Good Topic
This place used to actually BE a tickling forum. Then, a year after it's birth, it became a tickling forum that included off-topic content. Now, it is an off-topic forum that includes tickling. Don't believe me?
Since 11/2000 we have approximately 4,400 threads with 46,000 posts in the Tickling Discussion area. One year later the General section was born. The General section has over 5,200 threads with over 73,000 posts (some of which are mine). And the Tickling section had a 12 month head start.
This place used to be very special, but now it is severely diluted. This can't be blamed on the mods. They can't just kick people out for no reason. But there are people here, as has already been eluded to, that have over 3,000 posts in three months, and they've probably never even tickled anybody in their lives beyond a quick rib poke.
I'm not saying that someone who rarely gets the opportunity to tickle is a lesser human being. But what I am saying is that those who DO tickle, and those who DO make videos, and those who DO sit through celebrity chats, and those who DO participate in gatherings, and those who DO provide some type of tickling content, these are the people who planted the roots of this forum. These roots are now infested with weeds.
I'm sure that there are those who disagree with me. And they might say "then go do your own thing and leave "us" alone". I see alot of people who lump themselves into "us" that I've never even heard of before three months ago. I'm not looking to attack new members, I'm just stating my opinion.
When I see people like Tickling Duo and Venray express their disappointment in Yaqi's posts over the last year, I can respect that, because they've always been involved in tickling, and I can understand how they would be hurt by his words, even if my opinion on the subject differs from theirs. But then there is an avalanche of the "us" people who contribute nothing but fuel to the fire. "Did you hear what he said about us?" Get real people. Since when did "you" become "us"?
There is alot of good that the TMF has done, primarily bringing a much wider range of female members into the tickling community. I remember the old days when a tickling message board would have one female member to every 100 male members. The odds probably weren't even that good. Some girl would write one post, and a million guys would respond. Half the time the girl would end up being a guy who had nothing better to do but waste people's time. But the TMF certainly changed that and made the tickling community more unisex. It has also provided the opportunities for many tickling enthusiasts to meet, exchange info, trade videos, trade mainstream clips, and many other good things.
I hadn't logged on here for about a month, and when I finally logged back in I saw MTPJeff's post about Dodger spamming and causing problems. I have nothing personal against Dodger, but was it really shocking that he ended up being a bad egg? It's easy to criticize mods, but when they have the Dodgers and the other thorns to deal with, is it really surprising that would keep such a tight leash?
In the same measure, this place is no where near as special and unique as it used to be. There are people that are red feathers and blue feathers and purple feathers and plaid feathers, and they don't know the first thing about actual fetish tickling.
This used to be a place where the small percentage of people in the world who enjoyed an obscure fetish could gather. It really was very cool at one point. I'm not saying that it's gone down the drain or that it's dead, but it's certainly in a big decline, at least for my tastes.
In closing, wether the TMF lives or dies, I will always continue my practices of tickle torturing Playboy models, internet models, women in the dominatrix field, and whatever other lovlies I can get my hands on. And those who truly believe will always know where to find me.