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The "What I Don't Like About the TMF" thread

i don't like it when people start cursing other people out and then whine about how they are banned from certain forums.
I agree with Sadist.
As i said in response to Little Red's posted question about the feather ranking:

Those that can, do.
Those that can't post......ad nauseum.

Now, let me get right to work on a signature!
As an afterthought:
If the mods reset the posts to zero after one gets to 9999 posts those indigo posts might just dissappear in a few months as the big three close in on that number.

But then what would a novice know anyway?!
Umm... just for record (I didn't expect this thing to get so heated)

I don't actually have anything against HeDemolishedShelves... I just wish he'd change his name to a better spelling of HerosDefendingShopwindows
Definitely one of the best threads I've seen in a while. I must be the only one here who actually sees the total humor in Drew's initial post anyway...
However, the usual suspects came forward, like Pavlov's dogs, and voiced their own tiresome screeds. It has come to the point where I just fast forward automatically to the next post and not even bother reading them anymore. Opinions spouted continuously eventually become excrement. You also find people like this everywhere.
I actually had to sit and wonder about anything I didn't like about this place. I guess, in my mind, that proves it's a winner.
Well I can't think of anything that I don't like about the TMF. It gives me the fun that I used to find in AMT but that's been gone for some time now. That's so unfortunate because Bob worked so hard to create a newsgroup that didn't get much spam.

Everyone has the right to free speech in their own "playground". Since this is a moderated "forum" we all play by the rules on this "Playground". And I really appreciate it. I know the Mods put in long hours of their own time to ensure we all get to have fun here.

So an idea might be that if you dislike playing by the roles of the TMF you should consider opening your own site. There are so many options now with the internet that you too can have your own site!

Go for it Drew! I bet it would be awesome!
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my thoughts

I think people are once again become too sensitive about this and immediately turning it into a drama-oriented thread. Hasn't anyone heard of constructive critiscm? The main reasons, I got from this post was to tell people what you don't like in the hopes of making the forum even better then it already is. So without further ado, now that I explained a bit where I'm coming from, here are a few minor complaints. People posting out of the thread, for instance this is a tickling forum, yet in the images section there sure seems to be a lot of foot and non tickling pictures posted. If you want to post those fine, but I don't think they deserve to be in an image section where post people are expecting tickling pictures. Second beef, people getting all worked up over a post that they turn into personal insults and attacks, come on everyone let's be civilized and just not respond if you don't like something someone said or posted. Also, I'm sick of everyone saying f/m tickling material is gay and no straight man should be into it, which kind of fits into my 2nd point of no personal attacks. I personally don't like or see the point in the anime or cartoon pics, but I keep my mouth shut as I know some people out there like them. Plus it seems no longer how long this forum has been around people still post inappropriate things in certain forums. Like rather then asking a question and putting it in the request section, they put it in the ticklish celebrities section, based on the fact it involves a celebrity. Anyway, just a few minor complaints nothing major or anything. Just some constructive critiscm to help improve the forum to make it better then it already is.
Re: my thoughts

Originally posted by doseone (most deleted)
Also, I'm sick of everyone saying f/m tickling material is gay and no straight man should be into it, which kind of fits into my 2nd point of no personal attacks.

This is so differenet from my own experience here that I just have to comment.

I have posted 16 stories, all F/m, on TMF. Not once, repeat, not once, have I received a responding post, an email, or a private message saying that F/m stories are gay, or that no straight man should be into it. I am sorry to hear that you have received such resonding posts, emails, or private messages.

And one of these stories, "Double Trouble (F/m)", won the Golden Feather Award for best nonfiction story here in 2002. Since these awards are by vote of the members here, you can not possibly say that TMF members don't like F/m stories, when they voted one as best of the year in its category.
There's some things on here I don't like, but it wouldn't be fair for me to blame it on the TMF or moderators. Because as much as we like to speak our minds on this site, this isn't the place to do it! I know that sounds harsh, but come on... TMF (Tickling Media Forum.) This site shouldn't be about disscussing politics, or how we feel about a certain person/country/ or religeon! If you really want a forum that is like a shark than go to...


