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Embarressing moments involving your fetish

Lol, this thread rocksXD So much recognition in here!

Well, i have some moments too😛

When i was like 16 we had this really old PC that had crashed, and was totally busted. Or so it seemed. On that computer was a pretty large collection of tickle clips i had put together in a single file. So, we had a new computer and i never tought about it again, untill our new computer died as wellXD (don't know what it is, computers at our place) and my Dad tells me that a handy guy from his work is going to fix our OLD computer so we can use that instead.
So the guy came over, and fixed it within a little hour, and then apparently my dad decided to clear the files as well, going trough all of them...

Including my Tickle clip collection😛

SO i came to see what they were doing, and they were JUST opening the file! I was totally nailed to the floor as the played a clip (which created confused looks on faces I assure you) and then my dad turned to me, asking what it was...
I told them it was a file i received from a friend or something, and that i hadn't opened it before. It sounded pretty lame, but he believed me! Weee! Hold till relieve they say!

A really close encounter happened recently (about 1 month ago) when i had some friend coming over for a little party at my place. THey were all inside, being happy and stuff...

When i suddenly realise all my WIP artwork is laying on the table, clear for any bypasser to see. THANK HEAVENS no one had noticed it. THen, when i was about to pick it all up, this guy comes over to me and starts talking about the movie we should watch. The artwork only an eye glimpse away for him to see.

So i practicaly stood there for like 5 minutes, waiting for him to leave!!! Can you imagine yourself standing RIGHT next to a pile of tickle themed drawings, with a guy standing enxt to you that has only to look to his sight to notice everything??? I nearly died of agony!

When the doorbell rings and he goes to open it, and i Quickly got rid of the art by shoving it into a nearby closet.

That was about the most relieving moment i ever felt, right next to finding a toilet when youve been searching for one for nearly 3 hours.
When i suddenly realise all my WIP artwork is laying on the table, clear for any bypasser to see. THANK HEAVENS no one had noticed it. THen, when i was about to pick it all up, this guy comes over to me and starts talking about the movie we should watch. The artwork only an eye glimpse away for him to see.

So i practicaly stood there for like 5 minutes, waiting for him to leave!!! Can you imagine yourself standing RIGHT next to a pile of tickle themed drawings, with a guy standing enxt to you that has only to look to his sight to notice everything??? I nearly died of agony!

When the doorbell rings and he goes to open it, and i Quickly got rid of the art by shoving it into a nearby closet.

That was about the most relieving moment i ever felt

Dude, that would seriously suck!

right next to finding a toilet when youve been searching for one for nearly 3 hours.

I understand...
Today, at the bank, I brought my computer with me in order to show the financial advisor my Sallie Mae information. he reviewed the information, and when he realized he lost the WiFi connection, he clicked the back button on the browser a few times, bringing up this site's URL...

I froze and blushed...and he looked at me funny before saying, "Let's just look this up on my computer." and smiling at me in an odd way...

Maybe he's on the site...who knows? I definitely had a minor heart attack moment.
I was soooooo busted but lucked out. My screen saver had all sorts of ... interesting... pics, but it was currently showing ff pics, of actresses. A relative saw it, and just said: "nice photos, been collecting long?".

Needless to say I cleared my screen saver before something else poped up and was VERY glad that they didn't ask any more questions.
Well, I bit my tongue today, had I not, it would've been an embarassing situation!


I'm out at work, everyone knows I'm gay. It can be a source of amusement with some of the straight laced bankers I work with, but generally, everyone is pretty much used to me.

There is one guy there who I'll call "Dave". Dave is about in his mid 40's, has greying hair, very slender, very tall, and large feet.

About a month ago, I walked over to his cubicle, and he didn't hear me coming up from behind. When I said "Hi", he nearly jumped out of his skin. About a week later, the same thing happened, but this time, I poked his ribs and said "BOO". He jumped, but also squirmed, so I found out he's ticklish.

This morning, I walked to his cublicle loudly. I don't want him to be freaked out each time I come over. I didn't say anything right away, and he says "I know you're there, don't try to tickle me."


After work, I had changed into my work out clothes to hit the gym, and Dave came by my cubicle. He commented on my sneakers, and I told him where I got them. He then said "I have the hardest time finding sneakers for these feet I'm stuck with."

So I asked "Well, if you don't mind my asking, what size foot are you?" His reply was "They're 14s."

It took all the restraint I had not to say, "14, damn....are they ticklish?""


That would not have gone over well.
Man, that restraint is the hardest thing in the world...I take my hat off to you, CD *bows*

I'm out at work, everyone knows I'm gay. It can be a source of amusement with some of the straight laced bankers I work with, but generally, everyone is pretty much used to me.

