotely civil or decent.
kis, I'm not being supported by my father except for the apt. I pay for my day to day living expenses.
The only reason I havent incorporated my biz yet is because the atty has been tied up. My dad knows this.
Jobs? I've looked, and with my work history, there havent been any. I'm going to keep looking.
I have no doubt that even if I post nothing personal on this site, and then 30, 60, 90, 180 days from now I post "Have incorporated my biz, XYZ, we are selling this product. Have a part time job, and am seeing a girl."
cold's reply would be the following:
"Wait until she sees that you lived off mommy and daddy until your 40s. You will fuck it up, and in no time she will leave you".
Based on his pattern, I have no doubt this would happen, just like I predicted that pressure from my ex best friend's mom, would one day get to him, and end our friendship. Patterns of behavior cause things like this,