These people will eat you alive, before you have a chance to swim! They attack you anyway they can. If you misspell a word you are stupid, if you disobey one lousy rule you could have your account revoked. If you write an faq for there lousy site it could not be accepted because the prick is so choosy about how faqs should be written. Now it doesn't matter how many hours/days you put your mind to the faq. If it doesn't follow code it will not be accepted.

Now take the TMF, I know I've never had one of my posts modded (only moved.) I've never been flamed, or wished I never came here in the first place. Well except when psycho was in charge. Let me say that I've never had any problems with the TMF, I love being here. There is one thing I don't like. Have you noticed though that you hardly hear cussing on this site? I don't know it might just be the posts I've read, but every time I hear the "F" word it's like a slap in reality's face.
+post edited for golden rule violations+

How many other forum allow you to post nearly anything you want? Who bends, when a request is made? None that I know, but TMF! How many other forums would have a fetish section and a humor section? Not any that I care to tell you about! And people can cuss and people can whine! Let me tell you something drew, you would find other forums worse than the way you are describing the TMF. A lot worse! We have our opions, we have the freedom of speech, but when someone comes on here and says "America SUCKS!" Than what do you think is going to happen to that post? Bye-bye! And also whinning about F/M tickling stories. Whoopy doo! I've had plenty of F/F stories that never got the credit or credability they deserved! But did I hate the TMF for it? NO! I tried harder, and I earned the respect that I have on this site, cause I didn't whine when it got too hard. Lastly let me say something about the earnings system. You are talking about people coming on here and posting one liners. "Great pic man!" Well its better than nothing. I bet a lot of artists would just give up if they didn't get a little praise.
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You wanna know what I don't like?

I've been here all this time and not one, not ONE, person so far has offered me a free can or bottle of my favorite soft drink!

Where's all the damn promo items?
What I don't like about the TMF? The stupid, pointless posts. Basically, the "Humor" sub-forum.
Good Topic

This place used to actually BE a tickling forum. Then, a year after it's birth, it became a tickling forum that included off-topic content. Now, it is an off-topic forum that includes tickling. Don't believe me?
Since 11/2000 we have approximately 4,400 threads with 46,000 posts in the Tickling Discussion area. One year later the General section was born. The General section has over 5,200 threads with over 73,000 posts (some of which are mine). And the Tickling section had a 12 month head start.
This place used to be very special, but now it is severely diluted. This can't be blamed on the mods. They can't just kick people out for no reason. But there are people here, as has already been eluded to, that have over 3,000 posts in three months, and they've probably never even tickled anybody in their lives beyond a quick rib poke.
I'm not saying that someone who rarely gets the opportunity to tickle is a lesser human being. But what I am saying is that those who DO tickle, and those who DO make videos, and those who DO sit through celebrity chats, and those who DO participate in gatherings, and those who DO provide some type of tickling content, these are the people who planted the roots of this forum. These roots are now infested with weeds.
I'm sure that there are those who disagree with me. And they might say "then go do your own thing and leave "us" alone". I see alot of people who lump themselves into "us" that I've never even heard of before three months ago. I'm not looking to attack new members, I'm just stating my opinion.
When I see people like Tickling Duo and Venray express their disappointment in Yaqi's posts over the last year, I can respect that, because they've always been involved in tickling, and I can understand how they would be hurt by his words, even if my opinion on the subject differs from theirs. But then there is an avalanche of the "us" people who contribute nothing but fuel to the fire. "Did you hear what he said about us?" Get real people. Since when did "you" become "us"?
There is alot of good that the TMF has done, primarily bringing a much wider range of female members into the tickling community. I remember the old days when a tickling message board would have one female member to every 100 male members. The odds probably weren't even that good. Some girl would write one post, and a million guys would respond. Half the time the girl would end up being a guy who had nothing better to do but waste people's time. But the TMF certainly changed that and made the tickling community more unisex. It has also provided the opportunities for many tickling enthusiasts to meet, exchange info, trade videos, trade mainstream clips, and many other good things.
I hadn't logged on here for about a month, and when I finally logged back in I saw MTPJeff's post about Dodger spamming and causing problems. I have nothing personal against Dodger, but was it really shocking that he ended up being a bad egg? It's easy to criticize mods, but when they have the Dodgers and the other thorns to deal with, is it really surprising that would keep such a tight leash?
In the same measure, this place is no where near as special and unique as it used to be. There are people that are red feathers and blue feathers and purple feathers and plaid feathers, and they don't know the first thing about actual fetish tickling.
This used to be a place where the small percentage of people in the world who enjoyed an obscure fetish could gather. It really was very cool at one point. I'm not saying that it's gone down the drain or that it's dead, but it's certainly in a big decline, at least for my tastes.
In closing, wether the TMF lives or dies, I will always continue my practices of tickle torturing Playboy models, internet models, women in the dominatrix field, and whatever other lovlies I can get my hands on. And those who truly believe will always know where to find me.
Time for me to chime in...

