cold, I could ask you the same question.. dont YOU have any shame? Posting the same attacking posts to the same person, over, and over, and over, again?
My "Sense of Entitlement", you say. I have LETTERS IN WRITING from my father, promising me things about my life, that he didnt come through with. Everyone, who knows a lot better than you. Lawyers.. told me that he had only one child, and should have done my taxes, considering the complexity of them, and paid for my grad education. He promised in writing, repeatedly, to pay for my graduate education, even in nasty letters he sent my mom, and never came through. He went on with his life, knowing he didnt pay for grad school, and that I couldnt get loans, because of my taxes. He didnt care about my future. Moral parents dont do that to their children.
I stand by my prediction that one day a force greater than me will punish you for your evil attacking posts, cold. Every fucking thing I say, you must attack. I've lost my mom, now you predict I will be estranged from my father. If that isnt evil, and an attack, I dont know what is.
Case in point..,. My former best friend's mother thought it funny that my father and I were estranged. She loved when my parents were divorced. Well.. what happened to her.. Her marriage of 41 years broke up, and her daughter is nearly estranged from her.
Other case: My uncle used to make fun of me.. be abusive..because I used to do things to annoy him. I had a "mild learning disability". Well, unfortunately, for my first cousin, my uncle has a child who has far more serious problems than I ever did, and I've come to learn that my dad has a non existent relationship with my first cousin. In fact, my uncle appealed to me, not to base my relationship with my uncle on how my cousin acts. I'm going to ask my dad about his relationship with his nephew when I see him this weekend, to gain greater understanding of it.
FYI, cold, since you know so damn fucking much, and are the maven on everything.. I dont "expect" anything from my father. At times during my mom's illness, I visualized that my father would get what was her alimony check back upon her death, I would remain in Lancaster, take a roommate into my apartment, and have a job. I've told him his in fact. He asserted to me that he wouldnt want me to have that kind of life. He doesnt want me to remain in Lancaster, I dont want to remain in Lancaster, because the opportunities for social life, and work, are greater in NY than here.
No matter what I post, you will just attack, attack attack. Thats your nature. If I told you to go fuck yourself.. I'd be banned, The mods famous "Golden Rule":.
It's pointless. I'll decide when to officially leave the forum. I'm beginning to think that with abuse like this, its become like a bad addiction to me, like drinking, or drugs. You will probably never be banned, no matter what you say to me. Thus, I will have to be the one to vacate, and I will.