Hmmmm evil witches can be right nasty. They cam summon all sorts of ungodly things. Be more then happy to help all of you out. If you don't mind a pesky Dwarven warrior following you about. Laughed Oxxen loudly
The Giant laughed and said yes we need you. What type of ungodly things would a witch summon? Is there anything else we need to do to prepare ourselves?
Aye lad I seen some nasty evil beasts some witches can conjure up. Straight out of the pits of he'll. I have some holy weapons I keep...blessed by the good Lord...they should help us a lot. Hopefully you guys are getting a life mage on board too. They can do wonders against evil. Said Oxxen
Evil beasts sound scary. But it sounds like we'll be prepared. I think we are getting a life mage. Where do we get one from though? The Giant looked at the others.
I believe it's one of the team members in Xenos group. He has one from almost every area of magic. Lightning, Cold, Fire, Earth Death and Life. Said Xenos.
Lol well we ate getting to be a big group. I think there is a General store on the way to Verdis so we shpuld probably restock. Said Senos. Oxxen laughed and said Aye mates I could eat a whole steer. Maybe even two.
Let's go, said the Giant. I think in my previous form/life I was not this hungry all the time but I guess due to my size I am always hungry. Lead the way my friends.
Yea I am pretty sure it is size related said Xenos. Guess you will be saving on food bills once we get this curse removed lol. I brought some extra back packs along so we can carry more supplies. Think of anything we might need. No more general stores nearby on our next stops.
How about medicine? What if we are injured by the evil witch? Bandages? I hope we don't need them but how do we heal if we are injured? The Giant asked.