I've read through all of this, and there's something nipping at the edges. This way some people have of always needing to tell others what's "wrong" with them. For instance...we have a thread of honest discussion and someone has to come along with "Well, in this other thread...you did this...and then you did that..."
Seems to happen a lot. It's almost like...and this is prety much just reiterating what a lot of posts to this have said but adding to it....that we have our personas and people have a need to make them what they want to be...and God forbid you step out of your role.
Ok, I know this is really coming out of left field, but it's a kinda raw day for me, and screw it. I really wih people would simply aceept the faults of others and stop trying to always feel they have to expose them...or make posts about what people did "wrong" and such. And...this is even within the circles of friends we all have.
Ok, I have many friends here, and a few that are extremely close...people I could not imagine my life without. And, of course, every one of them has some trait or another that has the potential to annoy the fuck out of me. But, rather than trying to "change" it, or come up with a hundred reasons why it's there and what should be done about it, I try to just accept it. Understand that "Hey, he's my friend and that's just the way he is"...."She's deeply important to me, so I can take that with the good parts and still feel that closeness".
Yeah, I know this one's going off a bit...but as I'm typing, it's just really starting to hit me, and to be honest....make me a bit hostile. This is one of the things
I do that I catch a lot of shit for, except from those who know my tendencies and accept them anyway....just letting what's at the surface come up and deal with it on the spot rather than overthinking it. Just sorta letting it flow.
So, what's the fucking point, Dave? Ok...why can't we all just see these things in each other....stop trying to think everyone around here has to be fucking perfect or the way WE want them to be in order to get along? I have friend X who has a bad habit of speaking for other people....friend Y who can't seem to let things go, even if they're innocuous....friend Z who often will overanalyze things about me rather than just see the emotional side....and you know what? I could fucking care less. Because X has been there for me when no one else was.....Y is someone who's changed my life for the better and Z is someone I can always depend on to help me see another side of things when I'm not seeing it.
So, rather than popping all over the place calling each other out about posts made, or arguements started or specific things said....why can't we just say "You know....that's the way he/she is and it's ok..." rather than always trying to fucking
change people?
This is how I can always tell who my own real friends are. I've never been one to run from my faults, so I'll put my neck on the block here, screw it. Example: I often have a habit of letting my attempts at ascerbic humor go too far and wind up making jokes or something that are offensive in a certain light, or often just plain wrong and stupid. Those who have taken the time to give a rat's ass about where that comes from just tell me "Dude....bad. You ok? Oh, and by the way.....did you catch the game last night where...." Those that just see "something BAD" from "Dave2112" just can't resist picking it apart, starting an arguement finding 154 ways to say the same goddamn thing about what is a simple thing....and it makes me wonder why. Are people really
that quick jujmp on the faults or tendencies of another in order to justify their own self-worth?
I really feel you on this thread, Crystal....and those who've responded with actual insight and not just rehashes of the same old shit. Sorry if this response went off....but there was a lot of stuff simmering below the surface and this just triggered it....but not in a bad way. This is good...more digging into each other and discovering each other as complete people and less posturing and poking at what everyone else does "wrong." Maybe if everyone would take two seconds before posting something about another person...take an honest look in thier own fucking personal mirror and see where they're not so goddamn perfect...and wonder if
they'd like to be ripped over every thing they do like many people who put themselves out there find themselves having happen over and over and over and over.....then just maybe we'd all start to realize that we DO have a lot of common ground and that clinging to that is far more important that getting a fucking boner proving how much better you are than someone else and having to publically show that by tearing down another person. It's fucking pathetic.
Again, sorry....it's one of
my things. Emotions are there...a trigger comes along....I respond and let it flow. Better than leting it eat at you in order to prove something.
Whew....ok....vent over. Feel much better.....
....so.....two guys walk into a bar and once of them orders a drink....