Etymology states that the word 'girl' has a clear age link.
As adults, if we reference our peers as boys and girls, the implication is that they have something lacking that makes them less than. This is not in the sense of informal uses used by friends toward one another, especially in the possessive of social settings; ie going out with the girls, going out with my boys, etc. Many men use the term girl to describe women as a subtle inference of dominance or ownership. It's engrated to the point of being subliminal.
Don't toss in this notion that this is implementing Newspeak; that shows a clear ignorance as to what Newspeak was, how it was used, why it was used, and most importantly, the point Orwell, a man who stood diametrically opposed to conservate ideals. Newspeak was about DELETION of words, it was about taking away the building blocks and tools to free thought by destroying the tools of language to codify, and it was implemented to stifle thoughts of rebellion against the structures of totalitarian government by creating a streamlined and simple language that removed variation and nuance. The same man who wrote about Wigin Pier is going to look at this misappropriation and would snarl because he'd agree with Chicago and Bilak. The idea of social justice being the mechanism of totalitarianism is hilarious, given the notion conservatives and their 'free-thought', which is actually a cover to have no ramifications for the sexist and racist things they think and say.
There's more edgelording and mansplaining going on here than anything. Too many people saying live in Saudi Arabi as thought it's relevant here (oc and video are not saying they are subjugated, let alone that they are drawing direct parallels with women in Saudi Arabi), complain about political correctness culture even though they themselves need to lash out, and then we have the perfect implementation of sexually arrested cheeto dust fingered fat fucks who want to call Chicago girl, or honey, or sweetie, almost like their keyboard warriorness has to come out to show intimidation. No offense, but it's pathetic. Those chuckles you're getting aren't going to make your micro penises come out of your skin folds.