TWO clips added, both from 2017! Store is:
First clip is the gorgeous Dominican girl with the aristocratic soles, so long and slender. Between around 2105 and 2017 she and her big sexy soles were a constant presence in the park -- often she would eat her lunch and look at her iphone, her bare feet propped way up, I assume on lunch break from work. This particular day, I had not had much luck and finally sat down to shoot the soles of a tall middle-aged lady with big feet. I had shot only a few minutes of her when I looked around -- and saw the Dominican girl! (At least I'm told that her face is very Dominican.) I had already shot her twice, and when I had seen her since those two times I had just let her be, because she was nice enough to sit there two times as I filmed her. But, well, there her soles were, and they are AWESOME, so I got up, really to just sit nearby, not shoot again.
So I sat down and thought, for the heck of it, what if I take an IPhone shot of her soles for a change, so I took out my phone and took one or two pics. Then the cutest thing happened! She saw me do that, and what does she do? She begins to fuss with her hair, using her phone to make sure she looks good! LOL -- I found that to be completely, utterly charming, and I was incredibly flattered. That was it, I was filming again! I pretty much yanked my camera out of my bag and actually caught the tail end of her fussing with her long, beautiful hair. Then I had a brief scare when she uncrossed her legs and put her feet down (I edited that out in the clip) but it turns out she just gave her bare feet a few brisk rubs against the grass and then put them right back up -- it all happened so quickly I didn't even have time to put my camcorder down, so I just went back to shooting her.
She continued to eat her salad and look at her phone, and this time, more than the previous two times, she really looked at the camera quite a lot. The year I shot this, 2017, there was a skinny bald white guy who sat on the grass and stared -- HARD -- at women's soles, and it had actually caused a few women I was shooting to put their feet up -- pretty annoying -- and this time he comes along and sits just beyond me and does his staring thing, but interestingly she seemed to have been completely oblivious to him because not once did she look at him or get at all riled. She looked to me like she was texting with a friend about the guy in the park who likes to film the bottoms of her feet -- me I mean -- because after she ate, she was smirking, peeking at the camera, and then texting! (The caps show this.)
Eventually she uncrossed her ankles, had her feet side by side for a few seconds, then put her feet down and stuck them back into her high heels -- which she seems to wear all the time, which I think explains why she has slightly thick skin on the balls of her feet, although her feet are in amazing condition for wearing heels every day. I love this tall beauty's feet and I am so grateful to her that she sits there with me so close to the soles of her feet and lets me film.

Second clip was shot near the entrance to the library, pretty late in the fall of 2017 -- it stayed warm until pretty late that year, and I was out patrolling even after the lawn closed, and a good thing too. When I first passed the front of the library I saw this woman sitting on a little ledge up there where people often put chairs -- in fact women seem to like sitting up there with their feet up, because I've hit paydirt there several times. I think it's because it's sort of separated from the plaza below, but it's kind of annoying because it's hard as fuck to sit at their feet and shoot. But I didn't think I'd even need to worry about it this time -- she's adorable and tiny, about five foot nothing, and her tiny feet were soft and shapely, but standing next to her, leaning on the marble fountain, was a guy in Afghan casual clothing. I've seen guys dressed like this going in and out of the Afghan embassy to the UN on Third Avenue many, many times, and as a matter of fact, when I've seen Afghan women not in the whole veil get-up, they were dressed just like this lady was, so I'm just going with the likelihood that she's Afghan.
Anyway, there was no way I was going up there and sitting on a marble step super close to this cutie and taking a camcorder out and pointing it at her with this guy standing right there next to her. So forget it. And then he left. I mean, he left like literally one second before I was going to walk off and write off the segment. So up the steps I went.
The interesting thing is just how thoroughly and totally she ignored me the whole time. I mean, I was the only person up there. I sat close. I tried sitting not TOO close, but that was totally and completely impossible. I just couldn't sustain it! I had to sit on the flat part of marble down from the step I was on, but that would put me right on top of her, but I had no choice. As I was moving she gave me the quickest look and recrossed her ankles. I took the camcorder back out and pointed it at her again and I saw I was SO CLOSE. Too close for my liking. I mean, I could have turned my head and licked the sole of her bare foot. Not that I did, lol!
So I shot and she almost completely ignored me, busy on her phone, seeming not in the least bit concerned or worried, but not looking, except the most casual possible glances now and then, which I didn't even notice until I was enjoying the segment later that night. The whole time I was aware there had been a guy with her and he might come back at any moment, and I was not looking for a fight. So I kept looking around. I was so focused on that, I didn't notice that much just how mouthwatering her soles were, even though she had really long toenails, which isn't my personal preference. She has such a cute little face and she's so bite-sized, like you can just scoop her up and put her in your pocket! I'm guessing her adorable little feet were no more than a size 5.
The guy did not come back and I settled in and relaxed after a few minutes, until ... I saw him coming back! He was down on the corner of 42nd and Fifth, and easily visible because of the unusual clothing he was wearing. The girl seemed oblivious to his return, like she wasn't looking over for him or anything. I thought, well, I'm out of here, and I put my camcorder in my bag and hustled down the steps. I went off the plaza at the 40th street exit, and wondered if he might come after me, but he didn't. I'm so curious as to what the woman told him about what I was doing, if anything. The whole thing really got my adrenaline going, and rest assured, it made viewing the segment an unusually electric experience that night, LOL!