Speaking for myself, I do not 'hate' Mitch. I see him for what he is unto himself. And while my opinion about his personal matters are irrelevant, I do see a fellow soul just trying to find his way, as best he is able, with what he has to work with... like all of us, he is flawed. And if perfection were sold in a bottle, I'd buy a case of it for everyone here.
OK, "Most Hated" is pretty strong. I'll concede that.
I was trying to tie it in to the Casey Anthony bit as humorous, even though I'm fully aware he didn't allegedly murder his own child.
Maybe "Most Unpopular" would have been a better choice of words.
Regardless, I'm going to respectfully disagree with the message you're putting out there.
I don't see a "fellow soul just trying to find his way the best he can". I just don't.
I see a middle-aged man who is leeching off his parents.
He's done nothing but constantly bash the hell out of his father, but now that his life support system has been cut off, he has no problem sucking up, and plugging back in for another free ride.
I don't call that giving it your best effort.
I call that no effort.
Yet, it still doesn't stop him from whining and crying about his lot in life.
Most of us deplore that type of behavior.
One word comes to mind: Pathetic.
Here's a guy who's been handed many, many tools to succeed, but would rather blame his father, instead of manning up and taking the bull by the horns.
Flawed is one thing.
Being an ungrateful parasite is another.