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Huge Anime Tickle Thread!


ok, but srsly, though, if anyone can find out which episode of Lilpri, that this wonderful tickle glove shows up it'd be super awesome desu!

after cross-referencing several sources i still can tfind it. i have a feeling that "44" in this blog, http://berryzmomokoubou.blog79.fc2.com/blog-date-20110330.html, does not refer to the epidode number. feel free to give it a read, a few pics down the glove pic shows up.

also here's crunchy roll's page for all the eps.
theres 51 in total.

and while im at it, heres the wiki page which lists and summarizes every ep


Found it a while back, but I don't think I ever posted it. I can't remember if it was just a threat or what, but the lees were definitely animals so I didn't think it was worth it.
ah o ya i guess i see whatchu mean. ok, thanks a lot for the info ^^

ok, but srsly, though, if anyone can find out which episode of Lilpri, that this wonderful tickle glove shows up it'd be super awesome desu!

after cross-referencing several sources i still can tfind it. i have a feeling that "44" in this blog, http://berryzmomokoubou.blog79.fc2.com/blog-date-20110330.html, does not refer to the epidode number. feel free to give it a read, a few pics down the glove pic shows up.

also here's crunchy roll's page for all the eps.
theres 51 in total.

and while im at it, heres the wiki page which lists and summarizes every ep


.... Fuck me! Now that is a glove!
HurrDurrTurrs you are my hero, thank you so much, I never hoped to see it full, it's even more awesome than I expected <3<3 *////* now I only wish it get's posted on e-hentai and someone translates it

On that note would anyone happen to know what kind of money someone makes translating hentai on some kind of commission basis? I know next to no Japanese and editing in text over sound effects and stylizing words to fit right seems a bit tricky, but I'm very interested in the the prospects. Also, not that porn artists ever file lawsuits or anything, but is there anything at all that makes making money off of making money off of editing for that single commissioner unlawful?
Thats very nice. I just wish I could get past that dang Sad Panda. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get past that danged bear.

The method I use for getting into exhentai is using Firefox and finding a plugin called "Cookies Manager +". Once you have that you log in to e-hentai and then access the plugin by pushing the orange Firefox button in the corner, going to Web Developer and then clicking it in the drop-down list. Okay, now as the name suggests you're going to be editing your cookies, so find each one that applies to e-hentai, say you want to edit it, change the corresponding address from "e-hentai" to "exhentai" and change the expiration date to something far off so you don't have to do this every time you want to access the site. Be sure to change the date for the exhentai ones as well. When you refresh the page it should be working.

An old plugin for allowing access easier doesn't work anymore and I'll bet methods are still a little tough to Google, but hey if it was so easy then people would probably throw a fit and things would probably get harder for all I know.

Enjoy your loli material.
Comic Alive 5/14- f/f Upperbody

Young Animal Arashi 5/14- f/f Stomach, f/f Breasts

Shonen Champion 19-2014- f/f Armpits

Young Jump 19-2014- f/m Foot
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In my Expert Japanese Opinion, nothing posted here recently really needed any more translation to make it more enjoyable.


Quick, Expert Japanese, What's the fastest (or best) way to learn Japanese?
(Other than visiting Japan. Because you can't pirate a trip to Japan)

Because I kinda wanna learn it.

... But I'm impatient... And horribly un-motivated... And have the attention span of a fly... And an IQ of 118... And I learn REALLY fast... And I tend to over-analyze things...


I hate all these conflicting aspects of me.
o hey, soul eater not is getting an anime, maybe that scene will get animated
Comic Alive 5/14- f/f Upperbody

Young Animal Arashi 5/14- f/f Stomach, f/f Breasts

Shonen Champion 19-2014- f/f Armpits

Young Jump 19-2014- f/m Foot

I was just about to post that second one. Anyway, here's a really quick scene from Nagi no Asukara.
Quick, Expert Japanese, What's the fastest (or best) way to learn Japanese?
(Other than visiting Japan. Because you can't pirate a trip to Japan)

Because I kinda wanna learn it.

... But I'm impatient... And horribly un-motivated... And have the attention span of a fly... And an IQ of 118... And I learn REALLY fast... And I tend to over-analyze things...


I hate all these conflicting aspects of me.

I'd recommend downloading Pimsleur *cough, (illegal) cough* torrent! *cough* for Japanese.
These work by having a native person speak a short conversation. Then the conversation's broken down and you're told what word means what, asked to repeat it verbally (helps ingrain it in your brain better, blahblah, science explanation), then question you, to help further imbed it in your mind.
Short summary: it seems more interactive than Rosetta Stone.

Hope it works! Let us know what you choose and the results, please. :happy:
Is that really the difference between the 2? Just loli crap?

Not entirely sure, but that's certainly the most notable thing (content with minors of either gender that is). Whatever the reasons they don't have some of their content show up regularly, and getting into exhentai lets you see all of it.

Also if you strive to shame people for liking loli material it won't work Neo Ninny.
I'd recommend downloading Pimsleur *cough, (illegal) cough* torrent! *cough* for Japanese.
These work by having a native person speak a short conversation. Then the conversation's broken down and you're told what word means what, asked to repeat it verbally (helps ingrain it in your brain better, blahblah, science explanation), then question you, to help further imbed it in your mind.
Short summary: it seems more interactive than Rosetta Stone.

Hope it works! Let us know what you choose and the results, please. :happy:

I'm with sadistictcklr on this, Pimselur would probably be the best tool for learning Japanease, but just a word of warning if you want to get Pimselur legally use Pimsleur.com to get it, and stay away from PimsleurApproach.com I bring this up because alot of people have been scammed by PimsleurApproach.com and I don't want you to be another victim in their scam.
thaanks ktlktl >w<

(and tellurium, for the gif from Nagi no Asukara which ill not stop at nothing to pinpoint lol)
no prob dont worry ur perfectly understandable.

