Are you going.... to the outback?!?

LOL j/k! I'm sure where you are going it will be a blast!

Hit a few beaches for me okay?
Haha! No outback this trip Leafy. I'm stickin to the coast!

. I'll definatley hit those beaches for ya, I'll surf it up Maple Boy style!
So would you prefer a tickling machine that operated in four dimensions of spacetime or one that operated within an eleven dimensional framework with the ability to reach areas not possible for any human or man made object. And would you be balancing on one toe, juggling spacetime warping templates and singing the Bohemian Rhapsody?
Wooooohooooo! It finally came
. Well done sir, well done! Obviously I don't even know where to begin formulating an answer for this conundrum, so I'll just hum Bohemian Rhapsody to myself for a while as I bow to your insane zaniness!
OK Deadly! I need your help. I am trying to convert dear sweet Katie, AKA tklee88, to being a Santa Lover. Would you help me in my campaign?
What's in it for me?
^^I'd have to say... that was up there with the zaniest I've seen!

This should be interesting
Who are your favourite Aussie bands? Are AC/DC and Men at Work considered Gods down there?

C'mon... you knew I had to ask!
Ooo! OOO!

Nice question. Yes, they are pretty godly down under LOL. Definatley AC/DC, the other one not so much
😛. Other faves include Powderfinger, Jet and INXS!
I resent that remark! Women do WAY more unexplainable things! oh and my sides are OFF LIMITS. No touching! 😀
Have you ever eaten an egg and peanut butter sandwich?
*mental note* Tickle Vlad's sides upon sight!
😀 I have NEVER eaten that hideous excuse for a sandwhich!! Would you fall off your chair if I said I had?
Does the above question want to make you

Rofl, sorry Vlad!
Lmao, YES!
Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
Cliche I know, but my mum!

. She is honestly such a caring and selfless person. She is everything I could ever dream to be and I consider myself blessed to have a person of her calibur in my life. Thanks for that question, it made me smile!
I also have the utmost respect for a girl I know who plays sport dispite her severe disability. She is never the best player on the field/court but she gives her absolute
all everytime I see her. I just can't get over how brave people like that are, she won my respect the moment I saw her play. I would give anything to be as brave and headstrong as she is
Do you know that you are absolutely solid gold when it comes to fun and nice?

Thanks Pokey, you're a TMF legend in my books and I am thankful to have you in my life! Your such a sweetie
😛. I love your attitude and all the sillyness we get up to!
