- Ever heard of chocolate chip cookies baked around Oreo cookies?
- If I baked you some, would you devour them?
- Are you a steak guy? Or stick mostly to chicken?
- What kind of things do you collect?
- What animal do you feel best represents your personality?
- What kind of card games do you like to play, if any?
- What obnoxious color would you pick?
- Would you have all sorts of crazy art on your Rape Van if you owned one?
- Would it have a special place in the back for making whoopie?
- Do you think anyone ever really uses the term "making whoopie" anymore?
- Do you want kids?
- How old ARE you?
- How old do you feel you act?
- What kind of clothing do you prefer to wear? Do you have a specific style?
- Tell me more about the Batman game. Do you think I should invest in it?
- What kind of cell phone do you have?
- What do you hate about it?
- Are YOU always this deep??
- Would you be insulted if I asked that due to your heritage, does that mean you're a big pasta fan?
- If yes; I'm sorry.
- LMFAO..... Holy crap. -- Did you get fired for that?

You are just epic, yanno that?
- Yes, that was a question.
- The above wasn't.
- What are your feelings on the new Ultimate Spider-man being half-hispanic, half-black and the Media muttering that he may be gay also?
- Do you read a lot of Graphic Novels?
- What are some of your favorites?
- Favorite breakfast food?
- You live in CT; have you ever gone to any gatherings/munches?
- Why not?
- If we've met before and I don't remember, this is the part where I feel like a complete asshole.