Awww... I'm lookin' forward to it too! 😀 Hoping Nadal can overtake Federer on the hardcourtHave you gone before? Amazing seeing tennis live isn't it?
What is the one thing you are hoping for this Christmas?![]()
OK. Maybe you can answer this for me!
Is there a time limit on fortune cookie predictions?
If I had to pick something I would have to say.....somebody to loveWhat a sap, right! Haha
If I had to pick something I would have to say.....somebody to loveWhat a sap, right! Haha
Awww!What Tex said... no rush pardner! It will happen... and when it does, he better treat you right or else!
You're amazing and will make someone very happy one day and vice versa... don't you doubt it for one minute
Just remember that we want an invite to the wedding!
What will it take for me to make you a hockey fan?![]()
awwww. Did not know you were a romantic. Nothing wrong with that wish. Take your time though. Find a great person and make sure you are happy and secure. Love will always be there, Good luck kiddo.
Have you ever been to Hawaii?
Awww!What Tex said... no rush pardner! It will happen... and when it does, he better treat you right or else!
You're amazing and will make someone very happy one day and vice versa... don't you doubt it for one minute
Just remember that we want an invite to the wedding!
What will it take for me to make you a hockey fan?![]()
I can answer that with one word for her. "ICE"
You don't see many dingos on skates! Am I right Turkey?😀
Can i spread strawberry Preserves over those awesome abs and slowly lick it off?
How the heck are you?
I truly hope you have an awesome Christmas.
We can't be letting you catch up on your answer thread now can we? 😀
We can't be letting you catch up on your answer thread now can we? 😀
Haha! 😀 Are you thinking what I"m thinking, Noodz?
Hey pardner! Hope you're doing well 🙂 If I don't see ya here before hand, here's to wishing you a very Merry Christmas!!I mean, you've been such a good girl so I'm sure Santa will treat you well 😀 Wuv ya sport!
B..b..but! I've been good. Pweese Mr Noodlehead, pweeese?![]()
lol! Texas wants you to be good, Leafster wants you to be a wee bit naughty, I want a devilish Tasmanian (or reasonable facsimile). Thus...
Have you ever in any way, shape or form vandalized someone's automobile? 😀
^LOL! 😀 Tell me you just egged them
Do you have those cracker things at Christmas over there? Do you wear the paper crown with pride and hope the joke you get isn't too cringe worthy? 😀
Hehe... I hear ya! And they always have that awful staticy feeling to them... I'll stick with my Leafs blue Santa hat
Corona's with lime.... is it on like donkey kong this Christmas?![]()
haha! I don't know if I would laugh or cry if someone did that to my car. Probably depend on whether I was headed to work or not and how close to being fired I already was 😛
What's your biggest plan for 2010 thus far?
The Olympic Flame passed thru my town the other day... was pretty cool! 😀 Are you disappointed that they won't allow Women's Ski Jumpers to compete for some reason? I mean hell, I'd watch that![]()
Hiya Deadly!!!
What did you get me for Christmas?![]()
Hehe! Indeed I have been, a little saint all freekin year!😛
Merry Christmas to you aswell Pardner! Its been a pleasure getting to know you this year and wreaking a little havoc while we were at it!
I'll be thinking of you on Christmas morn! 😀