Have you been spying on me?????
Mebbe. *hides telescope*

My sincerest apologies!!!
"Rachel, you are the best thing since sliced bread. Seriously" - there, I said it
HAHA! Day made. Officially!

You da man Azza!
Do you think we're being kind to you for still asking you even though you still have lots of questions to answer?
LOL. Nope, not at all! I probably deserve it too, what with all the thread bombs I've dished out!
Never-the-less...you've earnt yourself one of these dear Sweed....

Do you know that I don't envy you for having to answer all of these questions?
But you're a Skittles lover and that in itself makes you tough as fuck.
Go and get 'em tiger!

I need me some skittles after answering all of those, let me tell you! Nothing can beat a bit of mother fucking rainbow power though, not even a 4 month long thread bomb!
We kick some serious ass you and I. Skittles forever!
How ya doin, Deadly?
Hair up or down, if up what style?
Have you seen your tickle thread yet?
Hi Sketch, hair up...definatley. I like ponytails myself
🙂 And no, I havnt seen my tickle thread lately...not sure if I want to
Ass Kisser!
LMAO. Shut him up with one of these, Tex!
But seriously now, you're the sweetest Leafy! And I wubz ya
Hey Deadly! We haven't really met yet, but I just wanted to say hello

Did you get into anything crazy this weekend?
Hello there! I've seen you around a little since I've been back. You're hella funny man!
😀 Nothing too crazy last weekend, its this weekend I should be worried about lol. One word....VODKA-FEST
Do you know how awesome it is to see you posting again? I don't care about all these questions, it's just so good to see you!!!

I'm lovin being back, especially with you here by my side buddy!
That sir is no LIE! My dear Turkey, you are truly missed around here.

I've missed this so much. You guys really do mean the world to me!