Hey, Seanwoj, just chill out and take a step back. You should be able to see that the only things the people you are arguing with can come up with are cheap insults and accusations (Tidas’ comment about “done” vs. “finished” (Who cares, man… I know what you meant when you said “done”

). No, RBS, this username is an entirely different person. Can you not tell from the drastically different writing styles and personality? I’m over at the Mousepad but did not have an account here, so I had to make one.
Seanwoj, no problem backing you up, although, I’m not really trying to back anyone up. I’m just observing this thread as well as offering my own feelings when I can. I can see that you’re in a panic and that the people you’re arguing with are keeping you in a panic and it’s allowing them to pick on you. No, you’re not an “ass”. You are absolutely fine with asking your questions and pointing things out but it’s up to you how much longer you stick around and waste your time with these people.
I’m sure you read my entire post but maybe you should read the end again and take that into consideration. I don’t know if RBS read it. I guess either he read it and ignored it or didn’t read it at all. The only thing he could come up with in response to it was that Seanwoj made another account and wrote an entire set of “self-adoring text bricks”. And he never answered my question, either, which I think is a legitimate question. That’s two questions I know of that he hasn’t answered.
I just think this is a matter of what’s decent and indecent, not so much about legal or illegal. Just because something is legal doesn’t mean it’s okay. Unless you are completely sure about the legal status of this issue and/or are an expert in law, I think it would be wise to just see the whole picture that RBS and his supporters are relying on the fact that something is legal just to get by, which should show you what kind of people they are. This is about being considerate of other human beings (meaning the women in his video clips) and how they might feel if they found out their image was being sold for sexual arousal purposes.
Regardless, feel free to explain to me or show me why what RBS is doing is illegal. He and others obviously don’t want to hear you out on this, but I’ll listen. Address your next post to me, or send me a PM.
And hey, RBS…nothing personal, man. There’s nothing wrong with you, it’s just what you’re doing that makes people, including myself, question and debate what you’re doing. I know how often you have to deal with “haters” and “trolls”. I see it here and over on the Mousepad. And you’ve become so fed up with it that you sometimes resort to harsh insults or completely avoiding those people altogether. It’s not your fault, it’s no one’s fault. It’s just an ongoing series of misunderstandings. To be fair, I’m sure Seanwoj is becoming a bit of a pain in your rear end. But I think you and a few other people are being hard on him, as well. He is raising a legitimate concern.
I’ll ask my question again. Of course you don’t have to answer it! Would you care if the women in your video clips got upset because they found out that their image was being sold on the internet?