I have news for all the "well meaning" posters in this thread...
Everyone deals with death differently, especially caregivers, and immediate next of kin. Some have no or little reaction, others flask out at family, friends.. etc. Still others just like to have time to themselves, and others like to vent.
When my paternal grandfather died of cancer, my grandmother wrote me a letter, telling me I "inflicted harm on a suffering man on the way to his grave", because she felt I behaved in a way she didnt like. I was.. 12.. My father termed her to be "Guilty with an explanation", and told me the doctors were more worried about her than about my grandfather. I was enraged with her, for years, and never really forgave her for the letter, because she never really apologized, until I myself began to deal with my mom's illness. At that point, while I havent lashed out at my family, my perspective changed.
I told my father right after my mom;'s funeral. "I still think Grandma was wrong for attacking a 12 year old, but I understand the stress she had as a caregiver to grandpa , because of what I went through as a caregiver with mom". Know what? He thanked me, and told me I was right. Like I've said all along to all the "well meaners" in this thread, you dont know what its like to be in someone's shoes, until you're in them. If my parents had been married, and my dad had helped me with my mom. If I lived in NY, and my family had been around to be with me when my mom died. If my ex best friend and I hadnt split up, maybe things would have been far different. After dealing with my mom's illness, 100% alone, she died in my arms, as we were alone in the room, just she and I. A Dr came in, pronounced her dead, and I called my dad at 6am. His first words to me were. "Mitch, my heart goes out to you, I'm sorry, and Cheryl and I are here for you, whatever you need". He was true to his word. Cheryl wanted to come to the funeral, but my aunt thought it not right.. since I hadnt met Cheryl, and my mom and Cheryl never knew each other. I explained this to my dad, she didnt come, I met her later that night at Passover Seder, and she was really nice to me.
It really is pointless to argue in this thread. I cant get anywhere. The best thing is not to post anything. I need to restrain myself, and I will,.
Everyone deals with death differently, especially caregivers, and immediate next of kin. Some have no or little reaction, others flask out at family, friends.. etc. Still others just like to have time to themselves, and others like to vent.
When my paternal grandfather died of cancer, my grandmother wrote me a letter, telling me I "inflicted harm on a suffering man on the way to his grave", because she felt I behaved in a way she didnt like. I was.. 12.. My father termed her to be "Guilty with an explanation", and told me the doctors were more worried about her than about my grandfather. I was enraged with her, for years, and never really forgave her for the letter, because she never really apologized, until I myself began to deal with my mom's illness. At that point, while I havent lashed out at my family, my perspective changed.
I told my father right after my mom;'s funeral. "I still think Grandma was wrong for attacking a 12 year old, but I understand the stress she had as a caregiver to grandpa , because of what I went through as a caregiver with mom". Know what? He thanked me, and told me I was right. Like I've said all along to all the "well meaners" in this thread, you dont know what its like to be in someone's shoes, until you're in them. If my parents had been married, and my dad had helped me with my mom. If I lived in NY, and my family had been around to be with me when my mom died. If my ex best friend and I hadnt split up, maybe things would have been far different. After dealing with my mom's illness, 100% alone, she died in my arms, as we were alone in the room, just she and I. A Dr came in, pronounced her dead, and I called my dad at 6am. His first words to me were. "Mitch, my heart goes out to you, I'm sorry, and Cheryl and I are here for you, whatever you need". He was true to his word. Cheryl wanted to come to the funeral, but my aunt thought it not right.. since I hadnt met Cheryl, and my mom and Cheryl never knew each other. I explained this to my dad, she didnt come, I met her later that night at Passover Seder, and she was really nice to me.
It really is pointless to argue in this thread. I cant get anywhere. The best thing is not to post anything. I need to restrain myself, and I will,.