Yeah it feels like a serious bug~ there's an NPC by the fairy that exists to clear a bug in case Venus doesn't spawn after the Dryad fight. I thought it crazy to try again, but defeating her does nothing. I've far outleveled her at this point since I don't run from fights. Getting through the tower should be easy, but it's not letting me. I suppose I'll try the Captain one last time before I chalk it up to a possibly bugged save file. :<
Edit: No, Captain just says I'm "Not strong enough~" ... I've done everything and am Level 5. I don't know what it wants me to do. 🙁
Attached quest log screenshots~ maybe they'll give someone a clue as to what's wrong. Thanks. <3
I've never encountered this bug with Venus - nor have I seen an NPC that spawns Venus if she isn't there...Are you using the current, up-to-date version? Also, was your character made within the last couple of updates? If not, particularly one made before Deus introduced the Twins Tome and the Honey Bee quests that were with it, you will be at a severe disadvantage and probably bugged.
As for the Captain part, you won't be able to complete it for a while, if at all currently. To check the status of any quest, highlight the quest and hit Z. This will bring up status details and show you what still needs to be done and what has been completed.
Also, word of advice as has been said throughout the thread - it's best to not go at this like a regular RPG. The more you level, the more difficult/impossible the game will become. So grinding out the levels can actually screw you over
😱 get used to running away, particularly with Giggle Goblins and slugs as GG's can make a huge dent in your gold and slugs...well slugs really are meant to be ran from.
i cant beat the soft slime its unaffected by any of my attacks help plz
The soft slime (that's the blue one, right?) is going to be hard if you don't have the most up-to-date equipment, particularly the dirty paintbrush. Also, max Incredible Stamina since it's a must on every character. Hopefully you also didn't out level it, and you came with a surplus of juices to heal with. The next few fights are going to be tough for you so be prepared!