Are you surprised to see YOUR question thread pop up again?
What the heck is going on in this thread?
Did you know that you could lose your profile on Facebook by friending too many people at once?
Why does this thread have a big gap in it from 2010?
Cause peeps stopped posting in it and it eventually got forgotten!
Do you miss your thread bombing buddies: Tex, Angel & Leafy?
I miss them immensley! I wish they were here like the old days.
Is it starting to get cold down your way?
Yep. Its been full blown winter for a while here now. Although we've occassionally had very strange weather, some days it feels like summer still!
Still in school?
I've given away my uni studies for now. I'm just not motivated by it anymore. Time to try something new.
How do you rate your postal system? (Ours is always going broke).
Its pretty good most of the time. Come to think of it Im expecting a package tomorrow, here's hoping it arrives safely! 😀
What other country do you really want to visit?
There are so many. South Africa, Germany, Brazil, Greece! I'd really love to visit Canada and the US though, they are my top two.
Any special plans for this weekend?
Nothing major other than working and attending a friend's birthday dinner last night. I was going to head to the drive in's to catch a movie but ended up being too tired 🙁
They still have drive ins down your way?
They do! But they are few and far between.
Have you ever been to a drive in and forgot what the movie was about?
Not yet. I'm pretty good at ignoring distractions😛
Do you have IMAX Theaters?
Yep. One big one in the city.
Do you like 3D movies?
I don't! They give me massive headaches unfortunatley.
Do you have motion movie theaters?
Never heard of them actually.
What is your favorite Disney movie?
Aladdin or Hercules.
How often do you attend an event at the Sydney Opera House?
Not very often, the last time I was there was for a comedy show with Gabriel Iglesias a few years ago.
Are you hoping that others will pick up on this thread?
Yes! Bring on the questions! 😀
What time and date is it at right now?
Its 23:44 on the 10th of August
Do you celebrate an end to the harvest season?
No lol
How many people from the USA have you actuality?
How many have I actually met? That would be none. I am yet to travel overseas! 🙁
Have you ever seen snow?
Yep, but I'd love to experience it first hand in a northen hemisphere country as well. It'd be so much more authentic I think.
Do they hold Winter Sporting Event down there like: ice hockey, skiing, etc?
We have certain sports that are only played in the winter, but nothing involving ice or snow specifically.
Have you ever put carrots in your ears and pretended to be a periscope? 😀
Would you like to eat some M&m's with me? 😀
Do you like Reese's Pieces?
You have never met any American servicemen?
Have you heard that they will combine M&m's and Skittles? 😀