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Embarressing moments involving your fetish

so this one time, I was at work and my best friend was there visiting me since she was off. As were talking and all that, I reach up to put something away adn she quickly tickled my armpits. I screamed pretty loud in shock and everyone was staring at me...yeahh was very embarassing
I've only really had two situations I can think of, both of which turned out pretty well. The first was when I was about twelve, I was really freaked out about my tickling and foot fetishes, so I made the HUGE mistake of telling my parents. I don't think they really understood what I meant though because I didn't explain it very well, and my Dad was just so relieved that I wasn't into hardcore porn or having sex that they just forgot about it. Haha

The second was a couple years later, my brother found one of my old tickle drawings. I'd drawn Princess Daisy in her Super Mario Strikers uniform being tied up and tickled. When he asked me about it, I just played it off as a bondage fetish (Which is like 100x more acceptable) and he totally understood. I got pretty lucky both times. 😛
..I just played it off as a bondage fetish (Which is like 100x more acceptable) and he totally understood. I got pretty lucky both times. 😛

You're right there. Many people who know me IRL know about the bondage and general kink thing - it's not something I ever attempted to hide - but only a select few know about tickling. Nobody bats an eyelid if you're into bondage.

I've been pretty lucky, but there have been several instances where I was tickled in a playful way by female friends, and had a strong physical reaction (boner).

Probably one of the more difficult-to-hide instances was where Karen and a friend of hers each grabbed and tickled one of my feet in a very populated school environment. Wouldn't have been so bad, except that we made such a noise that a lot of people were staring.
so this one time, I was at work and my best friend was there visiting me since she was off. As were talking and all that, I reach up to put something away adn she quickly tickled my armpits. I screamed pretty loud in shock and everyone was staring at me...yeahh was very embarassing

*giggle!* Actually that sounds fun and adorable!
I got close. I let a friend borrow my laptop while I went to grab some sheets I had printed out, and when I came back he was like: "Who the hell is Knicks255 and why do you have access to his Yahoo account? Also what is a "TMF" and a "Theater"?"

So I pulled a "What the fuck? Who is this?" and since we were at a public library, I was just like "Oh, the server must have cross-logged (made that up) my account with someone else on the network's, I'll just log out for them..."
You can also use chrome's incognito window and firefox's private browsing before ooking up anything you dont want others to see

Internet explorer still keeps track of all the browsing/FOLDER viewing on your computer; whether or not you were actually using it at the time.

This history can be viewed two spaces to the right of the "Favorites" tab in internet explorer.

It can be cleared by opening up internet explorer, pressing CTL+SHIFT+DEL, checking off the desired boxes (browsing history), and clicking OK.

I also have some more advanced computer stealth tips if anyone's interested.
Never been caught. Never will be caught.

Likewise, Mah Brotha. *High Five*

don't express any interest in having sex. They still don't know why though. They just think I'm "missing out" on something "important" that I "really really really should be doing.

Yep. Pretty much sums me up. (even my MOM thinks that way)
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So, we're discussing "close call" moments now? Well, here's a tip that an idiot like me should've known better than to disregard.

Don't use your favorite tickle artwork as your iPad's wallpaper.

Even if you pledge never to allow anyone but yourself to use said iPad, eyes can wander and when they do, they immediately gain a +10 to perception when they spot anything tickle-related. That's a known, proven scientific fact. A college friend of mine caught a glimpse of it last month. Thankfully, she only mentioned that it was really cute (what else can you expect from MysticTouch art? xD).
Don't use your favorite tickle artwork as your iPad's wallpaper.


Oh my god.... HAHAHAHA!!! That's GOLD...
Man... I'm sorry, but... HAHAHA.....

That is just L.E.G.E.N.D.A.R.Y stupidity.

I feel like an ass for saying that, but... I just COULD NOT resist.
We have a maid service that comes once a week and I left my page up from another message board with some pretty suggestive bondage flicks on it. They dusted all around it so there's no way they couldn't have seen it. My wife gave me the dickens for that!
Okay, after all my years with this fetish, I've finally got something good for this thread. This isn't so much an embarrassing moment as it is a VERY close call, which I handled PERFECTLY.

