Then teach me.
Fine. Let me break it down.
Someone who says this, regarding other people's boundaries and right not to have you infringing on them, simply because you wanna:
Jesus Christ said:I'm really just saying that I couldn't possibly care less. LOL.
Should not be surprised when they "have to deal" with this:
Jesus Christ said:I already live in an area where women and men are so bogged down with this whole sexual politics disaster that they're turning their mental processes into weapons of social destruction, it's difficult to talk to women where I am without them being guarded even if you've known them for years. Even if you're a doctor, a teacher, anything. Being a male in my area can be really...tiring, which can explain the rates of male to female sex change operations but, that's neither here nor there at this time.
In general, a man saying even hello to a woman or any female will get you a weird look like, "Why are you greeting me?" So, there's that.
I can't make it any clearer.