LMAO @ the end of page 7. XD
🙂 I was afraid people would complain about that scene because they'd rather have seen the tickle scene than how others react to hearing the loud laughter... but from story telling point of view this seemed a better approach.
has a
Before you think that this comic will turn the way of Jen, don't worry. This was a necessary scene to show that the rest of Hell is not that forgiving and that they are about pain and real torture (not to say that tickle torture can't be about just as unpleasant). Anyway, this comic is not about violence and this page is an
EXCEPTION rather than a rule. After this page it continues on a lighter path again (for as much that is actually possible in hell).
Well, it's hell and how is hell possible without torture? But having that said, I chose to take a different artistic way of presenting this scene. I left out all the sound and screams and put a song-text as overlay instead. This is the song 'Hallelujah', which I think is interesting considering it's placed in the context of hell, but I find that the lyrics suit the scene and dramatics of the things happening well. You should see it as seeing these images play without sound and just with the music being heard on the background (or foreground). That's, at least the way it was meant.
Hope you get the idea. And if you're not familiar with the song (or the Jeff Buckley version), I'd recommend checking it out on
Hope you enjoy this page too, despite of the unavoidable violence.
to be continued...