I want to make one general statement to GQ, Leo, and anyone else in this thread who truly meant well. '
I'm going to admit something about myself...
I dont take criticism well. For this reason.., A couple of reasons..
When I was younger.. as most people know, my father was very hard on me. He called it "toughlove"., My mom and a couple of shrinks called it abusive.
My mom, on the other hand.. perhaps.. was too lenient. I was never "bad", but.. more so that she didnt push me to do things.
My uncle has relayed this to me about his own son, who is in his mid 20s, and has serious problems. My uncle says he's hard on his son, while his wife is more lenient.
I react best, and always have.. to people who say things like "Go do well, Mitch. You're a good person, and go after what you want". Instead of.. "You suck. You have no motivation.. Its all your fault".
The fact is.. this was a stupid thread for me to post anyway. I;m not thinking about marriage, or relationships. I';m thinking about getting to NY, working, and getting my life on track.
To those who mean well, and care, but talked "tough",. Leo, GQ, etc. I;m sorry if I seemed unappreciative or crabby.
Without saying who I said it to..,I just pissed off someone who I have a lot of respect for, because I threatened to leave, when he didnt agree with me, about what I felt was an attack. To that person, and you know who you are, I'm sorry.
Bottom line: I'm not myself. I know I need to see someone. When I get to NY, I not only need to get a job, but also to see a shrink. My feeling is.. the only person in the world who loved me is gone.
I do know there are one or two posters who are not well meaning. To you I say, your predicition is not well meaning, and I have a strong feeling you are going to be very wrong about what is going to happen.
Turning my back on friends of 10 years who have supported me is not something I want to do.
I;m not leaving. This thread will go away, and next time, I really have to show restraint.
Hopefully that at least calms this down.
Okay. And with that in mind, do you see the harm that it did? The harm that your mom did by now showing you enough tough love? There is a fine line between abuse and correction/support. My dad, as I said, hit me. Not light playful taps. The fucker kicked me in corners and tossed me into walls.... that's abuse. My mom tried what your mom did, and he hit her for that, too. But here is the thing.... if it wasn't for his "abuse", I'd be leeching off my mom, to this day, not doing shit for myself. Job? No. Girlfriend? No. Bills? No. Everything would be taken care of through a skill I picked up called manipulation. A skill I used for a long period of time to swim by in life, but there was always one thing missing. Self respect.
I gained that by being productive, by paying bills, fuck, by MAKING bills come up just to pay them. Now? I enjoy Xbox, cable TV for 130 dollars a month, a car, a job which I am (mostly) happy at. This from a high school drop out, to leech, to an overtly aggressive person who posted threads like yours, but without the intention of support. I just wanted to be proud of the damage I caused. Power came from that, it still can. BUT.
More power came when I realized that one thing that was missing. See, it's NOT about getting praise, or getting told you are doing well. When all of those things are true, you know it, you feel it.
What's the point of my story? I took abuse, I also took the side your mom gave you. And while there are better ways to treat somebody than punching them, it taught me a lot as I got older. What can you take from my story?
Sometimes what you consider abuse, isn't. Your dad and all of that when you were younger? I don't know. The people in this thread? That's not abuse. This is as factual as fact can be based off of YOUR words what NEEDS to happen to get you out of this slump. Don't listen to everybody in this thread and go through the motions. Feel it. Feel that you need a change. Understand that your life will NOT get better, repeat... WILL NOT GET BETTER... unless YOU do it. Not your dad, your friends, your news caster, YOU.
Getting support and leeching are two different things, bud. You are crossing the line of co-dependency and are heading straight for leeching. STOP IT NOW. It's not a good road to travel.
Work a menial job to pay for a shrink. Stop reporting to the forum every single fart that comes out of your ass, IE: stop posting EVERYTHING.
And most of all, if you dare to ask for advice, don't come back with "stop attacking me"... that is disrespecting and spitting on EVERYBODY who has tried to help you. Follow it or not is your choice, but to spit on somebody's words, WHICH RING TRUE IN MY OPINION.... that's downright disrespectful and pathetic.
Your mom didn't give you a kick in the ass and this is where it got you. Take one now from strangers, or you'll be stuck in a shitty life for the rest of it.