hi omega, the problem is that companies want to make as much money as possible regardls of the suffering it will create, that is the nature of capitalism and that is the problem.
companies should be run much more democratic, and should be in buisness to serve the interests of the people and not their elite stockholders.
if those elites loose power, i dont think the corporation will collaspse, but they certainly arnt willing to concede it.
during the somoza dictatorship in nicaragua, a company used to dump pure murcury into lake managua. after the revolution and people forced them to stop. thats because after the revolution the people actually had some type of power other than when they were living under the somoza dictatorship which was basically run from the US.
well this really pissed the us corporations off (not just that one incident) and they began lobbying for for a terrorist war against the new nicaraguan government, with their close allies in the military this wasnt hard to do and they got it. tens of thousands of innocent nicaraguans were killed, civilian infrastructure was targeted by the terrorists who were directly on the payrol of the cia(iran contra came of this), and made no base for political support from within nicaragua. but they had an endless budged and they began to destroy the government from the inside out. the sandinistas lost the election (yes an election they brought democracy to nicaragua) and a us puppet regime was back in power(funny side note, thier current president is being indited for stealing millions from the people)
but anyway my point being they dont give up without a fight, and they will kill and torture for their right to exploit. but if we make this institutions more democratic, like give the people in nicaragua a say, and the workers of the company a say, things would change for the better.