Because you seek constant praise.
Mystery solved, next.
True. But that is to get on his good side. I think he likes the constant attention that the forum can provide. In real life no one can sit there and blame everyone else for their shortcomings without it getting old fast, and everyone abandoning you. Here on the forum you have tons of fresh new members not familiar with the story, the threads and the trends so they can feel sorry for him anew. Of course those that are fooled like myself eventually get tired of it, but a fool is born everyday. It's attention. Even when the conversation moved away from him he tries to steer it back to himself talking about death. Positive attention negative attention it doesn't matter. Anything is preferable than the loneliness he no doubt creates in his own life by blaming everyone for his life situation. But even here it's gotten old. This is why.
The real question is...why do we continue to post in these threads?
Part of it is wanting to see him make it. He's not a bad guy. Just clueless, naive and sheltered. We think that "this post will get to him, and he'll get it. he'll finally take control of his life".
Part of it is there is a bit of Mitch inside of all of us. We once thought like him. But we were teenagers. Most teenagers blame their parents for everything, but then they mature and realize that they are in control. Some do great things with that knowledge. Some self destruct. Some never got the memo and have never gotten to live life.
Part of it is pity. Not that his situation deserved pity. Most of us wish we had an upbringing like Mitch. Maybe that's it. Seeing someone that has it all squander his life away is disturbing. I once read an article written by a white college educated guy that went to jail for a few years for armed robbery. When the hardened Hispanic and black guys found out he was college educated they actually expressed pity for him. Crazy right? These guys who had no fathers, no high school education, could barely read, seen death since they were born and have zero shot at success after jail felt sorry for the college educated white kid from the middle class. He thought he'd be bullied, instead they just shook their heads and *sighed*. It's one thing to never get a's another thing to get a shot, and to drop the ball. I think that's part of it.
Being a man. Seeing a man not living life to the fullest. Being a man is great! Scratch that....being master of your own destiny is great! This is not gender specific. Being in control of what you do, and what you do with your life is a liberating thing. It's what life is all about. Seeing someone miss out on that is very sad and depressing.
It hits close to home. My baby brother just hit me up saying that my middle brother has a job. I think he's lying. He's still mooching off mom and dad and likely lying about having a job so he can use my and dad's car. I've served our country for 7 years and he hasn't had a real paycheck or worked in that same amount of time living off of mom and dad. Oh right, there was that MLM that was supposed to make him a millionaire. Yeah, I don't feel so hot about grown capable men living off their aging parents that have worked their asses off. Very hot subject for me.
Some points are obviously personal. Some I am speaking for the group. This is why threads like these are so popular.
I'm sure Mitch thinks these threads are about
him but they're not. If he left the forum and another guy/girl came here complaining about their life, blamed everything on everyone else and wasn't willing to do what we've all done to make our lives better, we'd try and convince them too to take that first step towards independence. It would start off nice, then terse, then blunt then annoyed if the person persisted on blame and excuses. It would go to encouragement as the person took steps toward that independence and progress.
"It's not about what you've done. It's about what you're doing. It's all about where you're going, no matter where you've been. Hey it's now or never. Let's make it happen *heart*"
-RaeLynn- <--stole this from my friend's facebook. Captures the essence of marriage after a rough spot in one's life perfectly.