M'kay, so.. I was sitting in class, talking with my friend when one of the top chicks in my class gets up and sits next to her (hilarious) friend in the back. Conveniently enough, that puts her right next to me, with the aisle in between us. So I thought to myself: Huh.. well that's a first. And she's wearing sandals too... Perfect time for a candid. (Yes, I'm a creeper, but what people don't know is happening, won't hurt them).

So I pulled out my recording device, started it rolling, placed it on my leg, and angled it towards my target.

I was recording for about five seconds before I gave in to the temptation to check the screen to make sure I was aimed properly. (I have horrible aim with cameras) So I leaned back and twisted my head into an awkward position in order to check the screen.

She saw me. (the plot thickens) She then immediately proceeded to trace my gaze and discovered the lens pointed straight under her table. The look she gave me had to have been the weirdest glare I have ever seen in my entire life.

It was at this moment that I knew I was compromised. She had me. There was no way I could get out of this easily. So I took the riskiest gambit I ever could have chosen.

I held the camera steady.

This went on for only an instant, before her eyes jumped back to the lens, then back to me. I had my plan already formulated in my head. I had already won the game.

As soon as her eyes met mine for the second time, I gestured my head towards the teacher, who was facing the class at the time. She followed my lead, and looked over towards the teacher. It was then that a look of understanding wiped all trace of suspicion from her face. Everyone had their phones out ^^ I was just hiding it from the teacher. Which is exactly what I wanted her to think.

When the teacher turned around, I promptly placed my device on the table, in an obscure location, stopped recording, and pretended to be doing something on it just to be sure. So I set the clock ahead a minute. (it was slow anyways)

I then turned the device off, and put it back in my pocket. Victory. Was. Mine.
(Mind you, this all happened while I was holding a conversation between two other people. DAMN I'm good.)
Oh jeez, do I... :blush

My fetish was first discovered by my sister. We shared a computer at the time, and I was too young to have known about things like deleting web history and whatnot. So she was on some website, went to search something, and lo and behold, what should appear in the drop-down window of previous searches?

ticklish feet
ticklish soles

That sort of thing. Annoyingly, because she was a nosy little booger, she just had to confront me about it. I got pretty steamed, but eventually I stopped caring too much. She won't let me not be embarrassed, though, because to this day, she teases me about it. She'll leave scandalized comments on fetish things I post on DA, and whenever there's a tickle scene in a show or something we're watching, she'll look over at me with this knowing look and give me a cheeky smile, like, "Oooh, someone's gettin' turned on..." I love her, but I wanna smack her sometimes...

Then there's my dad, who discovered my folder of stuff once while he was looking at my laptop. You should have seen me panic, too; he was being a typical parent and exploring my computer way more than he really needed to be. I could only sit there helplessly as he navigated his way to the incriminating folder...
Fortunately, he was cool with it. He still thinks it's a little unusual (he doesn't really get anything to do with feet--he's one of those "ew, feet, gross" types), but he doesn't judge me or tease me about it too much. Not that he has room to; the sounds I've heard coming from his and mom's bedroom during the witching hours of night... *shudder*

The most mortifying, though, was one particular incidence in middle school. I was still exploring my fetish at the time, and at one point managed to convince one of my friends to let me tickle her feet. I thought we were out of the way of prying eyes, but apparently I wasn't as slick as I thought I was...
My classmates had the wrong idea--they thought I was just rubbing her feet--but that was still plenty weird to them and plenty embarrassing for me, and it led to no end of merciless teasing...
Well, at least your sister is doing her job right. 😉 As long as it isn't hurtful? Adds a bit of flavor to the titanic conflict that is sibling rivalry. xD

That bit about your folder, that's reminded me of a particular folder I had once - an ACTUAL folder, filled with a bunch of artwork I had (very stupidly) printed out. It was early in my discovery of online tickling artwork, prior to the whole DeviantArt thing, and I was still young and immature to the art of fetish sneak-ery, so I thought actually printing the crap out instead of saving it to computer folders would've been safer, since I had physical wardenship over said incriminating folder. (that and I'd lock myself away in my room and giggle like a silly schoolgirl while looking at the artwork in privacy, lol).

