Judging from your recent postings, it seems as though you have taken a stance for the family that before you disliked. You are now forming a co dependent relationship with them as you can no longer have one with your mom.
Instead of picking yourself up and striving for something better, you are content saying "my family is there for me" every time a post doesn't go your way.
The harsh reality of the situation, Mitch, is that they will, one day, all die. And I'm not hoping or wishing they do, I'm just stating what is an absolute fact.
When that day comes, as you are, you will not be ready to stand on your own two feet. Stop playing good guy bad guy with your dad, stop relying on him to do this and that and this and that. Do it yourself. Its HARD. You keep saying hard. HARD IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE MITCH!
This year, I got my first tax form back from work. I don't know how to do taxes. Hell, when they gave me the envelope I thought it was a fucking prank. Guess what? I went online, researched, and filed my own taxes, albeit with my girlfriend by my side watching just to make sure I don't fuck up, and got a nice chunk of change back. It was hard, it was new, I was used to it being done for me, but I picked up and did it.
When my ex kicked me out a bunch of times, I knew I had to leave her. It was hard, I was alone, I came back home and contributed enough to be able to stay here, and to this day, sit here... and type this to you.
When my dad and grandfather died, I grieved, but I looked for things to make my life better... not just mindless distractions that did nothing but prolong the process of healing and development.
If a boy at 15 (the deaths) and 19-20 (kicked out situation) can cope and making something of it while dealing with mental and emotional issues, a 42 year old man can, too.
Your family will be there for you when the TMF isn't, but when they die, you'll be alone. And in that moment, you'll either shine or drown.
Build your life up so you can shine and prosper. I can't tell you that it's worth it, but I can tell you that it's better than all of this.