thank you BRK! o, and guyz, guess what? =w= somethin, er, came in da mail today.....kukuku
AH! it's such a cute little book! it's not in magazine form, more like the cover is a tougher almost laminate material. i would really like to find a non-damaging way to scan this is, but it may just have to suck it up take it with the exacto-knife.
seriously u guyz, if i do not share with u everything that is in this book, i will burn in hell. it is packed with page after page of super cute/sexy pin-ups of girls just getting tickled, and there are even short stories scattered here and there ^^
it's all really grade a stuff, and i wanna share it with everybody without damaging the content in any way. i'm prolly gonna actually go look on the internet for a tutorial for something like this cuz i think i remember seeing one once.
so yes, once i hav carefully seperated the pages from the binding and waht not, i'll scan them in, upload in a zip, and send to anyone who has/or will requested in a note to me the download link.