Latest clip, store is:
This is actually the second of three times I saw this adorable beach bum whose soles are just HEARTBREAKINGLY GORGEOUS at the park. I call her a beach bum because she just emanates that vibe, the California tomboy in casual clothes who spent all her time down on the beach, her soles being kept polished completely soft and flawless by the sand, with an attitude of gentle bemusement, and acceptance, about the foibles of others. Kind of like ... a 21st century Gidget! The first time I saw her (the time before this), she was also super casual in the park, and also had her feet tantalizingly bare and propped up, and also had them filmed by me! (That may hit my store at some future point.) The third time (the time after this) she had her sneakers off but her socks on and didn't have her feet propped all the way up -- her stocking feet were sharing the chair with another girl who had her stocking feet wiggling around on the same chair. That third time she was talking very animatedly to her female friend who was doubled over with laughter pretty much the whole time, so this cute little beach bum is also a very, very funny girl.
But as I say THIS CLIP was the second time I shot her. Some background: The first time I had shot her, I had no choice but to sit really close because the turf was soaked and if I had sat *any* further away I'd have basically been in a puddle. I was so close the first time I could have turned my head and kissed the bare bottom of her foot (an amazing fantasy, to be sure, but also violative of her proximal space, so of course I didn't). Despite that, she is the queen of chill and she just relaxed and texted as I shot, and didn't even pull her feet up. So yeah, she left her PERFECT, FLAWLESSLY SHAPED, STUNNING soles right there for over twenty minutes until she got what seemed to be an urgent text and split.
So THIS time I see her again -- and she looked like she's dressed for a luau, lol! Her gorgeous feet are propped up perfectly again, but now there's more dry ground around her to the front and I don't have to sit in her lap like I did the first time. So I sit a somewhat more respectful distance from her, but still close enough to get good face and sole exposure. And again, yeah, her soles are RADIANT, SHEER PERFECTION ... and it's so nice to know she's a tolerant, kind-hearted person who doesn't seem to mind my interest in her beautiful feet, so I can just start shooting comfortably without fear she's going to freak.
It's funny, she watched me come over and sit down, with a little quixotic smile on her face, but as soon as the camera was out, she carefully avoided looking at the camera. She was texting and sometimes smiling gently, and now and then she does this Mr. Spock thing with her eyebrow. lol Her stunningly beautiful soles loomed large in my viewfinder -- I couldn't believe my good fortune. But then ... after just a few minutes she put her feet down. It had been transcendent, but it had also been very brief, and I was very disappointed. I slid my camera back in my bag but as soon as I did, out of the corner of my eye I saw her feet go back up on the chair! So out my camera came again -- this time her right foot was on top but this was also GREAT sole display, and once again she was cozily rubbing her sensitive feet gently together. This went on a bit longer, then she swerved her bare feet so they were pointed straight down my camera lens, which takes my breath away when I see it, and then ... she put her feet down again. Having learned from the last time, I kept my camera up on my lap and ready, but not recording. This time she had just pulled her feet closer to scratch her itchy soles, which she did *very gingerly" -- I'm guessing because they are very ticklish. I REALLY WISH I HAD CAUGHT THAT SCRATCHING! A minute or two after the scratching she put her feet back up on the chair yet again, this time angled off to her left (screen right) and of course I started shooting again. Eventually her curiosity got the better of her and she just *had* to peek at the camera, and when she did she could not help but smile a little to herself. She did this SEVERAL TIMES! It just totally grabs my heart every time I see it!
It's funny that the whole time I was shooting I was thinking, man she's tough to be sitting there barefoot when it's just over 60F in the city -- I was wearing a light jacket myself -- and sure enough I think her lovely tender tootsies got chilly enough that she decided to put her sneakers back on. When she put her feet down this time I followed them with my camcorder and kept shooting (because I had missed the scratching) and I'M SOOOO GLAD I DID, because I captured her putting her cute socks back on, then her size 9 sneakers, then putting her feet back up. So yeah, this time it was definitely over, but I decided to shoot a few seconds of her sneaker soles anyway, just to see if the size was on them (it was on the sandals she wore the first time I shot her, but not this time.) I can't think of soles more utterly perfect than on this adorable beach bum....
The third time I saw her, with her friend who thought she was so funny, I could see she was slyly peeking at me and talking to her friend who was in total hysterics! I like to dream what she was talking about....