I can't help but wonder if that's rhyming-slang, CD. 😀
I think we can all agree when I say, THANK GOD FOR FIREFOX!
if you go to tools you can make it so it doesn't save you're history.
it is this that has saved me a lifetime of embarrassment from my computer linked sites.
i was gawking at many girl's socks at a party and was caught out for it. they made me feel bad about it. 20yrs with girls wearing socks, and many many more fetishes i have but have not got caught out with yet.
my turn to give a story

I wouldn't necessarily say I ONLY like tickling, but I don't have too much of an interest in sex besides maybe having children. Tickling or just thinking about tickling is much more arousing to me than sex. And I'm in the same boat as Val. Mainstream porn doesn't arouse me at all. I have NO interest in watching some people have sex on my computer. That's something I'm very proud of. Many girls like that about me as well. Most girls who know about my foot and tickling fetishes say they'd rather have me playing with and tickling their feet than doing the same to their breasts or other "regions" 😉 It's pretty much left at that. Though a few embaressing moments have sparked from such situations. 😛

i actually fully agree because i get more excited about ticklin then ever having Woopie lol!!

i though still hide my fetish from every one i know because there are those people you just don't want knowing you like that stuff!
i once got caught and just said it's my curiosity and i'm allowed to have questions i wanna discover myself though i ended up getting grounded and the Lecture about how you shouldn't be looking at girls like that ( they thought i was looking at Porn lol ) but it was me discovering my interest in tickling thats all yes maybe some of the tickle clips i looked for had girls maybe in a bikini but yeah! personally i hate the lecture parents give us about looking at Porn when really we are only looking at tickle stuff
AnyBody else hate the lectures!?

i once almost told my dear mother see asked about these sites on my Email
my heart dropped thinking see was gonna find out my tickle fetish :scared
but she was asking me about these other random email i was getting from stupid websites but i basically said i don;t know who they are or how they found me. But i was SOOOO close to telling her about my Tickle Fetish to the point of playing the hint game yet i gave her almost every hint without saying tickling yet she still didn't figure it out!!!
part if me wonders if she kinda knows i'm into something but just never say anything. after that scary moment i didn't tell her what i was into i just said " What ever you saw here Mom dosen't get to my Dad or Siblings at all it kill me" and i think she has honoured my word Trust is an issue with me because of all the fights my family had with each other and stuff

anyway theres my story
:blush when your being held down and tickled by friends and you let out a moan.... not cool bro.... :no:
I think we can all agree when I say, THANK GOD FOR FIREFOX!
if you go to tools you can make it so it doesn't save you're history.
it is this that has saved me a lifetime of embarrassment from my computer linked sites.

You can also use chrome's incognito window and firefox's private browsing before ooking up anything you dont want others to see
Just spent over an hour reading all the posts here, don't know how I never saw this before. You guys sure have some funny stories.

Anyway feel pretty obligated to add mine.

So as a kid, I watched a tonn of tickling videos but was always really damn good about deleting my history and such, or so I thought.

I was probably 13 or 14 and my sister (2 years younger than me) and I start getting into in argument (don't really remember what about, I might have been making fun of her about something)

When out of the blue, she just stops and yells:
I just kinda fumble with words for a bit, nervous and confused. She continues:
"I used your computer and saw you searched for BOOB AND ARMPIT TICKLING"
My eyes double in size, and my face turns the color of a tomato. With no idea how to respond I just kinda sheepishly deny what she said, though she knew she had me.

As if I wasn't embarrassed enough she prods on:
"I told MOM about it, she knows your a pervert too"

And at that point, I promptly got the fuck out and didn't talk to my sister for the rest of the day.
I don't know if my sister actually did bring it up with my mom, but thankfully both of them never spoke another word about it.
I also wanna add that it's always been a fantasy of mine to have some girl find out about my fetish but be ok with it, and maybe indulge me in it from time to time. But alas, I don't really see this every happening unless I tell someone, which I really couldn't see myself ever doing..
It was my junior year in high school(I'm a senior now woot!) When one of my friends found out about my foot fetish and I was walking down the hallway from lunch and he started yelling " FEET! FEET! FEET!"I was embarrassed but I laughed it off. 😉
This is pretty funny I thought I would share it.

