-> DEV.
I was just waiting for you to show up. Cassandra copied your sheet over the characters' thread, so you are ready to go.
Since most characters are in Bisanthium, or its whereabouts, you could start there as well.
I'll be posting your starting action soon.
-> Darth Vegeta.
You can play any role that would conceivably fit in a "later empire" campaign.
Praetorians as such don't exist: reason is, Caius Marius never existed, and nobody revolutioned army structure.
Thanks to Aygosian technology and "sophia", Morean army started out with fairly advanced tactics and equipment.
BUT, praetorians being - also - imperial bodyguards, you could begin as the tharagyan equivalent: a protector in a nobleman's following.
Keep in mind this is *later* empire, and game is set in the eastern half, so western stereotypes don't exist or apply.
Imperial throne is vacant in East Morea.
See here why ->
The last legittimate emperor, a baby, got killed. Suspicions fell upon House Galthari. The three factions leaders - Rothas, Karvos and Lorwys - have been fighting ever since.
You could begin as an imperial officer, in Bisanthium.
You'd be a Magister Vigilum, a guardsmen's sergeant or a captain.
You could begin as a military officer, in Bisanthium [or optionally, in Kaphraktos].
You'd be a Magister Militum, or a lower Ranking Magister Kentium - effectively a Centurion.
Or, you could begin as a private bodyguard; differently from the rest of the Empire, Tharagya still has a feudal like structure. Kataphractoi knights still serve gentry and countryside households.
Gladiators do exist, but Ludi are progressively losing fans: horseracing is the current craze, especially in West Morea.
Gladiator schools are currently operative in Asperum - the chief Tharagyan slavemarket - and Kaphraktos.
The first is private-run, while the second is an imperial facility, and gladiator Ludi actually help testing recruits and sorting them into different Legions.
Judicial fight is almost unheard of; only Kathes resort to ordaly as a mean of dispensing justice.
Fighting in imperial arenas is either a sentence to death, or a very elaborate sport, with strict rules.
Finally, a barbarian is just anybody who lives outside the Empire.
Althwyran elves are, under their own fashion, barbarians. So are goblinoids from the steppes.
Kathes - dwarves - do work for the empire as mercenaries, that is, auxiliary troops.
They work as a kind of police [some say, an occupation force] to keep Dark Elves in check.
A barbarian might end up a slave very soon. A particularly capable slave might win his/her/its freedom back. Ludi are a risky, yet rewarding way. Especially gifted Ludi fighters could earn a fortune, and even end up as high ranking officers.
It should be noted that Morean Empire is strikingly NON-xenophobic.
Races are rarely recognized as such. Attire and accent, and of course apparent wealth are much more.
A rich Orcish Khan would be treated as a honoured guest, while a slave, of any race, would still be treaterd as property [albeit prized one].
It should also be said that slavery is usually a temporary condition: capable slaves can and will buy off their "bargeld", a kathic word for "ransom".
While liberti can't usually become masters or magistrates themselves, their children are pleno iure imperial citizens.
I hope I replied to your questions exhaustively.