Umojar said:
He wasn't just attacking the heckler anymore.
Ah, but the problem is he didn't feel that way and neither did the hecklers. It was an interpersonal rant between two people that just so happened to include an audiance. If by "anymore" you mean simply using the word nigger is a bersmerchment of black people everywhere, I have to disagree with that, especially as I am trying to see this from his point of view. Its reasonable to believe that he has no problems with black people, and wouldn't call the good black folk niggers, but he's calling THIS ONE a nigger, and is making a contrast between the two. In other words, the word takes on a new meaning other than the slavery and this and that.
Perhaps to him, a nigger is a crude, stupid black person, and that it takes negative qualities to be a nigger, and that not all black people are niggers, in the same way that not all white people are trailer park trash.
One could argue quite reasonably that the meaning of the word has changed for so many people, even as it has for blacks using the word amongst themselves.
The word itself is not racist, its whats implied through it that may or may not be. I do not feel that this display was thorough and clear enough to say what was, other than it being ridiculous and unnecessary. It being racist is actually questionable depending on who you talk to. Its not instantly some universal truth just because the word was spoken.
If a black can laugh at it, then maybe it shows the definition has changed and that any particular black person is not offended by it.
Honestly, I feel people need to begin desensitizing themselves to the stigma and impact of the word. Not by using it repeatedly or recklessly, but by refusing to uphold the negative evils behind the HISTORY of the word. Let a NEW HISTORY overtake the word, and let it be lighthearted and jovial. Anyone who refuses to do this is a part of the problem and not the solution. Why uphold the centuries of hate through the word. Thats whats also ridiculous. Either the word should take a better meaning, or people should stop using it completely. Since the latter is not likely to happen, then the word needs to change.
To have to be so PC that we call it "the n-word" is crazy. To have to make an abriviation for a racial slur is stupid.
People cannot heal themselves if they don't let it happen.