I believe that since they did that to her, if it was a real video, against her own free will, while she is tied up, that it may fall under kidnapping charges if the Fed’s pushed it. And as far as the Police not doing anything about it because she is a hooker, because of what happened, oh yeah they would get involved and pursue it. And trust me, had she wanted to pursue anything, even after the fact, even after signing a contract saying she wouldn’t go to the cops, they would have nailed them. She could have said “I was tied up and under extreme duress. They violated my rights and I was scared for my life, and the only way I felt I could get out of the situation was to sign it.” And I believe she still could have pursued it in the courts and possibly won. I also don’t believe her pimp, or agency, would have let them get away with it either as the girl could have filed suit on them for sending her into a dangerous situation. I am not a lawyer, but I believe that whole scenario, if real, had lawsuit all over it if it had been real.
The other reason why I believe it was faked is because of the one post from the video professional made here earlier in the year. The cuts that happen near the same time length and give the appearance that they gave her a break. Before the cut she is frustrated and pissed, after the cut she is lighter in tone. Also the Blair Witch ending, come on. I talked to gab a few times about how much we both loved Blair Witch Project, and I was just waiting for her to steal ideas and put them in the video. Or the cut near the end where it was supposed to be a cut of a few seconds but the white balance goes out in between the cut. That is a clear sign that the camera was on pause for too long and did an automatic shut down and they forgot to white balance it again. And remember, they are in LA. Do you know how many out of work actress’ there are who would do this with some sort of convincing performance to pay the bills? I shouldn’t say that I never saw it as I did see a short clip, and, from what I saw, she was acting and so was he. Even though I haven’t seen it, I stand by the people I know who have that can spot a fake.