Hi Wallstreet,
I agree with much of what you've said here, but I'd like to comment on a few things:
This place used to actually BE a tickling forum. Then, a year after it's birth, it became a tickling forum that included off-topic content. Now, it is an off-topic forum that includes tickling.
I question this. I believe it's *still* a tickling forum that includes off-topic content, and that content is part of what keeps many of us coming back. The fact that the General Discussion area has more posts is because there's a LOT to discuss in the world besides actual tickling. even amongst ticklers. Seriously, maybe you can read about Salma Hayek's big toe over and over and over, but many of us occasionally want to talk with other tickling folk about life in general. If I like what BigJim has to say about bondage, maybe we'll share an opinion on democrats or the best soup. That just makes us well-rounded individuals. If I'm talking with another tickler it's still pure, in my mind. Frankly, I gave up on vanilla friends years ago, but I still need to share and discuss my questions and views on the world with others. I'd much rather do that with a fellow tickle-phile than a vanilla person, and conveniently I have the GD area for such. If I'm asking Ayla NY how to break my child's fever or which plants grow best in shade I'm still conversing with a tickling person, which is why I'm here.
This place used to be very special, but now it is severely diluted...I see alot of people who lump themselves into "us" that I've never even heard of before three months ago.
Personally, I'd only feel it was diluted if we were overrun by people who actively dislike tickling. I always thought that all you had to do to be one of 'us' was be a fellow ticklephile. How long should a person wait before considering themselves a member of this community, with the right to voice opinions and give support against nay-sayers and negativity?
this place is no where near as special and unique as it used to be. There are people that are red feathers and blue feathers and purple feathers and plaid feathers, and they don't know the first thing about actual fetish tickling.
I don't understand why the feather levels annoy so many folks. It's just a cute aspect of the forum, like smilies. (I actually dread reaching feathers, they'll reveal how much time I spend in front of this infernal machine
🙄 😛 ) To be blunt, there are several people with only a handful of posts that tend to be mean-spirited and cruel, and fly just under the Golden Rules; I believe *that* brings down and dilutes this community more than anything. I'd always rather view a pleasant red-feather comment with a postive light over an infrequent poster who's main contributions consist of being hateful and insensitive.
What still makes this place special? I don't know of a single other place online where one can be this comfortable as a ticklephile. Where chances are you'll find exactly what you love about tickling via one medium or another, and others who like what you like and are happy to 'meet' you. I truly think that this is what most (not all but most) tickling people want: an actual *community* where you can discuss underarms or the best SOA vids or swap gravy recipes, and do it with **other ticklers**, without being yelled at or cursed. That, to me, is pretty damn unique.
Just my thoughts, YMMV,