I agree with the General Discussion area being a dilution of the forum. however, I can always decide to simply not go there, which makes it okay in my book. It has the merit of allowing people to get to know one another better aside from the fetish aspect.

Furthermore, I've always had a beef with the way obvious disturbances are handled. I'm in favor of being far more strict with the interpretations of the rules. If it were up to me, a lot of problem posters would have been banned already. Most infuriating is the crying of "CENSORSHIP" and "STALINISM" that pops up every once in a while. People seem to have no idea how lenient the administration of this forum is. For a privately payed-for, non-profit site, this is a paradise of free expression. Everyone who thinks that their rights of "free speech" (haw haw, like this is a public place where that would apply) are restricted should be thankful that people like Jeff and Myriads are in charge here and not people like me, because I'd kick them out of here so fast they wouldn't bump their heads on the door, they'd blow the frame to smithereens with a sonic boom.

Also, large signatures are the devil's toejam. But they, too, can be ignored.
To name names would be a definite GR violation, but for every bad person, theres at least 5 or 10 good ones.

Answering a previous post:
I am truly sorry that I only discovered this web site back in February, and that in your eyes, because I didn't get involved with a "Community" so many years ago, or ask my parents for a gorgeous set of burl walnut stocks for my seventeenth birthday, I'm not as avid a fetishist as you. I'm sorry that I have a job and have to work most the time allotted me on God's Green Earth, and haven't had time to buy filming and taping equipment, or to advertise for models, or to sit most of my days hoping to catch a one second tickle on the shopping networks, or even to find out how to load materials onto a server, and that because of that, I have the temerity and the audacity to lump myself in with you. In fact, I have the brazenness to ask THIS question: how much about fetish tickling do I have to know about, before I reach your rarefied level, huh? Do I start with a "Tickling For Dummies" book? Because I learned how to tie a square knot in the Navy, does that mean I have a chance to learn the one hundred and eighteen or more ways to restrain someone properly?
Do I get on my goddamn knees and worship the Great Fetish Spirit?
I'm sorry that my philosophy is basically one of inclusiveness. We are all human beings (well...I know, that's a stretch LOL), and human beings have multiple aspects, multiple interests. The GD board, while I access it rarely, is an asset in this regard. Posting on the humor threads is a way of letting off steam when you come home, and whether you like it or not, TMF IS a home. I'm sorry for that too.
I'm also sorry that you think some people have more of an inalienable right to voice their opinions than others, simply because they have more leisure time to devote than others. The people you mentioned are truly wonderful people, that I can vouch for, and I think (though I could be wrong, I don't know) they might feel differently than you.
I'm sorry that you feel it necessary to make other people in here feel so substantial, so consequential, and then hide behind the oft-quoted plaint: "I'm just stating my opinion."
Well, here's mine...if you don't like the way things have developed here, oh well. You could start your own site, and only invite people who contribute videos and talk on celebrity chats and brag about their new sapphire and garnet and diamond studded stocks. That should be fine for you. There are people here I'm definitely not crazy about, but to me they're just part of the scenery. If they all have something in common, I guess it's because they're not as avid fetishists as other are.
Hey, I'm sorry.
I visit this thread rarely. I don't like to read people's complaints about a free service that I personally love to use. I've just caught up on the past couple pages, and I have found a number of good comments. I laughed out loud at a few. And I thought to myself, "EXACTLY! I've gotta quote this one!" several times. :woot:
Instead, I think I'll just comment on one of the points most recently made:

bella said:
I don't like the fact that folks can whine about what's wrong here on other forums and NG's, then come back here... personally if I knew people were inhabiting a forum that I spent good money to provide while they bad-mouthed both it and me elsewhere, they'd be gone.
Bella makes an excellent point. Everyone should learn the lesson "don't bite the hand that feeds you" early in life. Much earlier than they learn to type on a keyboard. I am big on freedom of speech, but it's not like expulsion here would be taking away their right to rant. They can use it elsewhere. I have no use for these type of people, and I say, dump 'em!, Jeff. If you want to be magnanimous, let 'em back in when they appologize to you. :ranty:

Note to those to whom I was referring, those that have the IQ of a brick...
Don't worry about the meaning of the word magnanimous - learn the meaning of the word gratitude instead.
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Just one comment and then I'm gone. For people complaining about off topic posts or threads that are in the wrong place, isn't this thread that your posting in off topic? I'm not sure "What I don't like about the TMF" belongs in the tickling discussion section. So are you complaining about yourself? Ok time to run for my life.

Message for Knox

Knox the Hatter-- I'm assuming that you directed your post towards me. I have nothing personal against you, so let's be clear about that before I respond to your post. If you are truly a former member of the Navy, then I respect that, as I respect all members of the armed forces that provide the freedoms we enjoy.
Perhaps you should have read my thread more thoroughly before you splattered your toe-nail red writing all over the place.
I clearly said that not being a participant in fetish tickling wouldn't make anyone less of a human being.
I didn't say that the people who "DO" are better than you.
I said that the people who "DO" planted the roots of the TMF.
To address your questions: How much knowledge of fetish tickling do you need to have before you reach my rareified level? - Alot more than what you have now.
Should you get a "Tickling for Dummies" book?- I don't think such a book exists, but if it does, you are certainly qualified to read it.
I'm not aware of any fetish spirits, so you can stay off of your knees for now.
Your point about the General Discussion forum being a place you look forward to is exactly my point. This place just isn't a pure tickling forum anymore. Does that make you a bad person? No.
If my post made you feel substantial than perhaps you need a psychiatrist.
As far as your comment about liesure time, you certainly seem to have found the time for several postings in 4 months.
As far as you telling me to start my own site, you really are a rookie. You need to get up to speed with the info.
You said I should open a place where I only invite tickling participants. Guess what Knox? That's what this place used to be. I would come here to confir with the very pioneers who you seem to have some angst towards. Or perhaps your angst is just towards me. I hope you have no angst at all. I'm not looking to start a flame war. I'm simply responding to your post.
In closing, Knox, there is no need for you to be sorry. I was not hurt by your post, and quite frankly, it simply enforced my points even further. Thank You for the assistance.
This was said:

You said I should open a place where I only invite tickling participants. Guess what Knox? That's what this place used to be.

This misstatement needs to be corrected before it gets out of hand.

At no time has the TMF ever had a policy of limiting membership. It has always been open to any person who was interested in the fetish, and was willing to follow our rules. We have always welcomed all people, of all levels of experience, from decades worth to none, who are curious and wish to interact with others who share similar likes and curiosities. We see no one as better then any other, in any way, and all have equal right to speak here. Yes, those who have done more, speak with more experience, and thier perspectives may provide more insight. But that alone does not raise their opinions to a greater validity on being heard then anyone elses.

on top of what Myriads said...

Wallstreet, as much as I respect you, I really have to take issue with the tone you appear to be taking toward many of the users here. That being (and correct me if I'm wrong), that because you spend your time "tickling Internet lovelies", that somehow makes you more "qualified", "better", or what-have-you to be here than the people who just want to hang out and socialize.

...and that's not true.

All that means is that you have a lot more money to spend on your pursuits than the rest of us, not that you're "special" in some way. You know as well as I do that you wouldn't be getting even half as many of these women to sit through your photo sessions if you didn't have a lot of cash to burn. Your "vast tickling knowledge" has nothing to do with it. In fact, I'm pretty willing to bet that without you bankrolling these video projects of yours, you'd be "down among the masses" with the rest of us.

