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Tickling in Space (F/F + F/M Nudity)

Bandito, if I had the money, I'd buy it right now. I LOVE IT!!!!! "Please Tickle Me!" very great. sounds like what I would say if I was in that position.
Aliens with shirt vaporizers are my kind of aliens. XD And agreed with the LBH am I; Thompson looks to be a decidely amusing character. A boxier and, perhaps, less perverse 790, maybe. *Thumbs up*
Awesomeness! The whole style has a kind of retro feel to it (which I quite like!) -not just because of the vaporizer ray gun and the boxy robot (what a fun sidekick he is!), but the way the panels are laid out and the characters are placed in them. Very nice!
Great work! I'm already looking forward to the next pages. 🙂
Your female characters are certainly pleasingly voluptuous! And I like the way you use 1950s-60s sci-fi cartoon imagery - the space ship, the robot, that kind of thing (Colonel Bleep lives!!!).

Nice comic, very nice. I'm looking forward to future installments too!
Nothing to be ashamed of here, my friend. Yes, we can see it's early in your art career, but definitely gives us a look at what your skill looked like in it's unrefined states.

Go for it, post the rest...there will be no objections here!
LBH: *hugs the man* Thanks buddy! Yeah, I tried to infuse TiS with a certain retro-buck-rogers-flash-gordon-forbidden-planet look. Thompson ends up being one of my favorite characters, and I use her all the way to the end. She does end up with a dramatically different "chassy" early in the comic. But I'm glad you like the goofy version here. And yeah - TIS was my breast obsessed comic (yes, even more than the Bounce Chix ;P ). There are more breasts than you can shake a feather at (believe me... I've tried). In retrospect I wish the gals were a bit more petite, but I figured at the time that the bigger they were, the more fun to tickle. Thanks again - you rule the school.

Boone: Thanks brotha. Ticklefur is largely responsible for the consentual feel to the comic. My version was still a bit more coy. I truly hope you continue to enjoy the project.

Tickler Dae: Yup. This is the oldest artwork you will ever see from Bandito. Unless my younger brother stole some of my early teen work and returns it at a later date, but I truly doubt it ;P I feel like I made a lot of progress throughout TIS. I hope you'll agree when its all posted!

Bloodwolf: Great news for ya buddy! The comic is FREEEEEEEEEE, and I'll be posting it all right here. The ":Tickle Me" line was actually changed by Ticklefur. My originally reads "NOOOOOOOO". So I'll high five him for ya! Please continue to comment.

HDS: Thanks my friend. Yeah, and alien without a disentegrator is... well.... not a very hip alien! I tried to throw a lot of goofy imagery into TIS. And Ticklefur definitely adds an alien quality to a lot of the babes with his color work. I hope you continue to like it ^^;

Scav: Thanks buddy!!! I wish I could take credit for the lay out, but it was not a conscious decision. It was more just the product of blindly doodling every other night. But I'm so glad you like it so far. I truly hope you continue to. Thanks very very much for commenting, and all the support.

Kopfhorer: "colonel bleep" lmao. Thanks man! I'm so glad you dig it. I hope you continue to like TIS as it progresses!!!!

Hawk: Thanks amigo! I appreciate that. Trust me.... there are other pages I am a little shy about as well. But more for their unrestrained dialog and brazen lust. I usually try to be a bit more demure. Not in TIS, though. Hope you keep diggin it.

Thanks again for all of the wonderful support. You are making me want to post all the pages now, but I m.... must... FIGHT! Can not give in the th... the ..... su..pport!!!!!

Page 2 will be up soon.


PS - I hope the big red font over each post helps. I will continue that on each actual pic post so people can find them all as this thread continues to grow 😉
very nice bandito...but do you ahve to be so torturous with it? can't you post it all in blacck and white and then do the color hlaf voer hten next year?

ah just a thouhgt. in any case, it looks great as always.
meangry: Thanks dude. I aim to please, but sometimes I miss 😉

darkwolf: Thanks man. And yes. Yes I have to be a complete bastard about it, lol. I could post TIS all at once, except that it's not all done, and also, I feel like the fun of TIS is in the evolving story, and ridiculous tickle relationships, betrayals, and general shennanigans that ensue. So I'm gonna try to space out the posts a bit ("space them out" get it? WAAA HAAAA HAAAA). Bear with me amigo, the Tickling in Space girls are worth it (I hope).

Thanks again to all of ya. I'll post the second page tonight (unless a saguaro falls on my car). Page 2 is when Bonita's tickling really gets going 😉

....oh ....yeah that's reeeeeeeeeeeeal mature.....let me know your gonna do it....then just sit around and make bad jokes that keep me pulling my hair out while i'm on the edge fo my seat quickly qearing a hole in my screen from clicking on the refresh button......................

.................I hope karen sinks her fingernails into whatever is your most sensative place for doing that.
....oh ....yeah that's reeeeeeeeeeeeal mature.....let me know your gonna do it....then just sit around and make bad jokes that keep me pulling my hair out while i'm on the edge fo my seat quickly qearing a hole in my screen from clicking on the refresh button......................

.................I hope karen sinks her fingernails into whatever is your most sensative place for doing that.

Learn to love it ^^

Just kidding. I know it is tough having to wait for the updates. I just hope that its cool. That is the way I wanted to post TIS and I hope it doesn't honestly bother folks.


