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Oh, good lord - PETA's lost it

This reminds me of that Tool song...

"These are the cries of the carrots!!!"
Well, how about some forced labour camps in Alaska for PETA?

Or Canada perhaps, seems to be alot of oil in the ground there.
I hereby proclaim that from now on anyone caught calling birds "birds" is an evil fascist. They are Sky-Puppies. Seagulls are henceforth renamed "Floating Labradors" to remove the old prejudices about seagulls. Feral Pigeons are likewise now "Upwardly Mobile Chihuahuas".

PETA you said?? Sorry I couldn't hear you, because I was committing bovine genocide. :jester:

So, what would they do if they saw a bear eating a "sea kitten"? Wouldn't that totally blow their minds?
Freakin' nutjobs won't be happy even if we're reduced to eating rocks and dirt...

Then they'll create a spinoff faction that defends the rights of rocks and dirt. Hell we can't win for losing when it comes to them!
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Watch at 1:30 . LOL at sky nachos.
In a word, PETA blows. I'm all for humane treatment of mammals (sorry, Drew). We domesticated them...we're responsible. But if PETA wins, I'm out of a job. So maybe I'm just a selfish bastard...for loving my cats and dogs. So be it. Oh, and prime rib rocks....I've gotten brusied ribs from a charolais cow and I must say, any beef will do.
PETA is a wack-job organization. I was gonna post that Penn and Teller video too, alchemy.

Sushi is one of my favorite foods, love japenese food and raw fish.
BTW, their general philosophy is not the ethical treatment of animals, but complete animal liberation (pet owners, stop sending them money! they're against pets)

side note- the Penn and Teller show, 'Bullshit,' is awesome.
In order for PETA to have lost something, I would have had to believe they had something all along...

They didn't.
The pain is the same.

"The scientific literature is quite clear. Anatomically, physiologically and biologically, the pain system in fish is virtually the same as in birds and mammals." Scientists have created a detailed map of pain receptors in fish's mouths and all over their bodies.

In light of these facts, I urge you to do the right thing by adhering to the FWS' stated mission to protect fish. Stop your department's promotion of fishing! I urge you to instead advocate nonviolent pastimes, such as bird-watching, canoeing, or hiking.

Being a proud member of PETA... I see where they are coming from... however I wouldn't go so far as to rename Fish sea kittens... it is just a way to promote noviolent pass times and not fishing...... I stock my pond with fish and do not allow fishing because I think it is cruel and unnecessary....

As a child I realized it was cruel to stick a hook in a live animal...

I'm still guilty because I still do eat fish & meat, or chicken & burgers.
I try to avoid those that I think are most likely (more) tortured (many kept in small cages, they go crazy, hurt each other, etc....) Talk about Hell.

Free-range chickens are at least a step better. I won't touch veal or lobster, and I will always hate one TV cook, Wolfgang Puck, who castrated a live crab on a late-night talk show before cooking it ----
Ouch & damn, the schmuck should've had a bit more empathy.. :shock:

PETA may come across as extreme at times but that's because they're equating the pain -- and that *is the same ---- Other creatures may not be as intelligent, or as advanced --and others are, but we don't realize it.
Pigs are incredibly intelligent, more so than dogs & horses, it's said...

So I admire their concern and the time and effort they give to get that message across,
though some of their methods do turn people off.

I have a vegan friend who didn't tell me she doesn't eat meat or wear leather for at least a year, it just came out one day in conversation, she's totally non-judgemental, but lives peacefully by example.

That's the ideal, but these folks want to make it an everyday, common awareness ----

Animals ARE enslaved every day --- overworked around the world, elephants <a href="http://www.glitter-graphics.com"><img src="http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/690/690771yji2ux5h3q.gif" width=100 height=100 border=0></a> or donkeys, or bears, dogs, roosters in cockfights, dog fights or cruel bear-baiting, where one animal is crippled to begin,

in the US race horses & racing dogs are abused & discarded, the fur industry is (just sick), pets are often abused by sadistic owners ---- and there aren't enough laws to check these bastards.

People are cruel to each other & worse to animals, because they can't complain...

Bunnies were stocked & blinded for lipstick until people like PETA made noise... The pictures of their eyes afterwards are unspeakably disgusting. Rabbits don't normally scream.
<a href="http://www.glitter-graphics.com"><img src="http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/925/925321udmqrg3jie.jpg" width=510 height=209 border=0></a>
Until groups like this make a stink, loudly, people ignore the unnecessary suffering of animals, simply do not care ----
just like we've ignored the suffering of human beings in Darfur the past (I've lost track how many YEARS....)

I wouldn't do it but I *understand the urge to chuck paint on fur coats --- I just don't know which are synthetic.... they represent horrible, unnecessary misery.

I'm not advanced enough myself, but we are still a barbaric society when we treat the smaller & weaker creatures with cruel disregard.

Thus the references to slavery, and the equations to the recent historic treatment of other human beings as something less
as "something" irrelevant,
as "something" FAR less than human,
as "somethings" that can be shoved in 2' crates in groups of 10-12 with no elbow room,
as something that doesn't feel pain, or doesn't matter if it does....

If you have pets, they're intelligent, dogs & cats are like family, they play, they communicate, they show discomfort and sadness ----
If you don't have pets, or if you have animals who are cold-blooded, snakes were mentioned, or here, fish ---- They still feel pain.

And we're the larger creatures in control,
we have the responsibility to at least prevent pain if we're taking their lives for our benefit.
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The propaganda put out by PETA is so manufactured and contorted... I doubt even they can separate the lies from the truth. I pity the animals...and I pity the people they dupe into believing them even more. I'm well aware of animal neglect and cruelty - I see it far too often. But don't cry over the images PETA shares with you. Their inside research is laughable - and very inaccurate.

Ludicrous stuff. I can dig up the DVM magazine refuting it... but I'd rather not waste more time on their atrocities...misleading journalistic attempts.
They are certainly good at covert ops <. <. I hope the "student" was expelled... that's the one thing I never read about. If he wasn't, then it was probably some legal loophole. But if I were one of his fellow classmates...man, would he be burned for the next 3 years. No help with notes, no help in rounds, no help period. You want help? Call your buddies...see how they help you deal with reality.
I had no idea chickens were as violent as primates!!!

That is very interesting, I didn't expect there would be as much "violence" in the (free range community) !!, but I guess with upwards of 35,000 chickens on one farm it's inevitable...
But at least they can leave, they can run away, they're not held immobile as the chicken squished behind them pecks madly & repeatedly at their (buttocks, etc).

This system probably needs more time & investment ---
Just as the technology for green cars is new (when it should've been in place for decades, and streamlined by now....)

the free-range industry needs to learn how to manage this
as well as the increased e-coli infections that were also mentioned ---
(and those of us who still eat chicken need to cook it thoroughly anyway)

Thanks, the last paragraph summed it up better than I will:
"Still, Fossum says, there are ways to keep a free-range flock healthy with a combination of breeding, vaccines, and behaviour control. Dimming the lights, for example, can calm a chicken down.

Sweden's experience, he says, offers lessons to chicken farmers elsewhere."
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