Not once have I ever even *insinuated* that because I'm putting together a highly complex piece of software for our community that it somehow gives me some kind of special knowledge or right to be here that guys like Knox (...or even drew) don't have. We all have things to offer this community, and because we're all different, we all contribute in our own special way. Last time I checked, nobody was appointed overseer of whose contributions were more legitimate than whose.
Anyone who can disagree with me intelligently, as Phineas has done, is free to post here.
I will ask that those who want to be more derogatory in their opinions to direct those feelings towards me in the form of a private message. I don't want to have this cool thread closed or removed due to flaming. Apparantly I've inadvertantly hijacked it enough already.
To cover Myriads' statement, I misworded what I said earlier. I did not mean to insinuate that the TMF used to pick it's members by tickling credibility. I meant that this was a place that only consisted of tickling content. Sorry if my words were misconstrued.
Phineas is correct that I have more money to burn than most. But I feel the need to be clear that I have never on one single occassion told a TMF member, or anyone else, that I am better than them because of earning a large income. I know that Phineas was not insinuating that. I just wanted to be clear with that so that all of the newcomers would not get the wrong idea. I began my life, as Phineas termed it "down among the masses". I was never handed money for free, and someone who has alot of "leisure time", as Knox worded it, would not be able to do the work that I do, and I'm not referring to tickling work.
And if memory serves me correctly, I've even contacted a few models to try and get them to work for Phineas for free on his game project. I am not on the ME plan. I have always tried to help the TMF members who have come to me in the past in need of favors. I have always shared the wealth. For the longest time my clips were featured on the internet free of charge. It wasn't until bandwidth limitations arose that memberships were charged.
My contributions here go beyond providing video clips, and those who know me don't need an explanation.
For the new members who have read my earlier post and have concluded that I'm an arrogant person who is opinionated, you are probably right. You can take me off of your X-mas card list. At least I don't live in denial.
I did not point one single person out by name until Knox addressed me first. This is just a discussion forum, and anyone who leaves here today hating me needs to seriously check their priorities in life. I get done what I have to get done in the real world before I log on here or indulge in any tickling activities. I hope you all do the same, newcomers and old alike.
The topic of this thread was "What you DON'T like..." and I think my post was on-topic. If Myriads hadn't thought so he would have removed it.
You people can do one of two things. Derive your own opinion from my post. Or you can go back in the forum to the old posts, from say 2000, and you can see the way the forum was compared to the way that it is now. That would give you a clearer spectrum of my point. Walk a mile in the mocassins before you judge.
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"To address your questions: How much knowledge of fetish tickling do you need to have before you reach my rareified level? - Alot more than what you have now."

I really don't know what you're talking about. I've been tickling people for forty years, of both genders, and have gotten laughter that truly blew the roof off the house. This statement pretty much says it all. I never considered myself a better tickler than anyone else, or a more finessed one. I will tell you what...I have the opportunity, right now, as I write, to go down into the basement, pin my better half down, and make her laugh so loud that the retired Chief of Police across the street will come over inquiring. If Wall Street is endowed with the same blessing, that's very nice. If not, oh well...
I never thought that this was a contest. Is it supposed to be?
No, there will be no flame war. I said my piece. It stands.
Knox-- I appreciate that you have not reduced this converstaion into a flame war.
In your first response to me you seemed to have worded things like you were a new comer. Now you talk of tickling for forty years. I never used the word contest, and I hope you enjoy tickling your better half. Good for you.
As far as the luck that I'm endowed with, I can count on one hand the TMF members who have better luck than I. Should I count them out loud?
Taking a closer look at Knox's original thread, I have come to see that he took my statement as "If you're not a long time member of the TMF than you don't belong here". That was NOT the purpose of my original post. I never insinuated that you had to be part of a tickling club to belong here. I don't feel the need to make my point again, as it would be a redundant. I covered it pretty well in my original post.
I re-iterate that those who go back to the old posts from yesteryear will see my point of how drastically the TMF has changed.
And Phineas, please remember: I would have only needed enough money to have hired model #1. I could have sold that video for $$$, and I would have then used that money to hire model #2. Do you think that TIB and Jeff were given a million dollar grant to start their companies? I would have tickled these women, millions or no millions. You will become what you think about most in life. It is true.
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