Oh c'mon!!
And yes, it could have been phrased as a request rather than an instruction but that is a lesser point and please God, let's not go down your semantic rabbit hole once more. It's hard enough just to get this point across.
I take responsibility for the opinions I hold - there's nothing in what I've said that I would feel the need to hide from. My point is actually really straightforward, but you've gone out of your way to portray it as something else entirely.
I get it. You need to paint me as a guy who finds the idea of an individual woman asking to be called by a different name objectionable. I don't, but that notion suits your only line of argument throughout this thread, which has been to attack anyone who disagrees with the actual point in question. To imply that they are sexist, disrespectful, unreasonable. You haven't once addressed the wider that people actually take exception to, which is the idea of a small minority or an individual making demands of the majority, based purely on their own opinion - individuals electing to speak on behalf of whole sections of society, and declaring certain words offensive or unfit for purpose. It's a trend that tends to antagonise people and lead to conflict.
Once again. On an individual level, a person can ask to be called whatever they want and I have no problem with obliging them. A person expecting the whole of society to change based on their own individual beliefs, however is a different matter.