ALSO! u gys are never gonna know how proud of myself i am XD
in that Nagi no Asukura gif, it looks like she's trying to chlorophorm him right? so, in an effort to narrow the search, i google the anime + chloroform, and well what do ya know, he specifically says in that scene that u need to use chloroform (she must have just used a plain rag lol)
so learned it was ep 3 from that. way to go context clues hahaha
hxxp://www.anime4fun.com/nagi-asukara-episode-3 , 21:10
I'd recommend downloading Pimsleur *cough, (illegal) cough* torrent! *cough* for Japanese.
These work by having a native person speak a short conversation. Then the conversation's broken down and you're told what word means what, asked to repeat it verbally (helps ingrain it in your brain better, blahblah, science explanation), then question you, to help further imbed it in your mind.
Short summary: it seems more interactive than Rosetta Stone.

Hope it works! Let us know what you choose and the results, please. :happy:

haHA I win this round. I already "Appropriated" Pimsleur AND Rosetta Stone.
(Quite a while ago)
Both of which move too slow for me.


Or I'm just to impatient.

One of the two.

P.S. Actually they're about the same in terms of interactivity.

Rosetta Stone just feels more like a class. You know...

Pimsleur starts with everyday conversation, and rosettastone starts at ABC 123 RED BLUE BOY GIRL exc... exc... Also it doesn't explain anything in english. It completely cuts off all other languages, using context clues and images to help you figure it out for yourself.
(The same way you learned your first language)

Also, RS is approximately 15X longer than pimsleur.
And probably covers more stuff. It's just... Pimsleur is 15X easier to work with than RS. (And 15X easier to "Acquire")

In my opinionated conclusion. Pimsleur will get you speaking (no reading/writing) relatively quickly, whilst RS takes FAAARRR longer, and will give you a FAARRR better understanding of the language in the long run. (I.E. How to read and write, + more speaky stuff)
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haHA I win this round. I already "Appropriated" Pimsleur AND Rosetta Stone.
(Quite a while ago)
Both of which move too slow for me.


Or I'm just to impatient.

One of the two.

P.S. Actually they're about the same in terms of interactivity.

Rosetta Stone just feels more like a class. You know...

Pimsleur starts with everyday conversation, and rosettastone starts at ABC 123 RED BLUE BOY GIRL exc... exc... Also it doesn't explain anything in english. It completely cuts off all other languages, using context clues and images to help you figure it out for yourself.
(The same way you learned your first language)

Also, RS is approximately 15X longer than pimsleur.
And probably covers more stuff. It's just... Pimsleur is 15X easier to work with than RS. (And 15X easier to "Acquire")

In my opinionated conclusion. Pimsleur will get you speaking (no reading/writing) relatively quickly, whilst RS takes FAAARRR longer, and will give you a FAARRR better understanding of the language in the long run. (I.E. How to read and write, + more speaky stuff)

I can't really help you because I learned Japanese by taking classes in college and then going to Japan, neither of which you can obtain via sail-and-rigging means.

That said, Rosetta Stone's approach is like what you'd get if you did visit a foreign country; no guarantee that you'll find anyone who can explain something to you, and you learn things by hearing them over and over again and figuring out the meaning by context, which does take a while (and it's why I have a regional accent in spoken Japanese). However, starting like that from scratch can be incredibly slow.

Here's how I did it: Japanese classes for 2 years in college -> 5 years in Japan -> Self-study in Japan for kanji and higher-level vocabulary and grammar.
I can't really help you because I learned Japanese by taking classes in college and then going to Japan, neither of which you can obtain via sail-and-rigging means.

That said, Rosetta Stone's approach is like what you'd get if you did visit a foreign country; no guarantee that you'll find anyone who can explain something to you, and you learn things by hearing them over and over again and figuring out the meaning by context, which does take a while (and it's why I have a regional accent in spoken Japanese). However, starting like that from scratch can be incredibly slow.

Here's how I did it: Japanese classes for 2 years in college -> 5 years in Japan -> Self-study in Japan for kanji and higher-level vocabulary and grammar.

Wow! it's no wonder you know so much of what it says in japanese. ^^
I can't really help you because I learned Japanese by taking classes in college and then going to Japan, neither of which you can obtain via sail-and-rigging means.

I dunno.... There've gotta be plenty of online classes comparable to college classes that I could slither my way into.

Or... Maybe... I could switch my entire PC to Japanese locale and just say FUCK IT. I'm doing this till I get it, or till I end up breaking my computer.
(Knowing me, I'd probably end up deleting System32 by accident, due to not being able to read it)


Or I could just beat my head against the wall for a few hours until I suddenly get it. That's happened a few times.
I dunno.... There've gotta be plenty of online classes comparable to college classes that I could slither my way into.

Or... Maybe... I could switch my entire PC to Japanese locale and just say FUCK IT. I'm doing this till I get it, or till I end up breaking my computer.
(Knowing me, I'd probably end up deleting System32 by accident, due to not being able to read it)


Or I could just beat my head against the wall for a few hours until I suddenly get it. That's happened a few times.

4chan's /a/ board has a daily Japanese thread with many resources and tips on tackling the language for any level.
Personally went went in with a little background (12~ years of watching anime and a year of studying back in middle school) and aced JLPT N2 after less than a year by using those threads, later moved to Japan. While you're studying make sure to keep yourself immersed, keep reading manga and novels in Japanese, watching anime and movies... That's the best way to make progress.
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