I dont expect this to mean anything to anyone.. but.. to put it into perspective.
In spite of my tax problems, I worked dilligently, for 15 years, to try and make my life better. I couldnt be on anyone's payroll in the mid 90s when I first graduated from college, because my tax problems werent ironed out until 2002. So.. somewhere, my mom saw opportunities to work at home. Selling.. informational tapes.. gold pieces, etc. "MLM". At the time, I didnt know such wasnt kosher, until a couple of years later.. when we got letters from the post office, we stopped. It turns out, when I was in Market America, I found out that many in there had tried MLM., All along, with both the MLM, and Market America, I had hoped to make enough money, to both iron out my tax problems, and make a decent living, so my mom and I could live better.
Then, when I moved to Lancaster, after doing antiques for a year.. I went to a business expo. There I met Butch. He was in Market America. It was direct and network marketing.. but it wasnt MLM. They had thousands of products in their "mall without walls". We were skeptical at first, but after hearing more, decided to join. There were partners in the company making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.
We spent.. more than two and a half years, trying to make that company work. We placed ads, talked to thousands of people, contacted former business associates in the MLMS. People with some of the biggest downlines in the MLMS we were in, who could have made us.. at worst.. very comfortable, would not join. I remember one particular Saturday afternoon where we had sat in an all day seminar in Market America, and then went back to Butch's house a long meeting. During that day, which was about a 15 or more hour workday, we contacted Henry, who had been with us in the MLMS. We prodded, we tried to sell him. Both he, and us, knew a teacher in Texas, who was a very heavily connected networker. We couldnt get either Henry, or the teacher, to join. If even one of them had, we would have made huge sums of money,.
In 2004, I was forced to leave the company. Debt, I couldnt afford to sustain it. I wasnt making a living with it, etc.
Since, I've sold antiques/jewelry. I've made some money, but nothing near what I'd hoped.
All along, i always thought, what if mom dies? What happens then? Alimony ends, what happens to me. I asked her many times if she thought I should get a job. Her reply was always the same. She wanted me to have my own business, and not a menial job with no future. I didnt have a resume in the corporate world. I had no graduate education. She felt doing my own business would be more lucrative.
Then, she gets sick. We sit on the road, for many hours.. every week, 3 hours round trip, to go to NJ, to get her what we believed was the best treatment.. Later, we spent 3 months, and thousands of dollars, living at the hotel in NJ during the summer of 2011, to try and do this. Shes "cancer free" in October 2011. Three months later, in Feb 12, the cancer comes back as brain cancer. Two months after, April 4, 2012, shes dead. All the traveling, treatment and pain for her, effort, and money spent, doesnt extend her life any more than it would have if the Dr down here had treated her. He said 2 to 3 years. My internist said maybe her life was extended a little, but not much.
The old addage: "God helps those who help themselves". How did he help me, or my mom? I spent.. a decade.. busting my ass.. earning little money.. in businesses to try and make my future better, even from 1996 to 2000, when I still had tax problems. I sold products, antiques, jewelry. I went to undergrad school, worked my ass off under the worst circumstances, and couldnt get graduate loans, for reasons I've posted previously.
My father always likes to talk about the saying "At the end of the day". At the end of the day, Sheila dies, Alan gets the alimony check back. Alan can either dictate to Mitch how to live, or turn his back on Mitch, after committing crimes against me, whether people believe they were crimes or not.
Now, I have no choice but to suck it up, and make the best of it. I can be attacked from pillar to post. No one has to have sympathy for me., I dont care. coldneck can rake me over the coals from now until doomsday, predicting and wishing I will be estranged from my father again. Maybe he will be right. I dont know.
When my mom was alive, I had hope. We were working on plans for what I believe was/is a good business/product at the time she got her final illness. I've contacted lawyers about discussing patent/ trademark, and havent heard back. Chances are, that will have to be on the back burner. I'll go to NY, and have a job.
I will make the best of a bad situation. Bottom line, my father wins., He knows it, I know it. The only way he doesnt win, is one day, when he closes his eyes, and even then, he still wins.
I;m sorry if those who attacked me cant see why I'm upset/angry. Then again, they arent standing in my shoes. If they were, maybe they would understand.