Page Two

When last we left them... Bonita was left in the tantilizing clutches of the nefarious Mistress Koki!!!!!!! Will she survive? Will she laugh??? Will there be boobs? Find the answers below ;P

Here is page two of Tickling in Space. I hope you like it, and don't throw rocks at me :angry: 😉 :redface: :super_hap :ayyy:

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!??? IS Bonita's backside delightfully ticklish??? Can Thompson get any weirder??? Will she survive her anal probe (just kidding just kidding)?????? Or will the universe face.... bum bum buuuuum.... CERTAIN DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!



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Nice...can I order a Thompson? He could come in real handy at times...heheheheh
another good page bandito. so are wendsdayts the official upload the next page days?
Koki's seems to have struck gold (or whatever ore passes for precious on her planet) with the shanghaied Bonita! Each dissolved fabric layer reveals a fresh level of sensitivity! Very neat, the way nerve contact is emphasized through that jangly sparking at the feather's tip! Likewise, the way the plume snakes its way through her bra strap to attack the underarm... clothing can provide such interesting obstacles! Not that our heroine has much more protection left: panties with a "love me" invitation stitched into the cloth! Bet she regrets wearing that particular pair!
"Preparing to delete pants" is too much. =P "Yummy yummy, naked tummy" has something of a Shakespearean bent to it as well. The Weird sisters, anyone? 😛 Koki's right on about that bra; the trademark Bandito guzungas barely stay in it as it. And a second to the LBH's note on the little sparkle of sensitivity stimulation at the feather tips; a very nice touch! Developing well, this series is. :happy:
THANK YOU!...the long waits inbetween make each new page all the better. I think your using this strategy on purpose......>.>
Marvelous! I didn't realize another new page had already been posted, I'll make sure to check out this thread more often.
As always I can hardly wait to see what comes next. Thanks for posting! 🙂
Hawk: LOL. You should see Thompson in a few more pages. It gets better and better. You'll REEEEEAAAAALLLY want to order one then 😉

darkwolf: Thanks man. I'm not sure about the official upload days. I'm starting to think one page a week is too long to wait. I might start doing every 5 days or so 😉

LBH: XD Thanks my friend. TIS definitely has more emphasis on "illustration" of the tickly sensations themselves. I have abandoned such devices in my lateer work, but - still kinda fun to see it here. And Bonita.... yeah - she's definitely a tickle hottie. The first of maaaaaany. And the heart shaped undies... she'sdefinitely inviting some wicked tickling with those on. 🙂

HDS: LMAO. Thanks man. That particular text was pretty fun to write 😉 And yeah... best to prepare you now.... thee boobs get bigger and bigger in this comic. I think I should see a psychologist or something, lol. I really appreciate the kind words. And did you say "guzungas"? *high fives HDS*

rajee: Thanks Rajee. I'm not sure if you only say the cover, or if you noticed that there are two other pages posted as well. And there are a lot more on the way. Hopefully it becomes more obvious when this silly thread keeps getting bumped.

Tickler Dae: Sweet. I'm glad the anticipation makes the meal that much yummier. And of course, I'm doing it on purpose. I love these gals. They deserve your full undivided attention, and the best way to get it is for them to tease a bit 😛

Scav: Thanks my friend. I think I may start posting them more often, but am not quite sure yet. I really aappreciate your feedback on this series.

Thanks again everyone. What do you all think..... is once a week working out, or should I post like every 4-5 days instead? Lemme know, and thanks for all your support.



'Dit, my most heartfelt and sincere apologies for missing two whole episodes, life has been insane!!

But :drool:!!!!!!!! Having a stockpile to come back to was awesome anyway!! Those 'gazungas' are enough to make even a totally straight, engaged woman stare....:drool:

I'm doing way too much drooling for a woman looking at a f/f piece😀 But I do indeed look forward to the next one.

Oh, and I would sink my fingers into you, but I've seen what you do to women...>_>XD

Reheally sweet work, my friend! 😀 😀 😀 I love the setting and the straight to the point tickling. Hee hee hee. What a wonderful fate - to be bound have your ickle teeekily bits ravaged deliciously by a skilled and hungry lee. 😉 😉 I really look forward to the next piece. 😀 😀 😀
K: ROFLLMAO. ^^; That made me actually laugh outloud. This thread is single handedly bringing back the term guzungas (not that it was ever that popular, lol). No worries at all for bein' busy. I just truly appreciate your comments, no matter when they appear. I hope to continue to make you stare as the series progresses. The guzungas get even bigger (much to my embarassment), the outfits get smaller, and the brazen lust becomes more evident. And lastly, you may feel free to sink away.... I promise not to defend myself against the tickles of K. But if you ever want to hurt me, your absence from my threads is the most painful punishment of all. Snif... snif. LOL ^^;

Feathers: ^^ Thanks my friend! Awesome description!!!! I love it. Just wait till the next page.... which I will post on Tuesday. The tickling gets even more delicious ;P Thanks again, very much.


It's going to be a wonderfull comic...keep drawning!
Thank you!
K: ROFLLMAO. ^^; That made me actually laugh outloud. This thread is single handedly bringing back the term guzungas (not that it was ever that popular, lol). No worries at all for bein' busy. I just truly appreciate your comments, no matter when they appear. I hope to continue to make you stare as the series progresses. The guzungas get even bigger (much to my embarassment), the outfits get smaller, and the brazen lust becomes more evident. And lastly, you may feel free to sink away.... I promise not to defend myself against the tickles of K. But if you ever want to hurt me, your absence from my threads is the most painful punishment of all. Snif... snif. LOL ^^;


OK, now it's me who's LOLLing. And I'm in the school computer lab, so that's not necessarily a good thing :wooha:😀
All I can say buddy, is do. not. temp. teh. K.😉

And oh come on, embarrassed about liking boobs? XD You're a guy. That's a GOOD thing. 😛

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