I've seen that before and it look amazing! I'd give it a go.Given the opportunity, would you stay at the Ice Hotel in Quebec City? Here's the bar 😀
I don't read NEARLY as much as I should, but I love it when I do. Last things I read was The Straw Men and The Upright Man from Michael Marshall. Amazing series, and I want a movie of it asap!^ Omg, I so wanna go there leaf! I've read about that before.
To Krazie D........do you like to read books often?
Well I'm not a beer drinker so not really, BUT they offer tours daily with lots of free tasting, so there is no need to break in, cause they welcome you. The complex is absofuckinglutely MASSIVE! You drive alongside of it on the highway and it stretches a good 3 or 4 miles long.Have you ever dreamed of busting into the Coors brewery?
Don't we all? No responsibilities, no bills, just living to have fun.Do you ever wish you were a kid again?
That my love, was the shit. Jeffery Dahmer says hi and that you look delicious.How epic was that phone convo?! LOL.
Barry Manilow is to me, as midget is trrrrraawwwwbbuuuurrriiiieeessss pudding!How do you feel about Barry Manilow?
I always thought history was fascinating.What was your favorite subject in school?
I thought the movie was great. Not the scariest movie of all time like the hype tried to make it into. The company planted A LOT of people from their offices into movie websites and forum talking it up beyond the clouds. I really liked it for what it was and think it was a fantastic movie made for only 11k dollars.What did you think of the movie Paranormal Activity?
BWhahahahahaha! They usually only can't live without my love "After the Rain" but, "Only Time Will Tell". 😉^ agreed! I'm actually an addict of the History Channel.
Next question..........did you know that they can't live without your love and affection?
You are as good as dinner! And yes hide the carver, but he may want to use a rusty butter knife.You think he's going to come kill me and eat me now? Should I hide my turkey carver?
I do my friend! Nothing like homemade apple pie, a la mode.Do u like pie?
I always thought history was fascinating.
Mid evil times sound pretty wild.If you could go back in time to experience life then,where and when would it be?
So sexy, it hurts.Are you too sexy for your shirt?
No I have not, but I'm almost positive I've done that to someone else, but not a housemate.Have you ever had a creepy housemate come up to you and go.. And I quote, "Omg, i'm so glad you're still alive", and then walk away?!![]()
I guess weird is all relative to your culture. I'm from South Louisiana originally, so alligator is not an odd thing to eat, while it might be so elsewhere. I've also had rattlesnake sausage and wild boar ribs at one of my favorite restaurants here, during their "wild game month". I'll try anything once.What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
I once had a staring contest with Mini HDS (the action figure) when it was visiting here for the picture thread. It went on for 27 hours straight, at which point I won, when he gave up and looked away.What's the strangest thing you've ever done (Sorry if it's been asked before)
I shot a man in Reno, just to waaatch, hiiimm, diiieeeee.How crazy are you?![]()
Everything. I know that's a broad and boring answer, but I really can't say any one thing. My besties are such because EVERY TIME we are together, it is a blast. This past gathering was a perfect example. I can't say there was one single time I was with someone that was "not" fun. Even going to bed on Sunday night, laying in the pitch dark, yapping with Melanie was fun, when it should have been just boring. Me + besties = inevitable good time.Best memory you've with your besties?