Well, somehow, sometime, not sure when, but that folder disappeared. I may have lost it somewhere in my early mess of a room, or (I dear hope not) it might have been discovered by someone else. Don't think I'll ever know, since nobody actually said anything about it or mentioned anything, and it's been more than a decade since the stupid thing went missing. xD
Well, at least your sister is doing her job right. 😉 As long as it isn't hurtful? Adds a bit of flavor to the titanic conflict that is sibling rivalry. xD

That bit about your folder, that's reminded me of a particular folder I had once - an ACTUAL folder, filled with a bunch of artwork I had (very stupidly) printed out. It was early in my discovery of online tickling artwork, prior to the whole DeviantArt thing, and I was still young and immature to the art of fetish sneak-ery, so I thought actually printing the crap out instead of saving it to computer folders would've been safer, since I had physical wardenship over said incriminating folder. (that and I'd lock myself away in my room and giggle like a silly schoolgirl while looking at the artwork in privacy, lol).

Well, somehow, sometime, not sure when, but that folder disappeared. I may have lost it somewhere in my early mess of a room, or (I dear hope not) it might have been discovered by someone else. Don't think I'll ever know, since nobody actually said anything about it or mentioned anything, and it's been more than a decade since the stupid thing went missing. xD

Pshh, that girl teases me enough as it is; the last thing I need is fetishistic judgement. XD

But yeah, that would haunt me forever if that happened to me. Heh, maybe one day you'll find out where it is, or someone will say something, and then at least you'll know! :lol:
Hooboy have I got a story for you guys.

Okay so, last night Senshi and I were rolling around before bed as married couples sometimes do, and we hear my sisters' car pull up. Home from work for the night. Nothing unusual there.

And Senshi, the mild-mannered mod we all know and find adorable got the most evilest grin on his face. I mean, Grinch-level. He leapt up and sat on my ankles, pulled my pj bottoms down around my ankles and started tickling my knees, thighs, and hips.

Our bedroom is just off the living room, and our house has no foyer--meaning that when my sister came in through the door, if I had been laughing, she would have heard. So There I was, getting tickled on my worst spot and trying ANYTHING to keep my giggles silent. After a minute or three of this I was failing, little 'ha' noises were coming LOUDLY through my silent laughter, not to mention some embarrassing bi-product noises (snorts, loud gasps, etc).

Could she have just gone to bed? Oh no, nevermind that it was well past midnight. She had to make herself a snack in our kitchen that has an open floorplan with the livingroom and yes, our bedroom door. By this point Senshi was laughing as well, finding my increasing desperation hysterical. I'm not usually incredibly ticklish, so to hear me whispering "stop", "I can't take it" and "you asshole!" and actually halfway mean the desperate begs isn't something he's used to. Apparantly it's hysterical :| :lol Of course the glorious bastard had to start teasing then. Quiet "tickle tickle" type teases punctuated by his own amused laughter? Gods I was so flustered I couldn't think straight x//D

By the time, oh, ten minutes had passed (I'm completely guessing here, it felt like forever) and she FINALLY went to bed, I was thrashing, squeaking, tossing pillows over my face so I could laugh, and just generally a total mess. I tell you guys, it's rare I get to that "I'll do anything for it to stop" stage where I'm not thinking about the embarrassment, the situation, or even how much I'm enjoying it--just desperately trying to get away with absolutely no regard to my own composure or how I look. But last night, holy crap, I was there LONG before it stopped!

The best part? We have an air conditioner/heater unit in our bedroom that we often use for...help with the noise. The a/c stays on, but the heat comes on and off depending on how warm/cool the room is. This ENTIRE TIME the heater was on but not heating. The very MINUTE HE GOT OFF ME and lay down, IT CAME ON. I, in an admittedly giddy state, whipped around to it and exclaimed "OH NOW YOU COME ON?!" :lol

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glorious bastard



I completely flipped my shit at those two parts. Especially the "glorious bastard" part. You deserve a medal for that one.

Please for the love of mercy do a revenge thing and post about it here. I can't wait to hear that one.

On a slightly (completely) unrelated note, I changed my Facebook profile pic to a wet floor sign. I dunno why that amuses me as much as it does.
Hooboy have I got a story for you guys.

Okay so, last night Senshi and I were rolling around before bed as married couples sometimes do, and we hear my sisters' car pull up. Home from work for the night. Nothing unusual there.

And Senshi, the mild-mannered mod we all know and find adorable got the most evilest grin on his face. I mean, Grinch-level. He leapt up and sat on my ankles, pulled my pj bottoms down around my ankles and started tickling my knees, thighs, and hips.

