Wow, quite a history recap, MrTicklefeet! You know, everyone, I’ve been posting on this thread for just over a week, now. I’ve pretty much said everything I have to say. I honestly have nothing against RealBareSoles personally, it’s just what he’s doing. It’s not just him, it’s anyone who would secretly videotape women with sexual intentions and sell the video for a profit. Besides RBS sometimes being a bit of a tough guy on the internet (which everyone has to learn to forgive, it’s human nature to want to use the anonymity of the internet to be like that) and maybe being a bit of a pervert, it’s not like he’s committing murder, rape, holding up banks, etc. He’s just doing something I find…maybe I shouldn’t say immoral, but inconsiderate, maybe? I don’t think he has that bad of an attitude toward women, either. I don’t find him misogynistic or anything, in fact, he does seem quite tender toward women in a sort of appreciation kind of way. I’m sure he’s a nice guy in everyday life. It’s just that I can’t believe people with any sort of consideration for other people would defend his actions, legal or not, because he still is capturing strangers on video and selling it for strangers on the internet to enjoy sexually.
I see you, MrTicklefeet, tried the voyeuristic thing for a bit (if I read that correctly at the bottom). I admit that I did, too, otherwise why would I be here and how would I know about RBS? Yes, I used to enjoy watching the free stuff of his that use to float around on the internet. But I still feel that I can now speak out against what RBS is doing because I realized what I was doing wasn’t so hot and I stopped, and I never took it to the degree he has. I mean, I went to a park a few summers ago. Most of my efforts involved sitting in a hot car looking to see if anyone was around. I got one young lady to videotape; I actually went up and asked her, but I wasn’t entirely truthful to her why I wanted to tape her (which I think in a way is worse than what RBS does because I engaged this girl, therefore creating a false aspect of friendly acquaintance, comfort, and trust, and then abusing that friendly encounter to get what I wanted). I still don’t think he could quite call me a hypocrite, though, because I felt bad after meeting this lady. I promised her I would never put the video on the internet, which I haven’t and never will, let alone sell it for a profit for strangers on the internet to see. I sexually enjoyed it once, I think, and now it sits on an old DV tape, her privacy completely protected, and I haven’t watched it since because she was very sweet and I felt guilty about what I did.
You also mentioned, MrTicklefeet, one video where a woman confronted RBS and the camera suddenly turned off. You see, RBS is obviously going to only show video where things go smoothly so it looks innocent and harmless, so you never get to see any of the bad experiences except in rare cases. I YouTubed him to see if he was still on YouTube and he has a channel (realbaresoles1). There’s a video titled “Oh Dear” where the woman (who is wearing a skirt, even though RBS says he tries to avoid taping women wearing skirts) notices and is clearly creeped out and uncomfortable. Now, that’s an everyday woman who isn’t a fetish model and who could be someone’s wife, mother, aunt, etc., and the people here defending this and RBS himself thinking this is okay…well, like I said, it just shows what kind of people they are. Not to mention RBS knows nothing about any of these women’s lives while he’s taping, and his “customers” don’t know who they’re pleasuring themselves to. One of these women could have been raped or sexually assaulted in the past. She could have had bad experiences in the past with perverts or just men in general, maybe domestic violence, etc. She could have been abused as a child. And like I said, I feel guilty about my encounter with that young lady at the park because I approached her and had no idea how she was going to feel about it. I admit that I was wrong. I’m just saying it all comes down to other people’s feelings.
Like MrTicklefeet has touched upon, folks, maybe a similar fate of being exposed and possibly caught could come upon RBS one day. I hope for his own sake that he doesn’t have to go through that but rather just stop what he’s doing (of course he probably won’t, but you never know). Like I said, I tried a similar thing to what RBS does, although not nearly as close to the degree to which he takes his filming. Never sold videos, never put anything on the internet, therefore never infringing on a woman’s privacy and comfort, save for one creepy encounter with a lady at a park which I felt bad about after. It’s just my hope that RBS goes through what I did and realizes maybe he shouldn’t do what he does. That’s not condescending at all, that’s saying I’m not perfect, I screwed up in the past, but it feels good to do the right thing in the end. Call this “concern trolling” all you want. I’m just sharing thoughts and feelings and taking part in a discussion.
That should be my last post for a bit, thanks for reading.