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Ok, long story guys. I had been at the park but the weather was VERY overcast and looked like the sky was about to open at any second so people were staying away. FINALLY a girl sat in a chair and put her bare feet up and I went over to shoot and the second I sat down I felt a fat raindrop hit my head. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her get up and scramble to get to cover and I shot back up as well and grabbed my little umbrella out of the side pouch in my bag -- I had read it might rain and didn't want my camcorder to get doused so I had it as a precaution and a good thing too! The clip "Sexy squirmy soles" (released in July) was on my camcorder and I hadn't transferred it to my computer yet!
Oh well, I thought, there goes today, as buckets of water fell from the sky. I headed over to the library on 53rd street to return a book about the French communes in the middle ages. I returned it and went downstairs to look for another book. On my way back up, I saw her.
There's a massive open hall with a huge stairway going up to ground level and the left side of the stairway (as you're going up) has extensive seating rather than being used as a walkway. It's actually a great idea, as people seem to like sitting on stairs so much! On one of these stairs, back resting on the wall, legs stretched out seemingly eternally on the stairs, was a girl. She was about six feet tall, very slender, great figure. She had on short shorts and a little sweater hoodie, and beat up green Keds that had lots of doodles and drawings on them -- except the Keds ... WERE NOT ON HER FEET. They were down on the step below her! Her endless legs finally finished at two size 11 feet, propped up on a pile of felt seat cushions. She was one of a number of people who seem to have clearly fled into the library as she seemed soaked, including her legs, big bare feet, and her enormous green Keds. lol Drying out in the warm, quiet library, actually rather cosy. Needless to day, I was almost literally dying to run over and get a look at her soles, but I had to play it very cool, as running right up to a girl in a place like a library is the essence of NO. So I controlled myself and sauntered over, and slipped down next to her, and glanced over. Her feet were so big all I saw in front of me were a pair of bare soles -- like one of those ships in INDEPENDENCE DAY, blotting out the sun, lol. Very quickly she leaned those huge feet over a little to her left and looked right at me, and I quickly looked away. That was the crisis moment -- but it passed, and the big beautiful feet remained. I checked out her soles again -- having recently been soaked seemed to emphasize some peeling skin on her long, large toes, as often happens, and like most girls with very large feet she seemed to have very lightly toughened up balls of her feet, but overall I really, really, REALLY liked what I saw, especially because she had an incredibly pretty face and amazing legs. Those bare feet were just ... so BIG and so ... OUT THERE, TBPH I was totally aroused, which is certainly not usually the case when I'm getting video -- I try to focus on getting the best quality shoot, and enjoy the results later, but on rare occasion the sight of the soles is just so BREATHTAKING, their sheer sexiness gets through to my libido!
So I slipped my camcorder out and put it on the step, between my legs, the lens peeking out under my right leg, and began what felt like the endless process of adjusting it to get the right framing. I have several little props I carry in my bag to achieve this correct framing. She looked right down and saw me, she saw the camcorder, she saw it was pointed at her, and she went back to her text book. THANK GOD. So I got her framed and pressed REC. At that moment she looked down again, and that's the first thing you see in the clip. I love when they look and don't pull their legs up!
In the end I shot about a half hour of her -- amazing and almost a religious experience on a day I thought was a wash out. I edited most of it out because of lack of face and sole, and for a long time it was just her big feet angled over too much to her left and a textbook in front of her face. But then she crossed her legs the other way and her face became visible and she started texting so her achingly beautiful face was visible, as well as her adorable phone case, and this is the time that gave me total bliss. Finally after sitting there for almost 20 minutes getting decent but not amazing footage of her big soles, it all gelled and there was a big CLICK in the universe, lol.
She was looking at the camera, and then texting, and then laughing as she read the responses, but it didn't look to me like she was taking my pic. As usual, conjecture on my part, but my guess is she was telling a gal pal that some guy was making video of the big feet they probably both joke about on the regular. I also noticed that she was yawning constantly -- maybe she was in a summer session in college and studying for exams or something, pulling all-nighters, because she seemed to be having a hard time staying awake.
Directly above me, eventually an older French couple sat down and they almost immediately noticed what was happening. I could hear them whispering to each other and laughing, although I could not understand what they were saying. They must have been looking at the girl too, because she seemed to notice that they saw what was going on and I think it made her self-conscious, as she pulled those epic stems up and the huge awkward feet disappeared from view. She got up, put her big wet Keds on, and left. I waited a minute or two to allow her to leave, and then I left too. When I got up to the glass entrance of the library, she was standing there looking outside, even though it was now just drizzling. She looked at me and smiled. I was completely shocked, but still had the presence of mind to say "oh thank god the deluge is over." She smiled a perfect gorgeous smile and said, "too late for me, I'm drenched!" I said, "yes my legs and feet got it too." When I said feet she gave me the slyest look, as if to say "ah yes, FEET," and she said, "well, we survived! Have a good day." or something like that (it's been a few months). I smiled and left, getting her message -- she was pretty clearly intrigued by my interest in her big feet, she wanted me to know she had allowed me to do that, it was her choice, and she wasn't mad but also wasn't flirting per se. That in some ways was the coolest part of the whole thing.