Our bedroom is just off the living room, and our house has no foyer--meaning that when my sister came in through the door, if I had been laughing, she would have heard. So There I was, getting tickled on my worst spot and trying ANYTHING to keep my giggles silent. After a minute or three of this I was failing, little 'ha' noises were coming LOUDLY through my silent laughter, not to mention some embarrassing bi-product noises (snorts, loud gasps, etc).

Could she have just gone to bed? Oh no, nevermind that it was well past midnight. She had to make herself a snack in our kitchen that has an open floorplan with the livingroom and yes, our bedroom door. By this point Senshi was laughing as well, finding my increasing desperation hysterical. I'm not usually incredibly ticklish, so to hear me whispering "stop", "I can't take it" and "you asshole!" and actually halfway mean the desperate begs isn't something he's used to. Apparantly it's hysterical :| :lol Of course the glorious bastard had to start teasing then. Quiet "tickle tickle" type teases punctuated by his own amused laughter? Gods I was so flustered I couldn't think straight x//D

By the time, oh, ten minutes had passed (I'm completely guessing here, it felt like forever) and she FINALLY went to bed, I was thrashing, squeaking, tossing pillows over my face so I could laugh, and just generally a total mess. I tell you guys, it's rare I get to that "I'll do anything for it to stop" stage where I'm not thinking about the embarrassment, the situation, or even how much I'm enjoying it--just desperately trying to get away with absolutely no regard to my own composure or how I look. But last night, holy crap, I was there LONG before it stopped!

The best part? We have an air conditioner/heater unit in our bedroom that we often use for...help with the noise. The a/c stays on, but the heat comes on and off depending on how warm/cool the room is. This ENTIRE TIME the heater was on but not heating. The very MINUTE HE GOT OFF ME and lay down, IT CAME ON. I, in an admittedly giddy state, whipped around to it and exclaimed "OH NOW YOU COME ON?!" :lol


Aww, c'mon, I WANT that to happen to me...
Its a fantasy now.
Hooboy have I got a story for you guys.

Okay so, last night Senshi and I were rolling around before bed as married couples sometimes do, and we hear my sisters' car pull up. Home from work for the night. Nothing unusual there.

And Senshi, the mild-mannered mod we all know and find adorable got the most evilest grin on his face. I mean, Grinch-level. He leapt up and sat on my ankles, pulled my pj bottoms down around my ankles and started tickling my knees, thighs, and hips.

Our bedroom is just off the living room, and our house has no foyer--meaning that when my sister came in through the door, if I had been laughing, she would have heard. So There I was, getting tickled on my worst spot and trying ANYTHING to keep my giggles silent. After a minute or three of this I was failing, little 'ha' noises were coming LOUDLY through my silent laughter, not to mention some embarrassing bi-product noises (snorts, loud gasps, etc).

Could she have just gone to bed? Oh no, nevermind that it was well past midnight. She had to make herself a snack in our kitchen that has an open floorplan with the livingroom and yes, our bedroom door. By this point Senshi was laughing as well, finding my increasing desperation hysterical. I'm not usually incredibly ticklish, so to hear me whispering "stop", "I can't take it" and "you asshole!" and actually halfway mean the desperate begs isn't something he's used to. Apparantly it's hysterical :| :lol Of course the glorious bastard had to start teasing then. Quiet "tickle tickle" type teases punctuated by his own amused laughter? Gods I was so flustered I couldn't think straight x//D

By the time, oh, ten minutes had passed (I'm completely guessing here, it felt like forever) and she FINALLY went to bed, I was thrashing, squeaking, tossing pillows over my face so I could laugh, and just generally a total mess. I tell you guys, it's rare I get to that "I'll do anything for it to stop" stage where I'm not thinking about the embarrassment, the situation, or even how much I'm enjoying it--just desperately trying to get away with absolutely no regard to my own composure or how I look. But last night, holy crap, I was there LONG before it stopped!

The best part? We have an air conditioner/heater unit in our bedroom that we often use for...help with the noise. The a/c stays on, but the heat comes on and off depending on how warm/cool the room is. This ENTIRE TIME the heater was on but not heating. The very MINUTE HE GOT OFF ME and lay down, IT CAME ON. I, in an admittedly giddy state, whipped around to it and exclaimed "OH NOW YOU COME ON?!" :lol

haha that's an awesome and fun story Karen haha
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