We're not all Christian, Omega
Hi Omega,
I'd like to address a few of your comments:
Once a man and a woman are married the Bible does nothing to suppress their sexuality. As far as the Bible is concerned they can have sex with each other 24 hours a day seven days a week all year long forever and ever, Amen. Also the Biblical guidelines for sex can be very freeing. Imagine what would happen if everyone on earth began right now to follow the Biblical guidelines of no sex for unmarried people and monogomous sex for those who are married. Within a generation the world would be free from AIDS.
Um, a lot of what you've said here goes against what the Bible actually says. The men in the Good Book are about as monogamous as the sky is pink. Heck, Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines, that ain't monogamy. It wasn't uncommon either. The book contains incest, sodomy, and several other kinds of sexual mayhem that God doesn't always condemn if you read the text. And please don't tell me 'that's just the Old Testament', as though it can just be ignored whenever it suits the needs of the debate
🙄. As a proud non-religious person the Bible means very little to me, there's so much mass murder and cruelty in it that reading it is a bit too upsetting. And I definitely can't allow a book written that many years ago to dictate my life
now. Have you ever read how they treated women who gave birth to baby girls? (shudder).
As for AIDS, perhaps it would vanish if we were all monogamous. Perhaps it would just mutate and be spread in other ways, we don't know. But sex isn't the only way AIDS is spread, and just as we have ways to prevent it being passed on by those methods there are safe ways of enjoying sex without it being passed on. Also, you seem pretty big on keeping marriages together. Imagine how many more divorces, complete with the sad-poverty-stricken-no-child-support-getting-babies we'd have if everyone married first, THEN had sex, found out that they are so sexually incompatible they may as well be different species, and finally got divorced. I promise you the rate would be even higher than it is now.
And speaking of marriage:
Does the man's wife consent to have a husband who is going to prostitutes? If she has not consented to being in a marriage like that then I believe that she is a victim.
What goes on in a marriage is between that couple. It's not up to the government to make various activites illegal so that married men will stay home. If a husband is doing things that he knows would anger his wife, he's asking for trouble; but you can NOT blame the activity itself, or prevent others from enjoying it. If a married man plays video games all night every night and neglects his family (a VERY common problem these days), should we ban XBoxes and Sega for everyone? Should I have to give up my monthly Zima because Joe Schmoe down the street is an alcoholic? I don't think so. And don't get me started on male with kinks like tickling or spanking, who's wife seemed interested until she got that ring on her finger, and then became a cold fish. I suppose he should either divorce her (more hungry babies) or just do without and become mean and bitter. Awesome choices.
And why this focus on married men? Many unmarried men engage the services of sex workers, without upsetting anyone at home. They get what they need no questions asked, and life goes on. She's happy, he's satisfied, the end. For the life of me I don't see the problem.