Knox the Hatter-- There's no need for you to carry anger. There is nothing in your latest post that you didn't already state in your earlier post. You should direct future snide remarks to me in the form of a private message.
My filming of models is used for video clips that are featured on a web site. The early stages of that website ran these clips for free. There were a great many members of this forum that e-mailed me their thanks for the providing of this free material. I don't know if you've ever noticed, but free stuff is very popular around here. You have made it clear that you don't particularly have an interest in tickling models or seeing models getting tickled. Good for you. In my three years at the TMF you are the only person who has taken a directly angry stance towards my tickling of models.
You spoke of your "brain functionings". Your "brain functionings" is probably the place where the majority of the tickling in your life takes place. I wouldn't expect you to understand the thinking of someone who is a tickling fanatic. And the TMF is the last place that I ever thought I'd have to defend myself for being a tickle fanatic.
My video clips are my contribution here, just as many other members contribute to the TMF with drawings, photos, stories, gatherings, general knowledge, and several other things.
My original reasoning for hiring Playboy models to tickle is well known to visitors of the "Celebrities" section. I feel no need to re-hash history, as it is already recorded in the old threads for all to access. The fact that Marauder had to point out to you the "sort by thread title" feature further proves that you have a habit of speaking before learning.
As far as people who want to make remarks about money providing opportunities, you stand corrected. Being an American citizen is all the opportunity that anyone needs to do anything they want with their life. If I have more money than others, it is because I applied myself more in life. There are other aspects to life besides tickling, and I just happen to be good at those aspects.
Phineas-- We have always had polite communications, even when we disagree, and I'd like to continue that trend. With that in mind, I never used the term "Tickle God", and I never told anyone to go away. Just as I have never been appointed as a tickle god, I don't recall you ever being appointed the defender of the downtrodden.
There are many Non-Contributors who took NO offense with my post, and this is because they understood it. I wasn't attacking non-contributors, I was attacking non-contributors who come here with an attitude and do nothing but bitch. If I wasn't clear on that before, I hope I'm clear on it now.
Dave2112-- You had one of the best points, that being that people can contribute to the TMF with whatever they've got.
BigJim-- I have expressed my dislike for people who do nothing but come here and bitch. A great many of these bitchers seem to direct their anger towards you. I don't know why they do this, as the bulk of your threads seem to contain a great deal of tickling content.
Knox the Hatter-- If you choose not to like me, then that is your business. If it is beyond your thinking why I would tickle models and post clips on the web, then I really don't know what to say. There are many members of the TMF who have e-mailed me and told me that they live vicariously through my adventures because their own lifestyle doesn't permit them to do the things that I do. I take great pride in this. If my tickling of a beautiful model can bring happiness into a TMF member's life, than I am glad. The feeling I get when I read these people's e-mails is a feeling that you, Knox, unfortunately will never know. I'm sure you'll come back and speak about something else in your life that you have that is more important than tickling, but guess what Knox, I have these things as well. The reason I emphasise my tickling activities here is because it's the TICKLING Media Forum. I figured it was the proper place to do so.