This was when I was maybe 15. So I was sitting in the living room on the computer downloading a tickling video. With the browser that I was using, it would automatically play the video as soon as it finished downloading. My sister went up to me and asked If she could check her myspace, I quickly closed the download window, thinking that it would cancel the download and let her on the computer. All of a sudden, the video popped up and started playing. I was just like "What is this shit? Goddamn pop-us." And closed it. She just gave me a weird look, I never knew if she bought it or not.
i was on the couch with my ex gf and was poking and stroking her feet while they were in my crotch and she noticed i got a hard on, so she just sort of went along with it and let me tickle her feet while i got the most awesome footjob. never really discussed it after that, go figure
Meh, a few times I messed up. Back when I first found THIS site I was reading stories all night. I didnt have internet at my house so I was at my dads GFs house and I deleted the 'last searched items' off the google page but never deleted the history haha. Than I was asked by my teacher what I was looking at - after she discovered "I went to inappropriate websites." I even talked the principle and said "I dont exactly know what I searched" LOL He said " I'll talk to Mr. XXXXX (the schools computer tech) and find out." Wonder how that went hahah. All that was 8th grade! Then, I used that same ladies laptop! Think I deleted the history but couldnt delete the google searches! OMG. I left a search up on 2 other peoples PC. Then my parents almost caught me watchin a vid. Shortly after the laptop incident a magazine with an article about tickling showed up at my house. That was during late years of high school.The most recent and most direct was when I got my first smart phone and turned bluetooth on!FML
My tickled my friend all the time and I'm sure she knew. I think one of the first girls I dated knew too. I've only ever told 2 people though.
I once had a list of tickling sites and some printouts, which got mixed up with a copy of my cv.
At the job interview i just managed to discover the offending items (due to the interview running late,) and removed them to a suit pocket.
Amazingly i got the job, but the interview was with the head of department and the human resources manager, who was very gorgeous and a little hot.
Those high heels and lovely feet and legs, i went red every time i saw her for about 3 years.
She was well out of my league as you can imagine.
My 'outings' spread a looonng and awkward life, thinking about it, actually. I was always interested in how my heart raced whenever the 'T' word came up, but I would royally FREAK if anyone tried to do it to me 'unsolicited'. It was/is an adrenaline rush for the longest time, and I still am struggling with how it affects me. :blush
So... the childish 'Doctor' games, and such, with cousins/siblings began.

Raised in a very religious Christian family, (and, belying all evidence to the contrary, I still like to think I'm a [struggling] Christian, trying, day by day) after my first set of cousins understandably told their parents about the 'interesting' game, I got to have a 'gently chiding' conversation from my parents, at about 6-8 years old?
Then, a bit older, I got another, 'You shouldn't be doing this sort of thing, you know?'
Thankfully, when I tried again this cousin knew they 'shouldn't' rush to tell their parents of the activity that made their pulse pound as I'm sure it did mine.
The 'massage/tickle' games we played were increasingly one-sided, on my end, and though we 'were' safe, whenever I decided to play it "safe", a parent ended up walking in, with me in a compromising position (to which I hastily corrected, stating we were just 'rubbing each others' backs, which we were, at the time).

Then reading tickling stories on the family desktop laptop. Suddenly yanked out of the fantasy world, from a calculated, "What are you reading?" Don't think the mouse has ever traveled that slow, to the 'x' button before! XD But only stories, and largely furry (not wanting to read more 'intense'/whatever stories at that time). Thankfully??? I found out about the whole 'delete history' thing from other embarrassing, 'inappropriate' sites (i.e. crude, swearing, etc. inappropriate).

Pretty sure my mother knew - and strongly disapproved - of 'such' interest, it not being beneficial to my spiritual health, yaddah yaddah yaddah.

- Then after I had a near-death experience, haven't been 'caught' in about a decade (almost 7 years since accident), though I still am living under my parents' roof, for a now indefinite period of time. *grumbles*
But one time, so soon after my accident, when I was about to go BALLISTIC INSANE from the micromanaging everyone else seemed to have over my life, while I was taking time to 'describe' how I was nibbling on someone's toes, here, my dad popped in.
My eyes flashing wide, I 'thought' I immediately hit the 'x' button on the tab, but as he walked up to see what I was doing, nope, I hadn't. And this was one of the first times I had dared to be so 'free/detailed' in my ... care. Thank one or the other, all he did was glance at a page from this site, TickleTheater logo strongly featured, then say, 'Oh. You're talking to a friend. Okay then.' That's when me heart started to descend from my throat, seeing he just wanted to glance at whatever I was up to.

So, from those 'numerous' instances, 'little' reason why I seem to have this overpowering need to establish control in my life, through here, primarily. And how I'm NEVER going to tell anyone about 'such' interest unless they truly say they have an interest (if not much more, which I'm coming to terms with, too :huh) in tickling FIRST!

Just nuts trying to reason 'this' into the whole 'it's NOT porn! - it keeps me from watching porn, actually!' argument. And that doesn't even start on the number of drawings I've trashed, half-finished with 'such' a related theme. :blush
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Good lord it must suck to be you! Religious parents are the worst.
Aye for fuck sakes... So today at work I went on break with a lady at work and we were talking about ghost hunting and her FB page for it so I pulled out my phone to check it out and the address at the top of the screen said TickleTheater! I quickly scrambled to a different page... I dont think she seen it but DAMN! I might as well get a friggin shirt with the logo on it!
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