Re: if i may?
No Steve, firearms aren't immoral. I was using the ridiculousness of that case to point out that the "prostitution should be illegal because it's immoral" campaign, is fundementally flawed. I was just using firearms as a case in point to demonstrate something. Firearms like cars, prostitutes and drugs can be used for immoral reasons as well as moral ones. Only one of them is illegal.
Please mate, read it two or three times before you leap off the deep end. Is it any wonder you get involved in so many scraps?
areenactor said:fire arms are now immoral? then i guess you believe that a hunk of metal has a soul, and the ability to think, and impose their will on people? you were more accurate in the idea of banning autos, they cause more death and destruction each year than the # of u.s. troops that died in viet nam! and how about alchohol?! i'm far from a tea totler, but booz is responsible for my problems in one week, or less, than all the guns in a year(or more)!
but this thread is suposed to be about prostitutes. god bless them.
No Steve, firearms aren't immoral. I was using the ridiculousness of that case to point out that the "prostitution should be illegal because it's immoral" campaign, is fundementally flawed. I was just using firearms as a case in point to demonstrate something. Firearms like cars, prostitutes and drugs can be used for immoral reasons as well as moral ones. Only one of them is illegal.
Please mate, read it two or three times before you leap off the deep end. Is it any wonder you get involved in so many scraps?