So don't post that information. This has been said to you before Mitch, the personal info that you post publicly belongs in a blog or a journal, where those close to you can read it and make suggestions there. Posting it publicly opens you up for things like the last 12 pages or so, especially when your first words in the thread are "I know I'm opening myself up for attack and I shouldn't post this, but I'm going to anyway".
Do everyone involved a favour, including yourself, and don't post anything remotely personal publicly on this forum again. Ever. Blog? Fine. PM's? Go for it. General Discussion? The few remaining who did care have since given up in the last few days (read above) and the miserable details of your life are a buzz-kill for the rest of us. To say nothing of the perceived attacks and insults that you claim you've been the recipient of.
You say you're not going to post things like this again after you move? Why are you waiting? Stop posting things like that now. As well, stop posting about topics that relate to the personal info in your life, like yesterday's thread about the afterlife. You know where it's going to end up, and you clearly don't like it.
If you don't want to suffer the nasty, evil barbs of the internet, don't leave yourself open to them by posting things like this.